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Baku is arming while the oil is not up

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  • Baku is arming while the oil is not up

    Baku is arming while the oil is not up
    Abundance of armament never brought anything good to Greater Caucasus.

    Azerbaijan has now another cause of `pride'; it is recognized one of
    the world's most militarized states. Azerbaijan is ranked 8th by the
    annual Global Militarization Index compiled by Bonn International
    Center for Conversion. A key indicator representing the level of
    militarization of a country is the comparison of military expenditures
    with its GDP. The U.S. which outstrips all other states by its total
    military spending is placed only the 30th. Another indicator which is
    taken into account in the Index is the number of the reserve.

    December 22, 2012

    PanARMENIAN.Net - No wonder Israel tops the list here: being in a
    totally hostile environment, the Israeli Defense Forces must be fully
    armed. The number of their reserve army ready to arrive at respective
    military units within an hour is simply amazing; Israel's reserve
    accounts to approximately 400 000.

    Strange enough, Singapore comes second in the ranking. A city-state
    would hardly need so much armament; however, the proximity of China is
    perhaps troublesome for Singapore. Syria and Russia are placed third
    and fourth, respectively, which is quite natural and requires no
    explanations. Jordan, Cyprus and Kuwait come next, with Azerbaijan
    ranking 8th. Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are the last ones in the top ten
    of most militarized states worldwide.

    Now let's get back to Azerbaijan. Its military spending in 2012 hit $
    3,2 bln, while the GDP made $67,5 bln. In 2011, Azerbaijan signed a
    major military agreement with Israel accounting for $1,6 bln. In
    addition, it imported arms from Russia and several other countries.
    The targets of this armament are obvious: not only Armenia, but Iran
    as well, in case the war is really unleashed. Apparently, hostilities
    against Nagorno Karabakh won't require such amount of armament. Still,
    the forces that turn Azerbaijan into a powder-barrel go for much risk.
    The social tensions in the country along with anti-Armenian statements
    and increasing hysteria can finally blow up namely Azerbaijan. In some
    hands, the blast might hit Armenia and Karabakh. However, realization
    will soon follow the euphoria, and the same blow may turn against the
    Aliyev family as well.

    Meanwhile, we've repeatedly mentioned that oil production is steadily
    declining in Azerbaijan. Richard Morningstar, the U.S. Ambassador to
    Azerbaijan declared that Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli oilfield reserves will
    be depleted, and the energy sector revenues have already fallen. In
    this regard, he stressed the need to diversify Azerbaijan's economy
    saying the country should abandon its oil-dependency within the coming
    10 years. If Aliyev's clan maintains power for another 10 years, it
    risks facing financial and moral bankruptcy. Most likely, Baku is
    rushing to buy expensive toys, being perfectly aware that it soon will
    not be able to afford even an Ð?Ð?-47. This is an exaggeration, of
    course, but this is the current situation in Baku now, and it should
    hardly be proud of being the 8th among the most militarized countries
    of the world.

    Also, it should be noted that abundance of armament never brought
    anything good to Greater Caucasus. It never did, to either the buyers
    or the suppliers.

    Karine Ter-Sahakian

    From: A. Papazian