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Armenia - After Strasbourg punishment, will government resolve...

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  • Armenia - After Strasbourg punishment, will government resolve...

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
    The right to join together and express one's belief

    Wednesday 1 February 2012

    On 10 January the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) again ordered
    Armenia to pay compensation to two Jehovah's Witness conscientious objector
    former prisoners for violating their rights to religious freedom. The
    punishment followed two critical Opinions from the Council of Europe's
    Venice Commission and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in
    Europe (OSCE) of the 2011 proposed amendments to the Alternative Service
    Law. They say these do not go far enough to bring in a fully-civilian
    alternative to military service which is not punitive in length. But Deputy
    Justice Minister Ruben Melikyan told Forum 18 News Service that a
    government Working Group is already preparing new amendments to the
    Alternative Service Law "fully taking into account the OSCE and Venice
    Commission views" and the ECtHR rulings. He said it would be adopted "this
    year". However, he said until it is adopted, the courts cannot free the 57
    imprisoned conscientious objectors nor halt the prosecution of a further


    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

    Armenia's new Deputy Justice Minister Ruben Melikyan has told Forum 18 News
    Service that a government Working Group is already preparing new amendments
    to the Alternative Service Law. His comments come three weeks after Armenia
    was again fined by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg
    for violating the rights to religious freedom of two Jehovah's Witness
    conscientious objector former prisoners. His comments also follow Opinions
    on the 2011 proposed amendments now in parliament which were criticised by
    both the Council of Europe's Venice Commission and the Organisation for
    Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). They called on Armenia to
    ensure that revisions to the Law bring in a fully-civilian alternative to
    military service which is not punitive in length.

    The new amendments are being prepared "fully taking into account the OSCE
    and Venice Commission views" and the ECtHR rulings, Melikyan insisted to
    Forum 18 from the Armenian capital Yerevan on 1 February. He said it is too
    early to make public the text, as it is still being prepared.

    Melikyan, a Deputy Justice Minister since 18 January, told Forum 18 the
    amendments would be presented to parliament "within a short period" and
    pledged that this would "resolve the issue for ever". He was unable to say
    if they could be adopted by parliament before parliamentary elections due
    in May, but insisted they would be adopted "this year".

    Melikyan declined to say what would happen to the amendments approved by
    the government in 2011 and now in parliament, which were the subject of the
    OSCE and Venice Commission Opinions.

    However, Melikyan told Forum 18 the courts cannot free the 57 current
    imprisoned conscientious objectors to military service nor halt the
    prosecution of 14 others until amendments to the Law have been adopted. He
    added that the president cannot pardon them either. "We want to give them
    more than a pardon, as pardoning them would not clear them of guilt. The
    decision should be more friendly to them." Melikyan insisted this will
    happen "this year".

    Military control

    The alternative service now on offer in Armenia is under military control,
    and thus unacceptable to those who cannot serve in the armed forces on
    conscientious grounds. All the current prisoners are Jehovah's Witness
    young men, who insist they would be prepared to perform a
    civilian-controlled alternative service. They are serving sentences of
    between 18 and 36 months' imprisonment. In the past, as well as Jehovah's
    Witnesses, a Molokan conscientious objector was also imprisoned.

    Welcoming the ECtHR judgments was Stepan Danielyan, head of Collaboration
    for Democracy, a Yerevan-based human rights group which has long called for
    a change to the Law. "But it's easier for our government to pay the
    compensation than to amend the law," he told Forum 18 from Yerevan on 31
    January. "Our government doesn't know what to do now."

    Danielyan said the issue is being little discussed in the media and
    lamented that "no-one in Armenia" is interested in resolving it. He said he
    doubted if any changes will occur before parliamentary elections, due in

    Jehovah's Witnesses also welcome the ECtHR judgments, maintaining that they
    come "at the right time". However, they complain that the Armenian
    authorities "continue to ignore" the Strasbourg Court's rulings, especially
    with the imprisonment of five more conscientious objectors and further
    prosecutions. "We hope the Armenian authorities will now reconsider their
    position and release the 57 young men that are currently incarcerated as
    conscientious objectors," a lawyer representing the young men told Forum 18
    from Yerevan.

