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Chastising U.S., Putin defends Syria stance

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  • Chastising U.S., Putin defends Syria stance

    The International Herald Tribune, France
    December 22, 2012 Saturday

    Chastising U.S., Putin defends Syria stance

    Russian leader argues against military role by using Libya as example


    The Russian leader reiterated his opposition to military intervention
    in Syria and suggested that the U.S. role in toppling Col. Muammar
    el-Qaddafi ultimately led to the Benghazi catastrophe.

    President Vladimir V. Putin has strongly defended Russia's implacable
    opposition to military intervention in Syria and sharply chastised the
    United States for its role in toppling Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of
    Libya, describing that outcome as a mistake that created chaos and
    ultimately led to the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens in

    However, speaking at his annual end-of-year news conference, Mr. Putin
    made clear Thursday that Russia, a longtime ally of Syria, was now
    mainly concerned about averting ''never-ending civil war,'' not
    preserving the rule of President Bashar al-Assad.''We are not
    concerned with the fate of Assad's regime,'' Mr. Putin said. ''Of
    course, changes are being demanded, but it's something else that
    concerns - what will happen next?''

    In recent days, the Kremlin has sounded increasingly pessimistic about
    Mr. Assad's government, and Russian officials have acknowledged
    developing contingency plans to evacuate thousands of Russian
    citizens, mostly women wed to Syrians who had studied at Russian

    The West has been looking for signs that Russia might cease using its
    veto power as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council to
    defend the sovereignty of the Assad government and to block the more
    aggressive intervention sought by the United States and many other
    countries. Mr. Putin's comments against intervention left open the
    uncertain possibility that Russia might persuade Mr. Assad to step

    Mr. Putin expressed worry that the Assad government and the Syrian
    opposition could merely switch places, with the rebels in power but
    with the fighting unabated. In answer to a question, he rejected an
    assertion that Russia was making a mistake, potentially isolating
    itself and at risk of losing influence in the Middle East, by opposing
    intervention. Mr. Putin pointed to Libya as his evidence that
    intervention by the NATO alliance of Western nations had caused more
    harm than good.

    ''No matter how they explained their position, the state is falling
    apart,'' he said. ''Interethnic, interclan and intertribal conflicts
    continue. Moreover, it went as far as the murder of the United States
    ambassador.'' He added, ''I was asked here about mistakes: Isn't it a
    mistake? And you want us to constantly repeat these mistakes in other

    Russia has been a major Syria arms supplier and trade partner with the
    Assad government and maintains a small naval refueling installation in
    the Syrian port of Tartus. But on Thursday, Mr. Putin sought to
    portray the relationship as transactional. ''Some special economic
    relations?'' Mr. Putin asked rhetorically. ''No.''

    His remarks about Syria came as U.N. human rights investigators said
    in a new report that the Syria crisis had evolved from a battle to
    oust Mr. Assad into more of a sectarian conflict, pitting entire
    communities against one another and pulling in fighters from the
    Middle East and North Africa.

    As the conflict approaches the end of its second year, it ''has become
    overtly sectarian in nature,'' said the report by a panel of the Human
    Rights Council.

    The panel, led by Paulo Pinheiro, a human rights investigator from
    Brazil, said attacks and reprisals had led communities to arm
    themselves and to be armed by different parties to the conflict.
    ''Entire communities are at risk of being forced out of the country or
    killed inside the country,'' the panel wrote.

    ''Feeling threatened and under attack, ethnic and religious minority
    groups have increasingly aligned themselves with parties to the
    conflict, deepening sectarian divides,'' the panel said.

    The sharpest split is between the ruling minority Alawite sect, a
    Shiite Muslim offshoot from which Mr. Assad's most senior political
    and military associates are drawn, and the country's Sunni Muslim
    majority, mostly aligned with the opposition, the panel noted. But it
    said the conflict had drawn in other minorities, including Armenians,
    Christians, Druse, Palestinians, Kurds and Turkmens.

    Most foreign fighters joining the conflict are Sunni Muslims from
    Middle Eastern and North African countries, many of them linked to
    extremist groups, the panel said, and often operating independently of
    the opposition Free Syrian Army but coordinating attacks with its

    Hezbollah, a Shiite group from Lebanon, confirmed that its members
    were fighting for the Assad government, the panel said, and it was
    investigating reports that Iraqi Shiites had also entered Syria. Iran
    has also confirmed that members of its Revolutionary Guards Corps are
    providing the Assad government with ''intellectual and advisory

    Making their fourth submission to the Human Rights Council, the panel
    of four investigators said that government forces and supporting
    militias had attacked Sunni civilians and that opposition forces had
    attacked Alawite and other pro-government communities. It said that
    Kurdish groups had clashed with government and anti-government forces,
    that Turkmen militias were fighting with anti-government forces and
    that Palestinians, increasingly split in their views of the Assad
    government, were being armed by both pro- and anti-government forces.

    On Thursday, at the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp south of
    Damascus, hundreds of residents who had fled fighting between factions
    returned during a lull, after what Palestinian activists said was a
    negotiated truce. A Palestinian activist with a pro-rebel faction said
    that the negotiations had taken place in the in Damascus and that
    armed gunmen had agreed to pull out of the camp.

    ''We have an urgent humanitarian crisis,'' said the activist, who used
    the name Abu Khalid. ''We should solve it, and then talk about the
    past mistakes of some factions. The camps should be secure and stable
    areas for all unarmed Palestinians and Syrians.''

    On Thursday, dozens of cars brought back families heeding Palestinian
    activists' invitation, via the Internet, to return. Many stores were
    open, and there was no sign of armed men on the streets. By nightfall,
    activist groups were reporting that the camp was being shelled again.
