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Letter To Obama: What Does Clinton Mean?

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  • Letter To Obama: What Does Clinton Mean?

    12:13 pm | Today | Politics

    Members of Congress and the Armenian Assembly expressed strong
    concerns regarding Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's remarks on
    the Armenian Genocide at a town hall meeting last week, reported the
    Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly).

    In a dear colleague letter circulated today, Congressmen Adam
    Schiff (D-CA) and Robert Dold (R-IL), sponsors of the Armenian
    Genocide resolution, urged Members to join them in sending a letter
    to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calling on the Secretary to
    "disavow her ill-considered statement." The letter also urges the Obama
    Administration to unequivocally affirm the Armenian Genocide this April
    24th and firmly recognize "genocide wherever and whenever it occurs."

    Speaking at a town hall meeting last week at the State Department,
    Secretary Clinton, in response to a question about the Armenian
    Genocide and the recent developments in France surrounding the
    adoption of new legislation criminalizing its denial, stated: "I
    think it's fair to say that this has always been viewed, and I think
    properly so, as a matter of historical debate and conclusions rather
    than political. And I think that is the right posture for the United
    States Government to be in, because whatever the terrible event might
    be or the high emotions that it represents, to try to use government
    power to resolve historical issues, I think, opens a door that is a
    very dangerous one to go through."

    Expressing surprise and dismay, the Assembly sent a letter to President
    Barack Obama requesting swift action. "Secretary Clinton's response
    is untenable and requires immediate remedy. Mr. President now is the
    time to fulfill your campaign promise and unequivocally affirm the
    Armenian Genocide," the Assembly wrote in its letter.

    "There is no debate about the historical fact of the Armenian
    Genocide," Reps. Schiff and Dold told the Assembly. "Raphael Lemkin,
    a Holocaust survivor who coined the term genocide and worked tirelessly
    toward the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention
    and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, invoked the Armenian
    experience as a prime example of genocide," continued Schiff and Dold.

    "We welcome this bi-partisan initiative to set the record straight,"
    stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "We urge human
    rights activists from across the country to make sure that their
    Member of Congress signs this important letter to Secretary Clinton,"
    added Ardouny.

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding
    and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan,
    501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress