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Heritage Leader Slams Violations In Armenia's Mining Industry

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  • Heritage Leader Slams Violations In Armenia's Mining Industry


    December 25, 2012 - 13:43 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian has issued
    a statement slamming the violations in mining industry in Armenia.

    "By now it is clear that the rise of big mining in Armenia has been
    not a project of the national interest but a privilege of the chosen
    few, who have amassed fantastic fortunes while our country descends
    into poverty and despair.

    In recent years we have witnessed grave violations under the guise
    of eminent domain, the destruction of historical monuments, and the
    obliteration of vast, prospering ecosystems. In place of lush forests,
    lakes of hazardous toxic waste cover Armenia. Our homeland is being
    poisoned," the statement reads.

    "The time for change has come. Today we must stand together to demand:
    1) the reevaluation of all mining licenses in Armenia-including the
    license issued to the open mine at Teghut, the great forest of the Lori
    region; 2) the suspension of all pending licenses, in anticipation of
    a comprehensive and multi-faceted parliamentary investigation into
    the legality and transparency of the licensing process; and 3) the
    redrafting of the environmental code and the tax code to ensure that,
    in the future, national resources are extracted only with due regard
    for the environment and to the benefit of the entire Armenian people.

    We the people wholeheartedly support Armenia's economic development,
    but that will happen in earnest only when rights rule, the environment
    commands respect, and the rank-and-file citizen rises to become master
    of his homeland," the statement further says.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress