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Rpa Should Be Thankful To Ter-Petrosyan And Tsarukyan

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  • Rpa Should Be Thankful To Ter-Petrosyan And Tsarukyan


    Story from News:
    10:50 26/12/2012

    RPA Spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov stated that Ter-Petrosyan's decision
    not to run for president was not unexpected, while his age was just
    an excuse since the ANC leader had decided to retire from politics
    much earlier.

    The Republicans are, of course, very happy with Ter-Petrosyan's
    decision. Even though Republicans state that no one can compete with
    Serzh Sargsyan and that there are no alternatives to their candidate,
    they understand that the problem is the force majeure.

    By withdrawing Ter-Petrosyan refused to keep the way open for a force
    majeure which could be a provocation. Serzh Sargsyan would officially
    win anyway but it would be difficult to predict the strength of
    Russia's "blow" to his "legitimacy".

    Gagik Tsarukyan and Levon Ter-Petrosyan refused to be the force of
    that "blow". It is not ruled out that if they had guarantees of coming
    to power in the result of the blow, they would have agreed. But they
    did not so they reduced or eliminated the risk of a new bloodshed.

    The Republicans are happy because 1 March 2008 events are still fresh
    when everyone was waiting at home to see when and how the situation
    would end and when Robert Kocharyan would use force to free everyone
    of that difficult and painful waiting.

    Republicans were worried about the possible recurrence of those
    events. Moreover, the statements that Serzh Sargsyan has no opponents
    were the result of fear of Republicans.

    Republicans should not treat Ter-Petrosyan's decision with sarcasm
    but thank him sincerely for dispelling their fears because few of
    them would survive another March 1.

    On the other hand, it is difficult to say if the RPA has reasons to
    be afraid in general. Armenia is in such a period when the RPA should
    be in a global fear.

    The issue is not only the fact that despite the devastation of the
    opposition, the society is understanding and evaluating a lot of
    phenomena, values and approaches, which will lead to a new movement
    clearing the field from destructive idolatry.

    What is expected in government before 2018 is also an issue for the
    Republicans. Despite transformations and search in the society, the
    fight for power is inevitable, which means that the government will
    also face difficult expectations and bias. It is hard to say which
    of the two "waitings" will be more difficult for the Republicans with
    so quickly consumed resources.
