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Moscow And "Trialeti Ossetia"

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  • Moscow And "Trialeti Ossetia"


    Experts' club
    Feb 8 2012

    08/02/2012 09:00
    Giorgi Tsiklauri

    New hotbeds of future conflict

    An uneasy conscience betrays itself - meaning of this proverb was
    fully demonstrated by spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    of Russia, when he made a statement that official Tbilisi supposedly
    tried to prevent residents of North Ossetia-Alania from visiting
    neighbouring Kazbegi region of Georgia. And, probably, Alexander
    Lukashevich deserves to be thanked for the fact that he drew attention
    to a subject, relevance of which is gradually increasing.

    "In North Ossetia, there are quite a few natives of the Kazbegi
    district, those who have relatives there, homes. And it is at exactly
    this kind of people of the borderland who are ethnic Ossetians that
    restrictive measures of the authorities of Georgia are aimed at -
    Russian diplomat says. - A relevant database was created at the
    Kazbegi checkpoint for this category of persons and their relatives.

    They are not allowed to enter Georgia". In this connection the
    Russian Foreign Ministry did not fail to declare that "facts of open
    discrimination of Ossetians on the Georgian border are again confirmed:
    slogans of" all Caucasian Friendship" is just a hypocritical cover
    for the provocative and continuously chauvinistic policy of Tbilisi."

    Before turning to reasons, which actually caused the righteous anger
    of the Russian Foreign Ministry, we should remind one fact: every
    state has the sovereign right to refuse entry to any foreigner whose
    presence in its territory it for some reason considers undesirable.

    And at that the state does not have to explain reasons for the
    refusal. But for some reason we have to repeatedly remind Moscow about
    this universal rule, which is daily followed all over the world, -
    Moscow whose baggage of similar actions is certainly not comparable
    with the Georgian experience. Though, entry on the Russian borders is
    suspiciously often denied to such undesirable persons, as journalists,
    human rights activists and dissidents. The category of citizens that
    may encounter problems on the border of Georgia was mentioned already
    and will be discussed below in more details, taking into account,
    as they like to repeat in Russia, "new realities".

    We should also dwell on bogey of "Georgian chauvinism," image of
    which is so carefully nurtured in Moscow. A decent person, unlike Mr.

    Lukashevich, generally would not touch this topic. Because an official
    representative of the country in which clashes among ethnic groups,
    murders on national and racial grounds, marches with swastikas and
    Nazi salutes under the walls of the Kremlin have become the norm,
    should be ashamed to rant about someone else's chauvinism. The more
    shameful it must be to "incriminate" neighbours, who, in response to
    these farfetched claim, can bring out an example of very real campaign
    of the 2006 mass deportation of Georgians from Russia and many other
    shameful examples, using more offensive words than "chauvinism"
    at that.

    However, "there is no smoke without fire" and the words of Lukashevich
    must be due to something. Let's try to figure out what exactly is a
    reason behind them ...

    On January 30th Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister commented on the
    statement of the Russian colleague. David Jalagania described
    Alexander Lukashevich's accusations as "cynical" and recalled
    how zealously Moscow protested in October 2010 in connection with
    the decision of Georgia to remove visa restrictions for the North
    Caucasians - and now it turns out, it is protesting for exactly the
    opposite reason. Meanwhile, according to official data of the Georgian
    Interior Ministry, in 2011 the Kazbegi-Larsi checkpoint - the only
    legal checkpoint on the Georgian-Russian land border was crossed by
    more than 191 thousand people. Out of which, the largest group, or
    99,000, were Russian citizens. Of which the non-visa regime introduced
    by Tbilisi for the North Caucasus, was mostly enjoyed by residents of
    North Ossetia-Alania - more than 8 600 visitors. In second place, far
    behind are residents of Dagestan - about 2 000. They are followed by
    residents of Kabardino-Balkaria - 690 visitors, Adygea - 574, Chechnya
    - 334, Karachaevo-Cherkessia - 317, and Ingushetia - 28 people.

    But let's leave aside the official statistics and take a look on the
    internet. The blogosphere, which has become one of the best indicators
    of modern life, presents a number of positive stories and trip reports
    of North Caucasians in Georgia. Moreover, Ossetians, once again,
    dominate. But then complaints about the refusal of entry and evidence
    of discriminatory treatment are somehow nowhere to be seen on the
    internet. With one exception and this exception is Vladikavkaz-based
    organization Darial. It is its members that from time to time organize
    press-conferences in the capital of North Ossetia and complain to
    the press about the closed Georgian border. The last such meeting
    was held on January 27th suspiciously in sync with the statement of Mr.

