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Poll Finds That 84 Percent Of The World's Population Has Religious F

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  • Poll Finds That 84 Percent Of The World's Population Has Religious F

    17:12 25.12.2012

    "Worldwide, more than eight-in-ten people identify with a religious
    group." These are the findings of the PewResearchCenter's Forum on
    Religion & Public Life, which was a comprehensive demographic study of
    more than 230 countries and territories, the Catholic Online reports.

    "There are 5.8 billion religiously affiliated adults and children
    around the globe, representing 84 percent of the 2010 world population
    of 6.9 billion," the analysis states.

    An analysis of more than 2,500 censuses, surveys and population
    registers came up with this "Global Religious Landscape:"

    - 2.2 billion Christians, (32 percent of the world's population).

    - 1.6 billion Muslims, (23 percent).

    - 1 billion Hindus, (15 percent).

    - 500 million Buddhists. (Seven percent).

    - 400 million people (6 percent) practicing various folk or
    traditional religions, including African traditional religions,
    Chinese folk religions, American Indian religions and Australian
    aboriginal religions.

    There are 14 million Jews, and an estimated 58 million people, which
    is less than one percent of the global population - belong to other
    religions. These include the Baha'i faith, Jainism, Sikhism, Shintoism,
    Taoism, Tenrikyo, Wicca and Zoroastrianism, "to mention just a few,"
    the study says.

    About half of all Christians in the world are Catholic, 37 percent
    are part of the Protestant tradition, and 12 percent are Orthodox
    Greek or Russian.

    The largest population of Christians, of 243 million is found,
    incidentally, in the United States, followed by Brazil, Mexico,
    Russia, the Philippines, Nigeria and China.

    "An interesting thing to remember during this holiday season is the
    fact that Armenia, the first Christian nation to celebrate Christmas,
    observes the day in early January," the Catholic Online writes.

    "Armenians celebrate Christmas on the 6th of January, due to the
    fact that there was an ancient pagan feast day which was a problem,
    because since most were Christians at that time, paganism, which was
    the worship of Sun, Moon, Fire, idols etc., was fading out except for
    this one festival dedicated to light which was called the Festival
    of Lights.

    People could not forget about this festival, so they moved the birth of
    Christ to December 25th so that the people would start to forget about
    that pagan feast day. And so it was. However, back in Armenia, this
    problem did not exist since Armenians had done away with paganism back
    in the year 301A.D. when Armenia became the first Christian Nation.

    So, Armenians celebrate Christmas, Theophany (the Revelation of God)
    - since when He was baptized in the River Jordan, the heavens opened
    up and God's voice said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am
    well pleased." (Matt. 3:17), and the Baptism of Christ on the 6th of
    January," the article reads.
