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Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia will use all means to protect the people of

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia will use all means to protect the people of

    Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia will use all means to protect the people of
    Nagonro Karabakh
    19:21 21.12.2012

    In an interview with Russia 24 TV Channel Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan spoke about the socio-economic problems Armenia faces, the
    perspectives of economic development, the settlement of the Nagorno
    Karabakh issue, and in some way summed up the results of the five
    years of his presidency.

    Armenia on the peak of electoral processes

    According to Serzh Sargsyan, parliamentary elections were the most
    important event in the passing year.

    The President reminded that Armenia was on the peak of electoral
    processes in the past year. `In May we held parliamentary elections,
    local self-government elections were held in September, presidential
    elections are expected in two months.'

    Speaking about the 2012 parliamentary elections, President Sargsyan
    noted: `I'm glad that the parliamentary elections were well-conducted.
    I was heading the proportional list of the Republican Party. The
    elections were held in a competitive atmosphere,' the President said.

    Serzh Sargsyan underlined that `the international community has
    positively assessed the Armenian parliamentary elections.

    Open society created in Armenia

    The Armenian President said he has good chances to win the trust of
    the people and be elected for the second term. Underlining that the
    country faces a number of problems, Serzh Sargsyan said `an open
    society has been created in Armenia.'

    `People are free to criticize the authorities, there is a competitive
    struggle, the mass media are free,' the President said.

    The business environement has improved

    `Of course we have many problems as regards socio-economic
    development. We suffered from the global financial-economic crisis, we
    had a 14% decline, but we have managed to recover over time. Last year
    we reported a 4% of GDP growth and hope to reach 7% this year,' Serzh
    Sargsyan said.

    The President said the business environemtn in the country has
    improved, and this is proved by Central Bank indices.

    Speaking about the Turkish blockade, Serzh Sargsyan said Armenian
    exporters are in a disadvantageous position, and Armenia develops
    those branches of economy, which are competitive and are not hampered
    by the transport component.

    The President noted that the Information Technologies are rapidly
    developing in Armenia. `The production in the field has grown thrice
    in the past five years and about 10 thousand people are employed in
    the sphere,' President Sargsyan said.

    Karabakh has no future under Azerbaijani jurisdiction

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan spoke about the Karabakh issue in an
    interview with Russia 24 TV Channel. Serzh Sargsyan underlined that
    last year's events once again confirmed what the people of Nagorno
    Karabakh had been speaking about in the course of 70 years - they have
    no future under Azerbaijani jurisdiction.

    `When those people hear the Azerbaijani leadership saying every day
    that Armenians are their enemy, that Yerevan, which will soon
    celebrate its 2800th anniversary, is an Azerbaijani land, when a
    murderer is being glorified and reimbursed for the years spent in the
    Hungarian court, they will not even want to listen about or have
    anything to do with Azerbaijan,' Serzh Sargsyan said.

    President Sargsyan reminded that Armenia is the guarantor of security
    of the people of Nagorno Karabakh, and if Azerbaijan applies to force,
    Armenia will use all possible means to protect the people of Artsakh.

    Asked whether Armenia will rely upon its CSTO partners, President
    Sargsyan said: `Of course, it would be strange not to rely upon their
    assistance, otherwise why would we remain in that alliance? Countries
    have joined that organization to help each other in case of

    At the same time, the President voiced hope that the peace process
    would continue and some solution would be found.