    Lukashevich and in its content it was a little more detailed account
    of his claims. These claims, we note, also highlight "natives of
    Kazbegi district" - that is, a group of Ossetians, which, according
    to a legend, is represented by the Vladikavkaz-based Darial.

    According to the legend, the organization advocates for the cause of
    nearly two thousand former residents of Georgia, ethnic Ossetians,
    who, because of climatic and socio-economic conditions moved to North
    Ossetia in 2006, when Russia closed the border and found themselves
    cut off from their homes. And now it's the Georgian authorities that
    prevent them from visiting their native land. But this is the latest,
    "soft" version, which apparently Darial deemed necessary to use to
    achieve their goals on the humanitarian line in a more persuasive
    manner. While in earlier versions, instead of social roots of the
    problem main role was played by Georgians-Nazis who en masse banished
    Ossetians from the Kazbegi district, and other tales of this kind.

    And, since this region is indeed closely connected to Ossetia, and a
    lot of the Ossetians really lived (and live to this day) it is easy
    for Darial to, if necessary, present before the press some of the
    local natives, who will speak before a camera all that organizers need.

    The point of this effort is to introduce into the information space
    a thesis of presence of a hitherto unknown "disputed territories" -
    that is, it is about creating an ideological base for the expansion
    of geography of the Georgian-Russian conflict. Representatives of
    Darial have already started to call on human rights organizations -
    together with such distinguished human rights activists as Vladimir
    Putin and Eduard Kokoity - "to give a legal assessment to actions of
    the Georgian government towards indigenous inhabitants of the region -
    Ossetians." And they also add that "... formerly, Kazbegi district -
    gorges of Darial, Tyrsygomsk (Truso - ed.), Guda and Kobi valley-
    was the eastern part of the historical Ossetia."

    For the first time Darial made itself known in the middle of 2009 -
    a year after the Russian-Georgian war and the occupation of 20% of the
    territory of Georgia by Russia. And soon after Eduard Kokoity in April
    2009 for the first time said that Tskhinvali regime intended to demand
    "return of the Truso gorge to Ossetia which in the twenties of the
    XX century was given by the Bolsheviks into the administration of the
    Georgian SSR." Till the end of the 2010 rhetoric of the organization,
    which was then very quickly set up in Vladikavkaz, included very few
    "human rights" and "humanitarian" notes while territorial claims were
    heard in full voice. Chairman of Darial Gairbek Salbiev have never
    failed to raise the subject of "native Ossetian lands" whenever he
    travelled to Tskhinvali or spoke to reporters in Vladikavkaz. It is
    easy to see that the number of "disputed" gorges has since increased.

    But this is just the beginning. The worst is still to come when we
    look at maps, which is used as illustrations in the Darial-related
    publications in the South Ossetian and North Ossetian media.

    These maps depict "enhanced", "historic South Ossetia." But it is
    not only expanded at the expanse of the above-mentioned places. To
    the south of the former administrative border of the South Ossetian
    Autonomous District is marked yet another and far more extensive
    band of the "disputed" territory - it stretches from west to east
    following the river Mtkvari (Kura) from the town of Kareli, passing
    through Gori and reaching Tbilisi. To the north of outskirts of the
    Georgian capital there is a territory that goes up to Truso valley to
    which Darial started to lay claims. Together, this means an increase
    of the current "South Ossetia" by more than one and a half times. At
    that, according to them, "native Ossetian land" includes also (!) the
    ancient capital of Georgia - Mtskheta. That's it. The Jews that have
    been living here for over two millennia, for all this time, were
    not smart enough to proclaim the place of confluence of the rivers
    of Kura and Aragvi a territory of Israel... And here, one relatively
    young people that trace their descent to nomads of the steppes, are
    suddenly suggesting to find their roots in the mountains, on which
    Iberians- ancient Georgians in deep antiquity erected temples to
    pagan deities Gats and Gaim ...

    Let's summarize. There are some young organization, which declares
    that is engaged in human rights and humanitarian activities. But,
    this organization began with political activities - in particular,
    together with the bandit regime of Kokoity it laid new territorial
    claims against Georgia. And today, in a somewhat veiled form it
    is promoting relevant ideological base, introducing the concept
    of "Ossetian land" with regards of a good half of the region of
    Mtskheta-Mtianeti. At the same time they are not yet saying, but
    drawing on maps with twice bigger piece of the territory of Shida
    Kartli. And suddenly it appears that this organization has a backing of
    the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Of course,
    there is no evidence - we can only speculate and draw conclusions -
    but if someone thinks that the resulting picture has nothing to do
    with the Kremlin and the purposeful activity of enemy intelligence,
    it can attributed to extreme naivety and lack of familiarity with
    similar projects more than enough of which has been seen by Georgia.