    Jehovah's Witnesses said they had heard nothing about any new draft Law
    being prepared, but said they hoped the government is ready to change the
    Law to allow a fully civilian alternative service. "We hope at last the
    Armenian Government will start implementing these Strasbourg judgments in
    domestic law and will allow these young men to work productively for their
    country rather than languishing in prison."

    No other official comment

    Apart from Melikyan of the Justice Ministry, no other Ministry or agency
    was prepared to comment to Forum 18. The Foreign Ministry told Forum 18 it
    was not an issue for it. The Press Department of the Defence Ministry
    referred Forum 18 to the Ministry's Defence Policy Department. Officials
    there referred Forum 18 to Major Alexander Avetisyan, but his telephone
    went unanswered each time Forum 18 called on 1 February.

    Officials at the Military Prosecutor's Office told Forum 18 on 1 February
    that Gevorg Kostanyan, Armenia's Military Prosecutor and Armenia's former
    representative to the ECtHR in Strasbourg, was in a meeting and
    unavailable. He had taken part in December 2011 discussions of last year's
    draft Law with the Council of Europe's Venice Commission.

    The office of Armenia's Ombudsperson for Human Rights Karen Andreasyan
    promised to comment, but Forum 18 had received no response to its written
    questions by the end of the working day on 1 February.

    Vahakn Kevorkyan, an expert on the staff of Parliament's Defence, National
    Security and Internal Affairs Committee, told Forum 18 on 31 January that
    his Committee had not received the "final text" of the December 2011 Venice
    Commission Opinion. "What they published was only the provisional Opinion,"
    he claimed. But he too insisted that its views, as well as the new ECtHR
    rulings, will be taken into account when considering the proposed
    amendments. He doubted whether any action would take place before the May

    Kevorkyan made no mention of the new amendments being prepared in the
    government's Working Group.

    Imprisonment violated religious freedom rights

    The ECtHR in Strasbourg ruled on 10 January that Armenia had violated the
    rights of two Jehovah's Witnesses by imprisoning them in 2003. Both had
    refused to conduct military service on grounds of religious conscience and
    both received two-year prison sentences, though they were both released on
    parole after less than six months. In the cases of Hayk Bukharatyan
    (Application No. 37819/03) and Ashot Tsaturyan (Application No. 37821/03),
    the Court found that their rights to freedom of religion or belief under
    Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental
    Freedoms (ECHR) had been violated.

    Jehovah's Witnesses point out that Armenia imprisoned the two young men
    "despite its previous commitment to the Council of Europe, in January 2001,
    to institute a genuine civilian alternative service for conscientious
    objectors and, in the meantime, to pardon all those already convicted".

    The judgments draw on a landmark judgment by the Strasbourg court on 7 July
    2011 that the rights of fellow Armenian Jehovah's Witness conscientious
    objector Vahan Bayatyan had been violated by his imprisonment. The judgment
    concluded, for the first time in the history of the ECtHR, that the right
    to conscientious objection to military service is fully protected under
    ECHR Article 9, which guarantees the right to freedom of conscience,
    thought and religion (see F18News 7 July 2011


    In the 10 January rulings, Bukharatyan and Tsaturyan were each awarded a
    total of 10,000 Euros from the Armenian government (5,108,390 Armenian
    Drams, 76,486 Norwegian Kroner or 13,205 US Dollars), 6,000 Euros in
    compensation and 4,000 Euros in costs. Only one of the seven judges -
    Alvina Gyulumyan from Armenia - dissented from the decisions. She had also
    been the sole dissenter from the judgment in Bayatyan's case.

    Unless either side challenges the January rulings, they will become final
    three months later. The Armenian government would then have a further three
    months to pay the compensation and costs of the two men.

    Deputy Justice Minister Melikyan said his Ministry is still studying the
    two January rulings and has not yet decided whether to challenge them.

    Bayatyan compensation paid, but no releases and cases continue

    In its July 2011 ruling, the ECtHR awarded Bayatyan compensation of 10,000
    Euros and a further 10,000 Euros in costs from the Armenian government.

    Jehovah's Witnesses told Forum 18 that the Armenian government paid
    Bayatyan these sums in August 2011, and also published the ECtHR ruling in
    Armenian (on the Justice Ministry website) as it was required to do.

