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  • Neighbors-Enemies

    NEIGHBORS-ENEMIES eighbors-enemies-&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
    Monday, 24 December 2012 16:09

    The Dublin statement is not worth a brass farthing under the militant
    position of Baku

    As you know, on December 6-7, the 19th meeting of the OSCE Foreign
    Ministers' Council took place in Dublin, at which the heads of the
    OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing states' delegations - Foreign Minister
    of Russia Sergei Lavrov, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
    and Minister-Delegate for European Affairs of France Bernard Kazenev
    - issued a statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It called on
    the parties to demonstrate a political will for achieving a peaceful
    settlement of the conflict. "We call on the parties to refrain from
    actions and statements that may promote the feelings of enmity among
    the population and have been a source of tension for the recent
    months. The leaders of the parties should prepare their societies
    for the day that they will again live as neighbors and not enemies
    ", the statement emphasized.

    And what was the reaction of the parties to the appeal of the mediators
    for pacifism? It was quite predictable. The Armenian party, in the
    person of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, welcomed the statement
    of the representatives of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing states,
    noting the compliance of its provisions with Armenia's position. As for
    Azerbaijan, it did not fall out of its determined militaristic canvas
    and once again ignored the appeal of the mediators for achieving an
    exclusively peaceful solution to the conflict. Hardly had the echoes
    of the Dublin meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers calmed down,
    Baku resumed its talks about the possibility of a military solution
    to the problem.

    Just ten days after Dublin, Director of the Center for Strategic
    Studies under the President of Azerbaijan Farhad Mamedov stated at a
    briefing on the results of the year that "the war in Nagorno-Karabakh
    can resume any moment". He grounded his idea, which is worn for
    official Baku, with the "lack of the third physical obstacle between
    the parties to the conflict, which could prevent the resumption
    of hostilities". This is with respect to the so-called technical
    ground of the mamedov viewpoint. As for the legal aspect, the Azeri
    "central strategist" found it necessary to appeal to international law:
    "It is the right of every sovereign state to use weapons to protect
    its territorial integrity". Note that the threat of war is not voiced
    by one of the Azerbaijani deputies who, in contrast to the domestic
    issues, are free in their utterances concerning the Karabakh conflict.

    It isn't either voiced by an opposition leader who is free of any
    power and, consequently, of any responsibility. The author of the
    threats is an official from the Azerbaijani President's team, and
    for this reason, the international mediators should not indifferently
    brush aside this statement.

    Drawing attention to another fact of official Baku's militaristic
    rhetoric, we are not going to impress with this the international
    structures involved in the Karabakh conflict settlement. Surely
    not, because Azerbaijan has blackmailed, for a long period and at
    the highest level, Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as the
    international community with the threat of war resumption, and the
    statement of the head of the Center for Strategic Studies is just a
    paraphrase of the numerous militant statements by President Aliyev.

    Nagorno-Karabakh is got used to the verbal exercises of the Azerbaijani
    party's militant rhetoric. We just want to draw the attention of
    the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to the trends in the foreign policy
    of Azerbaijan in the context of the Karabakh settlement, and to be
    more precise - to their immutability.

    The conflict settlement experience has convincingly proved that
    Azerbaijan cannot be taken as a compulsory party to the negotiations,
    because it either undermined the achieved agreements or merely ignored
    them. At the same time Baku is behaving hypocritically, declaring its
    interest in a peaceful settlement of the conflict under the auspices
    of the Minsk Group, but actually undermining the negotiation process
    and continuing the militarization of the country. The hypocrisy lies
    also in the fact that Azerbaijan tries to disguise its pan-Turkic
    policy with international law, using it for justifying its new armed
    aggression against the independent NKR. Speculating with the principle
    of territorial integrity and representing itself as a victim of
    armed aggression, it tries to draw a legitimate basis for its openly
    revanchist concept of military solutions to the conflict. Meanwhile,
    the facts testify to the contrary - it was Nagorno-Karabakh that
    became a victim of the Azerbaijani military aggression and used its
    his right to self-defense. And it is important to note that official
    Stepanakert doesn't avoid the discussion of issues related to the
    elimination of the consequences of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan.

    Rejecting the direct negotiations with Nagorno Karabakh, the
    Azerbaijani leadership demonstrates a clear lack of interest in
    addressing these issues.

    We'd like to believe that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs and other
    international structures will not limit with general, and therefore,
    ineffective calls and will ultimately give a strict and adequate
    assessment to the dangerous actions of the Azerbaijani authorities. In
    order that the thesis proposed in Dublin to the leaders of the parties
    on the necessity "to prepare their societies for the day that they
    will again live as neighbors and not enemies" comes true.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: Baghdasarian