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New U.S. Secretary Of State Ends Bush Legacy

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  • New U.S. Secretary Of State Ends Bush Legacy


    December 26, 2012

    Senator Kerry is likely to be succeeded by Senator Robert Menendez
    as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    U.S. President Barack Obama decided to fully refresh his
    administration, with Senator John Kerry (D-MA) nominated as the
    Secretary of State and Chuck Hagel, former Republican Senator from
    Nebraska as the Secretary of Defense. Treasury Secretary Timothy
    Geithner and, perhaps, Attorney General Eric Holder will also be

    Obama's nomination of his next Secretary of State put an end to George
    W. Bush's legacy. Hillary Clinton and diplomats of the old "Wilson"
    school she surrounded herself with kept talking about the historical
    mission of the U.S. and the need to disseminate U.S. values. Meanwhile,
    the American society has long ceased to demonstrate enthusiasm about
    such considerations. Unlike Clinton, Rice, and Albright Senator Kerry
    believes that diplomacy can achieve anything, and military force Bush
    father and son were so keen on, is not necessary at all. These two
    brought the U.S. into long-term interreligious and interethnic clashes,
    from Afghanistan to Iraq. The current administration will hardly
    insist on an intervention into Syria or even launch of hostilities
    against Iran.

    Meanwhile, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) hailed
    the nomination of Senator Kerry as the Secretary of State.

    "We welcome President Obama's nomination of Senator Kerry - a
    legislator with a three decade-long record of support for Armenia and
    a legacy of advocacy for the foreign policy priorities of Armenian
    Americans - as our nation's next Secretary of State," ANCA Executive
    Director Aram Hamparian said. "We look forward to continuing to
    work constructively with Senator Kerry, now in his new role at the
    Department of State, as we seek to lift Turkey's gag-rule on American
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide, strengthen U.S.-Armenia ties,
    and put in place freedom-based solutions that provide security to
    the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh," Hamparian stated.

    The Armenian community has certain hopes for Senator Kerry; however,
    a key factor is the Secretary of State will not necessarily be a
    supporter of the Armenian Diaspora. Kerry will hardly try to please
    Baku the way his predecessors did; nor will he ruin relations with
    Turkey for the sake of Armenia and recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide. Time will show, though; predicting the moves of the new
    administration is not an easy task.

    Senator Kerry was first elected to the Senate in 1984. He succeeded
    now-Vice President Joe Biden as Chairman of the Senate Foreign
    Relations Committee in 2009. Over the years, Senator Kerry has been a
    strong advocate for Congressional affirmation of the Armenian Genocide,
    cosponsoring many resolutions to end U.S. complicity in Turkey's
    denial of this still unpunished crime. As a member of the Foreign
    Relations Committee, he pressed ambassadorial nominee to Turkey,
    Francis Ricciardone about U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide and
    Turkey's blockade of Armenia. He is not currently a cosponsor of the
    Armenian Genocide Resolution.

    In the early 1990s, Senator Kerry was a vocal leader in support
    of Senate adoption of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act,
    which restricted U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan until it lifted its
    blockades and stopped its aggression against Armenia and Nagorno
    Karabakh. Earlier this year, Chairman Kerry was "shocked and appalled"
    at Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev's pardon, praise and promotion
    of convicted Azerbaijani axe-murderer Ramil Safarov.

    Senator Kerry will likely be succeeded by Senator Robert Menendez as
    Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, ANCA reports.

    "Odnako" magazine quotes U.S. political scientist Harlan Ullman as
    saying that all key positions related to foreign policy are now given
    to senators who have once slammed the policy of George W. Bush.

    "Obama-Biden-Kerry-Hagel link can work very smoothly and produce a
    real coup," Ullman said.

    "During Obama's first term, the U.S. already started to yield
    its positions on the world arena. "One power cannot dominate the
    world, and those criticising the U.S. for a unilateral approach
    should overcome the anti-Americanism which had too often justified
    collective inaction,"" the U.S. president declared at a UN General
    Assembly meeting in 2009. Many experts are now comparing the United
    States with the British Empire during its decline, when London started
    shifting a part of its responsibility for global issues off to other
    players," Ullman said.

    John Kerry is an American aristocrat, heir of the Forbes family. The
    first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony John Winthrop is a direct
    Kerry forbear. Kerry studied at Yale University and was member of the
    influential Skull and Bones secret society. His second wife Teresa
    Heinz is owner of a food empire with assets worth more than $3 bln.

    Kerry chaired the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs from
    1991 to 1993. In 1994 the Senate passed a resolution, sponsored by
    Kerry and fellow Vietnam veteran John McCain that called for an end
    to the existing trade embargo against Vietnam; in 1995, President Bill
    Clinton normalized diplomatic relations with the country of Vietnam.

    Kerry has advocated China's accession to WTO and once said at
    the Congress that the Chinese top officials, despite maintaining
    authoritarian traditions, have nothing in common with the "Red
    Plague". To this, Republican Jesse Helms responded: "You may call it
    whatever you wish, but a duck will always remain a duck."

    Karine Ter-Sahakian