    So far, however, it has not removed the cause of the original violation to
    prevent further similar violations of the European Convention as it is
    required to do. Nor have the current sentenced prisoners been freed or
    current prosecutions been dropped.

    Jehovah's Witnesses told Forum 18 that one court appeal to have a current
    prosecution halted was rejected, though other courts have deferred or are
    still considering such appeals. They note that many of the trials are being
    repeatedly adjourned for a variety of reasons.

    Jehovah's Witness lawyers say they will lodge appeals in court to have all
    the 57 current prisoners freed in the light of the ECtHR rulings. "We hope
    that they will be freed without them having to lodge their own cases to
    Strasbourg," they told Forum 18.

    Armenia's Council of Europe commitment

    On its accession to the Council of Europe in January 2001, Armenia formally
    pledged to: "adopt, within three years of accession [i.e. by 25 January
    2004], a law on alternative service in compliance with European standards
    and, in the meantime, to pardon all conscientious objectors sentenced to
    prison terms or service in disciplinary battalions, allowing them instead
    to choose, when the law on alternative service has come into force to
    perform non-armed military service or alternative civilian service".

    The current Alternative Service Law was adopted in 2003 (coming into force
    on 1 July 2004), but despite amendments in 2004 and 2006, it still fails to
    meet Armenia's Council of Europe commitment to allow a choice of
    "alternative civilian service" to be possible. Jehovah's Witnesses and a
    Molokan who initially accepted the Law's "alternative service" quickly
    abandoned it when it became clear that the "alternative" was controlled and
    overseen by the military. They were soon imprisoned, and Armenian has
    failed follow its Council of Europe commitment to pardon - and therefore
    release - its prisoners of conscience who object to compulsory military

    In recent years as many as 76 conscientious objectors have been imprisoned
    at any one time. Almost all have been sentenced under Criminal Code Article
    327, Part 1, which punishes evasion of the call-up to military or
    alternative service. The maximum sentence under this article was increased
    to three years' imprisonment in December 2005 (see F18News 7 July 2011

    Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights,
    met three of the imprisoned Jehovah's Witnesses in Artik prison in the
    north-western region of Shirak during his January 2011 visit to Armenia. In
    his May 2011 report he called for the conscientious objectors to be freed
    from prison, and for a genuine civilian alternative service to be
    introduced (see report via

    Government's 2011 proposed amendments

    The government's 2011 proposed amendments to the 2003 Alternative Service
    Law were prepared by the Defence Ministry's Legal Directorate and
    subsequently approved also by the Justice Ministry. They were approved by
    the government in April 2011 and sent to parliament, the National Assembly.
    The National Assembly assigned the draft to the Defence, National Security
    and Internal Affairs Committee (see F18News 7 July 2011

    The 2011 draft Law is very short and makes no change to the current Law on
    the length of alternative military service (36 months) and alternative
    labour service (42 months). The main new provision is for a Republican
    Commission to oversee whether applications for alternative service will be
    accepted or not. The draft Law would also allow those performing
    alternative service to change their mind and transfer to military service,
    but not the other way round.

    It would also ensure that those who complete alternative service are issued
    with the military booklet, without which it can be difficult to obtain

    OSCE review

    On 11 July 2011, the Committee wrote to ask for a legal Opinion on the
    draft from the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
    (ODIHR) in Warsaw. The OSCE's opinion, dated 8 September 2011, was
    submitted to the Committee and also published (available from

    The OSCE's key recommendations were: "to ensure that the alternative labour
    service is not under military control"; "to allow conscripted servicemen to
    seek a replacement of their military service with alternative service on
    grounds of conscientious objection"; and "to consider reducing the duration
    of alternative service".

    The Opinion described the proposal to keep alternative service at 42 months
    (compared to 24 months' military service) as "unnecessarily protracted and
    could even be perceived as punitive in duration".

    On the question of whether those already conscripted can change their mind
    and opt for alternative service, the OSCE Opinion "strongly recommended"
    that "conscripted servicemen who, while undergoing military service,
    realize that such service insurmountably conflicts with their deeply-held
    religious or other conscientious beliefs" be allowed to transfer to
    alternative service. "The law currently in force prohibits the replacement
    of the military service with alternative service after conscription," it

    Venice Commission review

    However, just three weeks after the completion of the OSCE Opinion, Hrair
    Karapetyan, chair of the parliamentary Committee, wrote to the Council of
    Europe's Venice Commission seeking a further legal Opinion. He insisted the
    move was motivated by the willingness of the Armenian authorities to ensure
    "the maximum compliance with international standards of the legislation of
    Armenia". As they prepared their opinion, Venice Commission representatives
    held a series of meetings in Yerevan in mid-November 2011 to discuss the
    draft Law.

