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Paul Auster Hits Back At Turkish PM

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  • Paul Auster Hits Back At Turkish PM

    Friday 3 February 2012 13.41 GMT

    After Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the novelist 'ignorant', Auster
    reiterates protest against country's free speech prohibitions

    Paul Auster Paul Auster: 'There are nearly 100 writers imprisoned in
    Turkey'. Photograph: Xavier Bertral/EPA/Corbis

    American novelist Paul Auster has hit back after the Turkish prime
    minister described him as "an ignorant man".

    Auster, author of the acclaimed New York Trilogy, told Turkish paper
    Hurriyet earlier this week that he refused to visit Turkey because of
    imprisoned journalists and writers. "How many are jailed now? Over
    100?" Auster, a popular author in Turkey where his new book Winter
    Journal has just made its first appearance, said. "Us Democrats got
    rid of the Bushes. We got rid of [former vice president Dick] Cheney
    who should have been put on trial for war crimes. What is going on
    in Turkey?"

    Turkey's prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quick to respond,
    saying on Wednesday, in what was described as a "mocking" tone:
    "As if we need you! Who cares if you come or not? Would Turkey lose
    any grandeur?"

    Erdogan also criticised Auster, the grandson of Jewish immigrants, for
    visiting Israel. "Supposedly Israel is a democratic, secular country, a
    country where freedom of expression and individual rights and freedoms
    are limitless. What an ignorant man you are ~E Aren't these the ones
    that rained bombs down on Gaza? The ones that launched phosphorus
    bombs and used chemical weapons. How can you not see this?" said the
    Turkish prime minister. "This gentleman can't see the repression and
    rights violations in Israel ~E This is serious disrespect to Turkey."

    The war of words continues with a statement issued by Auster, in
    which he says that "whatever the prime minister might think about
    the state of Israel, the fact is that free speech exists there and
    no writers or journalists are in jail".

    "According to the latest numbers gathered by International PEN,
    there are nearly 100 writers imprisoned in Turkey, not to speak of
    independent publishers such as Ragip Zarakolu, whose case is being
    closely watched by PEN Centers around the world," said Auster.

    Zarakolu was one of more than 40 free speech activists detained in
    Istanbul in November, prompting international protests. The founder
    of Belge Publishing House and a member of Turkish PEN, Zarakolu has
    released controversial books documenting the massacre of Armenians by
    Ottoman Turks during the first world war. Seven Swedish MPs have now
    applied for him to be awarded the Nobel peace prize, a move supported
    by the International Publishers Association.
