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Armenians Voice Fears Over Threat to Rights in Holy Land

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  • Armenians Voice Fears Over Threat to Rights in Holy Land

    Armenians Voice Fears Over Threat to Rights in Holy Land
    21:33, December 30, 2012

    Arthur Hagopian

    Jerusalem, Dec 30, 2012 - The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, a
    member of the triumvirate of Guardians of the Christian Holy Places,
    has voiced grave fears over the threat of the erosion of its historic
    and traditional rights in the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem.

    The rights and privileges that are the legacy of the Armenians are
    indelibly inscribed within the tenets of a Status Quo that has been in
    place since the Ottoman administration of the land.

    But recent developments in Bethlehem, involving its sister Guardian,
    the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate (with the Latin Custodia forming the
    third member of the triumvirate), are threatening to seriously impact
    on Armenian rights, church officials claim.

    The Patriarchate has lodged an urgent call for a return to the Status
    Quo that has governed relations between the churches, and with
    governments, ever since its promulgation in the 19th Century.

    The Guardians, as well as the dozen other Christian denominations of
    the Holy Land, are bound by the tenets of the set of agreements
    thrashed out by the Ottoman Sultans with the aim of safeguarding
    Christian rights and avoiding internecine clashes.

    While not perfect, the Status Quo, outlined in a 1929 document
    entitled `The Status Quo in the Holy Places' by L.A.G. Cust, an
    official of the British Mandate of Palestine, seems to have served the
    Christians well over the centuries.

    Departures from the spirit of the agreement are rare, and any that do
    occur are mostly of a temporary nature, meant to accommodate a one-off
    event, agreed to by the parties concerned.

    But according to the Armenians, there have been some serious
    infractions recently, with unpalatable results.

    To impartial Western observers, the sweeping of a neighbor's tile, or
    the movement of a ladder from one part of a wall to another, may seem
    trivial in the cosmic order of things, but to the owner of the tile or
    wall, in the troubled Holy Land, the action is viewed as an
    unwarranted encroachment on its territorial rights.

    The Armenian Patriarchate says the latest breach concerns the annual
    cleaning arrangements within the Nativity Church in Bethlehem, jointly
    `owned' with the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate.

    Conflicts over the threat of territorial encroachment have been a
    festering wound for the Armenians for years, culminating in an
    incident in December 2007 when the Greeks unilaterally `imposed' some
    amendments on the cleaning process.

    The Armenians charge that the Greeks had decided to move a ladder
    `three places' during the annual cleaning of the church.

    As things have stood for years, the ladder is placed in the (northern)
    Armenian section of the church, and would be used during the cleaning
    process, to reach the upper walls belonging to the Greeks.

    The Armenians promptly objected to this variation of the Status Quo,
    pointing out that the ladder stays only in one designated place during
    the cleaning chore. They also wanted to be around when the Greeks
    start their cleaning.

    The Greeks were adamant and a scuffle broke out, captured graphically
    on YouTube.

    The next year, to avoid a recurrence of the clashes, Palestinian
    Authority Minister for Christian Affairs Ziad Bandak, brought the two
    sides to a negotiating table and succeeded in hammering out an
    agreement allowing the ladder to be moved twice only.

    The Armenians considered the change a `one-off' to cover the 2008
    annual cleaning arrangements only, and said it should in no way be
    construed as a permanent amendment to the standing protocols of the
    Status Quo.

    The Greeks, supported by the Palestinian Authority, whose Presidential
    Committee for the Christians is composed overwhelmingly of Orthodox
    Greeks, with not a single Armenian aboard [the Armenians point out],
    thought otherwise, and attempted to clean the Armenian section of the
    church as well, and another scuffle broke out, necessitating police

    The Armenians considered the Greek move null and void and demanded a
    reinstitution of the Status Quo but despite official protestations to
    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the next three years saw a
    repetition of the same scenario.

    Reinstitution would mean that both churches begin the cleaning
    operation simultaneously.

    `We are against being forbidden to enter the church while the Greeks
    start cleaning, because that gives the Greeks a `superiority' over the
    holy site when we are equal partners in its ownership,' a church
    official said.

    `We have complained repeatedly against this breach of the Status Quo,
    but to no avail,' he added.

    The Palestinian Authority response has been that the matter is one for
    the two Patriarchates to settle, with Committee president Hanna Amireh
    declaring: `The same arrangements which were reached last year are
    the most suitable arrangement for this year too.'

    The Armenians have urged the Palestinian Authority to reconsider,
    pointing out that the annual cleaning the year before had ended with a
    clash between the Armenians and Greeks, a doubted this was a "most
    suitable arrangement."

    Two weeks ago, the most senior Armenian church official in Jerusalem,
    Archbishop Nourhan Manoogian, met with Amireh and reminded him that
    the Greek cleaning `re-arrangement' was intended for that year only,
    and that thence it would be `a breach of the centuries old Status Quo
    and must be cancelled, that the Armenians stand firm on their
    historical rights and shall never sacrifice their centuries old rights
    in favor of the Greeks.'

    In a last-ditch attempt to paper over their differences,
    representatives of the Armenian and Greek Patriarchates met in
    Bethlehem earlier this month with Amireh, but despite Armenian
    insistence on a return to the Status Quo and cancellation of the
    one-off arrangement of 2008, the Greeks refused to give ground, the
    Armenians say.

    Meanwhile, Amireh declared that the decision of the Palestinian
    Authority `shall remain unchanged and the Armenians must submit to the
    Authority's decision,' warning it will `take all measures against
    those who dare to cause any kind of clash,' this correspondent was

    The Armenian reaction was swift. It vociferously objected to Amireh's
    declaration, calling it `an unprecedented injustice against the
    Armenian Patriarchate' and wondering about the impartiality of the

    `The Armenian Patriarchate is seriously concerned about its historical
    rights in the Nativity Church,' church sources said, adding that it
    feared this year's annual cleaning of the church (scheduled for
    January 2), `which is as sacred service to us as one of the solemn
    ceremonies in the Holy Places,' may be denied to the Armenians, `who
    for centuries have had the right of equally sharing in the Holy Places
    of Christendom together with the Greek Orthodox.'
