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ISTANBUL: Turkey's HR record deteriorates in 2012 with persistent pr

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  • ISTANBUL: Turkey's HR record deteriorates in 2012 with persistent pr

    Turkey's human rights record deteriorates in 2012 with persistent problems
    28 December 2012 / SEVGI AKARÇEŞME, İSTANBUL,

    Human rights activists in Turkey agree that serious problems are still
    waiting to be addressed in the field of human rights despite positive
    efforts having been made.
    While steps such as facing the troubled history of the country's
    civil-military relations, legislative changes to protect women and the
    establishment of a commission to draft a new constitution are listed
    among the most important achievements of 2012, the failure to
    illuminate the complete background of the Uludere incident, the
    controversial election of the first ombudsman of the country, the
    lingering headscarf ban, the failure to abolish military courts,
    torture under custody and the abuse of children in jails remain among
    the serious issues Turkey will face in the next year.

    Talking to Today's Zaman, Ahmet Faruk Ünsal, the president of the
    Association of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed Peoples
    (MAZLUM-DER), says he finds the will to draft a new constitution
    important along with the start of a court case against the then-top
    two military officers who staged the military coup on Sept. 12, 1980,
    namely former President Kenan Evren and Gen. Şahinkaya. However, when
    it comes to concerns remaining from 2012, Ünsal has a longer list. At
    the top of his list is the Uludere incident in which a military
    airstrike killed 34 smugglers, including 19 minors, claiming that it
    mistook them for Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorists in December
    2011. According to him, the fact that an investigation into the
    Uludere incident was not initiated by the government is a big failure
    since "the perpetrators of the killings are not unknown unlike in
    other cases." Ünsal says that "the parliamentary commission report is
    not binding," as he urges the government to take legal action.
    Similarly, he argues that the existence of military courts will remain
    an obstacle before legal proceedings, questioning the increasing
    number of suspicious death cases that occur during military service.

    The Uludere incident remains on top of the Human Rights Watch (HRW)
    list as well. Just one day before the anniversary of the killings, on
    Thursday, Emma Sinclair-Webb, senior researcher for Turkey at HRW,
    said in a public statement, "One year on, no one has been held account
    for ordering the F-16 jets to drop the bombs that killed the 34
    villagers." She added that "the Turkish government, parliament and
    Diyarbakır prosecutor have so far failed the families of the victims
    in their search for justice."

    The election of Turkey's first chief ombudsman led to great
    disappointment among human rights organizations in 2012. A
    controversial figure in terms of approach prioritizing the state over
    the individual, Turkey's first ombudsman, Mehmet Nihat Ömeroğlu, is a
    retired member of the Supreme Court of Appeals. Ömeroğlu was one of
    the judges who approved a local court's ruling against
    Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink over charges of "insulting
    Turkishness" according to Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK),
    which was later amended.

    On Dec. 10, Human Rights Day, Sinclair-Webb told Today's Zaman that
    she was concerned about the choice of somebody who has not championed
    the rights of citizens. "It is a very bad beginning for this
    institution and a bad message," she said, describing the choice as

    Öztürk Türkdoğan, the chairman of the Human Rights Association (İHD),
    commented to Today's Zaman that "overall in 2012 there have not been
    improvements in the human rights conditions of Turkey because the
    country has failed to solve its main problems such as the Kurdish
    issue." Although he praises the trial of the coup plots as a positive
    step like the others, he criticizes Turkey for "not entirely facing
    the past."

    Arguing that "the government only wants to face the military coups,"
    Türkdoğan says that "there is only limited development in the human
    rights record of Turkey with no real process." Listing detention time
    and the failure to enjoy the full freedom of expression as the
    remaining problems, Türkdoğan says that there is an increasing trend
    in human rights violations in 2009-11. While praising the efforts of
    the Ministry of Family and Social Policies towards protecting women
    from violence, Türkdoğan says that often laws remain insufficient
    because the problem of domestic violence is also cultural.

    Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Deputy Chairman Sezgin
    Tanrıkulu criticizes the government, saying it has been the cause of
    massive human rights violations in all areas this year. In his human
    rights report that he shared with Today's Zaman, he argued that the
    Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government tolerated the
    torture, turned a deaf ear to the outcry of women, violated the
    dignity of people in prison and did nothing to prevent accidents in

    The conditions in prisons and juvenile detention centers have also
    been the subject of debate in 2012. Last May 200 juvenile offenders
    were transferred from Adana's Pozantı juvenile detention center to
    Ankara's Sincan juvenile detention center due to rape allegations.
    Overcrowded prisons are a human rights violation per se, according to
    lawyers, who said inmates suffer from many problems, including being
    crowded in rooms that are too small. A fire that broke out after a
    fight among prisoners in a Şanlıurfa prison last June claimed the
    lives of 13 inmates. According to news reports, the prison had a
    capacity of 600 but was holding some 1,000 prisoners.

    With the current legislation concerning the country's prisons and
    detention centers, it is almost impossible to punish abusers who
    inflict violence on anyone who has been jailed, who remains at the
    mercy of jail guards, the administration and police officers. Human
    rights advocates emphasize the urgent need to open these facilities to
    the supervision of civil society organizations.

    For 2013 Ünsal expects the commanders of the Sept. 12, 1980 coup to be
    brought into the courtroom as they testified from the hospital via
    video conferencing in the first hearings in 2012.

    As Türkdoğan states, "The advocates of human rights issues always tend
    to draw attention to the glass half empty so that governments can fix
    the problems." It seems that in 2013, the pressure of the human rights
    groups on the government will continue in the face of serious
    unresolved issues stemming from the major fault lines of Turkish
    politics such as the Kurdish issue, freedom of expression and religion
    and the role of the citizen vis-à-vis the state.
