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"Israeli Units Part Of Intervention Forces In Syria"

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  • "Israeli Units Part Of Intervention Forces In Syria"

    26-12-2012 - 20:44

    Zionist military units are deployed for a long time in Syria in order
    to get the claimed Syrian chemical arsenal under control.

    The information was revealed for the first time by local Syrian news
    websites, including Syria Truth, and was confirmed by the German
    magazine Focus, which reported that the Zionist force belongs to the
    elite unit "Sayeret Matkal".

    However, Syria Truth revealed last July that the mentioned force had
    entered Syria via Aleppo, across Turkey, with the help of the defected
    Syrian Colonel and Head of Aleppo Military Council, Abdel Jabbar Akidi.

    Previously, meetings were held in Turkey between Zionist experts of
    the Biological Institute affiliated with the Zionist Prime Minister,
    and the retired Syrian General Adnan Sello, who fled to Turkey and had
    held the position of Deputy Director of Chemical Warfare Department
    in the regular Syrian army.

    Moreover, the German periodical stated that the presence of the
    Zionist intervention force coincides with the presence of the Western
    elite forces, particularly the American and the French, deployed at
    Jordanian border with Syria.

    "Elite forces are scheduled to enter into Syria after the fall of
    the Syrian regime to seize the chemical arsenal and prevent it from
    reaching the hands of the revolutionaries and terrorists," it said.

    The French force, consisting of paratroopers, had already made
    several exploratory missions and seeped into Syria under the cover
    of a makeshift hospital for Syrian refugees, settled in the Jordanian
    city of al-Mafraq.

    An officer of the paratroopers' unit stationed in the French town of
    Calvi told the German magazine that soldiers of 135 countries make
    up this unit. One of those companies is totally Arab, in order not
    to draw any attention.

    As for the American intervention force, it is composed of two Delta
    Force units and Ringers, involved in desert fights, and are working
    together with the Jordanian army.

    From: A. Papazian