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From Teghut to Mashtots Park: Armenian Youth Discuss New Wave of Act

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  • From Teghut to Mashtots Park: Armenian Youth Discuss New Wave of Act

    >From Teghut to Mashtots Park: Armenian Youth Discuss New Wave of
    Activism in Armenia

    Activist Yeghia Nersesian makes presentation

    LOS ANGELES - A leading figure in Armenia's environmental movement was
    in Los Angeles on December 6th, 2012 speaking at a town hall event
    about the looming ecological disaster facing Armenia and the rise of a
    new generation of activists, committed to protecting and preserving
    their homeland.

    The event, organized by the Armenian Youth Federation, ARF `Shant'
    Student Associatio), and the All-Armenian Student Association
    (All-ASA) featured a discussion led by prominent activist Yeghia
    Nersesian of the Save Teghut Movement.

    `The government's support of the Teghut mining project is not only
    destroying Armenian lives and villages, but also, by annihilating the
    beautiful ecosystem, the leadership is working against their own goals
    of increasing tourism,' explained Nersesian. `Through our
    demonstrations and protests, we are not trying to create a revolution
    in the country, but instead hope to spark a revolution within
    ourselves, as a people and society.'

    Nersesian illustrated the consequences of the Teghut mining initiative
    and emphasized its negative impact on the country's ecology and health
    of the population in the region. By highlighting the `Save Teghut'
    movement along with efforts to save Mashtots Park, Nersesian drew a
    connection between the rise of environmental activism among youth in
    the country and its connection to increased activism and a larger
    movement for democracy in Armenia.

    `We believe it is our responsibility to raise awareness in our
    community, about the ecological disaster unfolding in Armenia, and
    more importantly, about the young men and women risking everything to
    try and save our homeland from an irreversible environmental
    meltdown,' said AYF Chairperson, Avedis Shanlian. `It is imperative
    that we support and join these activists as they continue to struggle
    for a better, more democratic Armenia.'

    `Save Teghut' is an environmental movement that demands an immediate
    stop to all mining operations by the Valex group at Teghut Forest.
    Though much of the forests many thousands of acres have already been
    destroyed, open-pit mining on the mountain has not yet begun. If Valex
    is allowed to exploit the mine, the process will destroy the
    surrounding eco-system and displace numerous villages in Armenia.

    Following Nersesian's presentation, the audience led a discussion
    highlighting the positive progression of Armenian civil society, while
    condemning the Armenian government's lack of accountability to its
    people and its broken commitment to upholding democratic principles.

    `The fact that we are sitting here today and critically evaluating our
    government and the state of country, proves that the 21st century can
    give us the tools to make change in a different way; by recognizing
    the power of social media and the power of the masses,' explained
    Nersesian. `As citizens, we are responsible for protecting the
    well-being of our homeland and we cannot wait for others to defend us
    and our country in times of injustice.'

    Nersesian concluded the event by emphasizing the importance of
    activism in the face of injustice, whether it is in Armenia or in the

    Founded in 1933, the Armenian Youth Federation is the largest and most
    influential Armenian American youth organization in the United States,
    working to advance the social, political, educational and cultural
    awareness of Armenian-American youth.