    The Venice Commission's Opinion was discussed at its Plenary Session in
    Venice on 16 and 17 December, where it was approved. Participating in the
    discussion from Armenia was Military Prosecutor Kostanyan. The Opinion was
    published on 20 December 2011
    (). It was
    handed to the Armenian representation to the Council of Europe the
    following day, the Venice Commission confirmed to Forum 18.

    The Opinion noted, citing information it had received in Yerevan in
    November 2011, that no-one had applied for the military-controlled
    alternative service since 2005, which "indicates that the present system
    does not work effectively".

    The Venice Commission also noted from its meetings in Yerevan that the
    draft Law had been prepared "long before" the July 2011 Bayatyan ECtHR
    ruling, and "further amendments must be made to address specifically the
    implications of the judgment".

    Alternative service "too long"

    Like the OSCE, the Venice Commission criticised the proposal to retain
    alternative service at 42 months. "The term for alternative service appears
    to be too long," the Opinion declared and called on the Armenian
    authorities to "reconsider the duration of alternative service".

    Like the OSCE, the Venice Commission also expressed concern about the role
    and composition of the Republican Commission overseeing who would or would
    not be allowed to perform alternative service. It criticised the failure to
    define the Republican Commission's role and responsibilities. "As concerns
    the composition of the Republican Commission," it added, "the Venice
    Commission is of the view that the assessment of applications for
    alternative service based on conscientious objection should be under the
    control of civilian authorities, not under the control of the military."

    As for the conditions of those conducting alternative service - which the
    Venice Commission insisted must be fully civilian - the Opinion expresses
    concern at the proposed requirement that individuals must be at their
    assigned place of work 24 hours a day, as well as the ban on alternative
    service individuals undertaking management jobs.

    The Venice Commission lamented the lack of clarity over who would have
    operational supervision over those performing alternative service. "It has
    to be recalled that any form of control over alternative service should be
    of civilian nature," it declared, "and in order to alleviate any ambiguity,
    the amendment should explicitly state that the military have no supervisory
    role in the day-to-day operational supervision of those who perform
    alternative service."

    Like the OSCE, the Venice Commission criticised the absence of the
    possibility for those already conscripted into military service who
    "realise that such service insurmountably conflicts with their religious or
    other conscientious beliefs" to transfer to alternative service. "This
    prohibition conflicts with relevant international standards," it notes.

    However, the Venice Commission welcomed the fact that the draft Law would
    ensure that those who complete alternative service would be issued with a
    military booklet, a "crucial document for civil life". "It is recommended
    that the military booklet state that its holder had been exempted from
    performing military service, but that no explicit mention be made of the
    reason for which this exemption had been granted."

    New proposals?

    Deputy Justice Minister Melikyan declined to tell Forum 18 what would
    happen to the 2011 draft Law now in parliament. He stressed that the
    executive cannot tell the legislature what it should do.

    But he said the Working Group - one of whose members is from the Justice
    Ministry - is currently preparing a new version of the amendments to the
    Alternative Service Law. He declined to discuss the specific content of the
    amendments but insisted that "Armenia is going to comply with all the
    relevant European Court of Human Rights rulings and amend the Law to take
    account of them." He said he was unable to put a timescale on the work, but
    said it would be "systematic" and quick. (END)

    More coverage of freedom of thought, conscience and belief in Armenia and
    the unrecognised entity of Nagorno-Karabakh is at

    A personal commentary, by Derek Brett of Conscience and Peace Tax
    International, on conscientious objection to military service and
    international law in the light of the European Court of Human Rights' July
    2011 Bayatyan judgment is at

    A compilation of Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
    (OSCE) freedom of religion or belief commitments can be found at

    A printer-friendly map of Armenia is available at

    © Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved. ISSN 1504-2855
    You may reproduce or quote this article provided that credit is given to

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