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The Feast Of St. Sarkis To Be Celebrated On January 4

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  • The Feast Of St. Sarkis To Be Celebrated On January 4

    03.02.2012 17:11

    The Commemoration Day of St. Sargis has been declared the Day of
    Blessing the Young. Tnis year it will be celebrated on February 4.

    The feast day honoring St. Sarkis is movable. It occurs between
    January 11th and February 15th. Each year it follows the five-day
    Fast of Catechumens.

    Captain St. Sarkis is one of the most beloved saints among the Armenian
    nation. Together with his 14 soldiers-companions he was martyred for
    the sake of Christian faith.

    During the period of reign of the king Kostandianos the Great (285-337)
    St. Sarkis, being very courageous, was appointed the prince and
    General in chief of the region of Cappadocia bordering Armenia.

    When during the period of reign of the king Julianos the Betrayer
    (360-363) the persecutions against Christians started by God~Rs will
    St. Sarkis and his only son ~V Martyros, came to live in Armenia,
    and the Armenian king Tiran, grandson of Tiridates, received them
    very well.

    >>From Armenia St. Sarkis and his son went to Persia, and started
    serving in the army of the Persian king Shapouh as the captain of
    regiments. Become aware of the fact that Sarkis was Christian the king
    Shapouh ordered him to worship the fire and offer sacrifice to the
    heathen gods. But the captain immediately refused to obey the order
    saying, ~SWe should worship one God - the Holy Trinity, which has
    created the earth and the heaven. Whereas fire or idols are not gods
    and the human being may destroy them.~T After these words the saint
    destroyed the temple. The annoyed crowd fell on the saint and his son.

    First the son of the saint was martyred. The saint was put into prison
    and remaining unshaken in his faith was beheaded. After the martyrdom
    of the saint light appeared over his body. 14 soldiers-companions of
    the saint also were martyred for the sake of Christian faith.

    Later St. Mesrop Mashtots brought the relics of the saint to the
    village Karbi and the Church of St. Sarkis was built over his relics.

    According to one of the folk stories upon return of their victorious
    battle Captain St. Sarkis and his 39 soldiers-companions celebrated
    their victory in the royal palace, When all of them were drunk and
    went to sleep, the king ordered 40 young women to kill the brave
    soldiers. 39 of the women obeyed the order and killed the soldiers,
    whereas one of them seeing the handsome and peaceful face of sleeping
    Sarkis fell in love with him and instead of killing kissed him.

    Getting up and seeing what had happened St. Sarkis straddled his
    white horse and taking the young woman with him smashed the gates
    of the city, brought up violent snow-storm and left the city. It is
    because of this folk story that people in love started to consider
    St. Sarkis their intercessor and protector. St. Sarkis always helps
    and supports all young people asking his help and support.

    According to the studies of Academician Karapet Melik-Ohanjanyan, St.
    Sarkis was the patron of David of Sassoon and all heroes of Sassoon
    not only in the field of battle, but also in love.

    The feast of St. Sarkis the Captain and his soldiers-companions is
    celebrated not only by means of church rites and prayer, but also
    folk traditions.

    Wonders are worked by the mediation of St. Sarkis. On the day of the
    feast young people pray asking the saint to make their prayers audible
    to God. The day before the feast young people eat salty cookies and
    relate the appearance of their future bride or bridegroom in their
    dream to eating of the salty cookie. After eating the salty cookie
    they eat nothing else and pray waiting for the dream. Seeing future
    bride or bridegroom in the dream is the result of the wonder worked
    thanks to sincere faith.

    There are many miracles and folk traditions related to the saint. On
    the night preceding the feast of St. Sarkis the faithful people place
    a tray full of gruel before the door believing that while passing
    near their door at dawn St. Sarkis will leave his footprint on the
    gruel symbolizing the fulfillment of their dreams.

    People in love present each other cards, flowers or sweets on the
    occasion of the feast.
