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ANKARA: Iran and Missiles

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  • ANKARA: Iran and Missiles

    Star website, Turkey
    Dec 20 2012

    Iran and Missiles

    Commentary by Sedat Laciner

    [Translated from Turkish]

    In Syria Al-Asad is acting like anyone stuck in a corner would -using
    whatever he has to hand out of fear for his life. And what exactly
    does he have to hand but missiles that can easily reach Turkey plus
    chemical warheads for these missiles to carry. Worse, there are regime
    actors other than Al-Asad who can also use these missiles and chemical
    weapons. Indeed, news has been filtering in recently of missiles being
    taken out of their depots and being made ready. In fact, there are
    reports that Scuds have already been used in the north of Syria.

    Given the uncertain and risk-filled environment, Turkey could not be
    expected not to take measures. Even if the risk is just 1 per cent any
    serious state has to take precautions. Besides, the possibility that
    Syria might use chemical weapons and missiles is too high to be taken

    The most significant measure taken by Turkey against any possible
    attack was to ask NATO to deploy Patriot missiles for defence.
    Patriots are already deployed in Jordan, Greece, Israel, Saudi Arabia
    and the UAE. In our region Russia has developed the S-300 [SA-10 or
    SA-N-6 Grumble] series of missiles, which do the same job, for its own
    defence. Among those regional states that own S-300s are Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Syria, Ukraine and Croatia. Furthermore,
    Iran is also working hard to obtain these missiles from Russia. In
    short, only Turkey does not have an anti-missile defence system.

    In short, given this picture, it is a perfectly natural development
    for Turkey to try and obtain an anti-missile system, even if it is
    just on loan from NATO. However, both Iran and Russia have objected
    strongly to this. Russia's objection seems to have mellowed following
    Putin's visit. However, Iran's objections are continuing and growing.

    Iran's Reaction

    First of all Iran's Defence Minister Ahmed Vahidi said they were
    against Patriot being deployed to Turkey. Afterwards, Iran's Chief of
    the General Staff Gen Hasan Firuzabadi really upped the dosage of
    criticism saying that deployment of Patriot to Turkey might spark a
    world war. Meaning, even if Iran does not possess even one offensive
    missile, even if Iran were not one of the active sides in the civil
    war in Syria, you are still going to take Firuzabadi's words
    seriously. But this is not the case. Iran is the country in the Middle
    East that is making the largest investments in missile systems.

    Ankara is used to this kind of criticism now. Iran is not happy with
    Turkey's foreign policy. They do not use their Foreign Ministry to
    express this displeasure though because neither are they inclined to
    sever relations with Turkey completely. That is why some people stand
    up and slam Turkey from time to time as if voicing their personal
    opinion. But this method has now reached unacceptable proportions.
    Indeed, after Iran's Chief of the General Staff's comments Prime
    Minister Erdogan felt compelled to say: "This Chief of the General
    Staff stands up and makes these kinds of statements from time to time
    as you all know. When we ask the people in charge about this they say,
    'It is his personal opinion.' What do you mean, his own personal
    opinion? There is a way of doing things and it is not right for me as
    prime minister to be addressed in this manner!"

    In other words Turkey is telling Iran: "We are onto your game. Instead
    of all this innuendo and beating about the bush, chose a more direct
    form of communication." But it not at all easy for Iran to do this.
    There are two basic reasons why: First off, there is not one Iran but
    several. Ahmadinezhad and Iran's Foreign Ministry are more temperate
    concerning Turkey. However, the structure we can call Iran's "deep
    state" takes a more ideological and sectarian look at matters. This in
    turn takes the differences in opinion between both states to a
    dangerous level. Another reason is that despite Iran's opinion to the
    contrary the country is actually growing more and more dependent on T
    urkey as sanctions grow in number.

    Perhaps the most important risk for the future of the region is growth
    in the differences between Turkey and Iran and these differences
    taking on different dimensions. Such a polarization could have fatal
    consequences for both countries and the region.