    Now let's try to answer a question: how should the Georgian government
    react in this regard? There may be several options. However, it is
    clear that studying of the Darial activity and compiling dossiers
    on members of this organization would be the minimum necessary
    operational work that the Georgian counter-intelligence was required
    to do immediately. The same as for the preparation of the checkpoint
    "black list" of persons who should not be allowed into Georgia in
    order prevent activists of Darial from making a provocation. It is
    well known how the Russian army loves keep peace (war) and "protect
    compatriots" on a foreign soil. And information that the occupants
    deployed in the Akhalgori district have been probing opportunity to
    save someone else, this time in a nearby Truso gorge, were leaked
    in late 2009 and early 2010. And then no one will understand how and
    what it was. For example, they are still searching for a mass grave
    of Ossetian virgins burned alive in Tskhinvali, but who cares now?

    Elementary logic compels to recognize that the complaints of Alexander
    Lukashevich and Darial do not sound out of nowhere. And there must
    be the database and information on refusals of entry if people who
    work in appropriate structures of Georgia have minimum competence
    and responsibility. But this concerns not some abstract, innocently
    infringed Ossetians, but quite specific individuals associated with
    implementation of a particular political project. Ossetians as a whole,
    as it was shown above, are actively using visa-free regime better
    than others and, for the most part, encounter no problems at all. I
    guess we do not need to explain why the Ministry of Interior Affairs
    or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia without significant
    reasons will not go into specific detail in their public statements
    and draw attention to the work of counterintelligence, giving food
    for speculation on this topic.

    By the way, with respect to the Russian Foreign Ministry it should be
    noted here that the statement of Lukashevich of January 27th was the
    first concrete proof that Darial is not a local initiative at the
    level of Tskhinvali and Vladikavkaz, and the project, as minimum,
    is coordinated with Moscow. So far the public contacts of the
    organization did not rise above the protocol meeting with Kokoity
    and Mamsurov and in 2011 it was characterized by a sharp decline in
    its activities - which can be attributed to the need to smooth out
    the initial clumsiness and, after a pause, to remind about it in a
    new "humanitarian" aspect. Under such cover which it is possible
    to coordinate efforts with the Russian Foreign Ministry too. And
    it does not matter who allowed or not allowed across the border -
    Georgia is still unlikely to open its doors for activists of Darial -
    but it does not stop them to work in the information field. At this
    stage, more is not needed. And when it is needed, right people will
    be sent into Georgia one way or another. For example, via the already
    occupied territory, accompanied by armoured personnel carriers and
    with cries in the media about poor citizens of the Russian Federation
    that are forced by the Tbilisi regime to resort to extreme measures,
    systematically being denied legitimate travel to their native land ...

    One would put a full stop here, but there are signs that the plan
    drawn up in Russia has a much more extensive nature. Have you already
    digested historically Ossetian Gori, Mtskheta and Dusheti? Then welcome
    to "Trialeti Ossetia". That was the name given by unknown authors of
    Wikipedia a territory area spread on the Trialeti Range between Gori,
    Kareli, Khashuri, Borjomi, Tsalka and Caspi, where among Georgian
    villages there are compact settlements of Ossetians. Thus, "Trialeti
    Ossetia" extends "the expanded South Ossetia" to the south and only
    Javakheti region with its dominant share of the Armenian population
    is between it and Armenia, where the 102nd Russian military base is
    deployed in Gyumri. Does this lead to any thoughts?

    The emergence of "Trialeti Ossetia" in virtual space, as well as
    materials about "Tyrsyg" occurred in the beginning of 2010, which fits
    well in the timing of Darial. Absence of any interviews and articles
    in the press, which would theoretically justify claims to cover all
    areas south of Tskhinvali, is a little confusing. But that, as they
    say, will come with time - the whole project is just three years old
    and it has been focused on the Kazbegi region so far. Therefore,
    one can only wonder at the fact that another Ossetia has not yet
    been found in the Kakheti region - there are compact settlements
    of Ossetians there too. However, emergence of "Lagodekhi Ossetia"
    is clearly prevented by its location in the extreme east of Georgia
    and a lack of communication with the rest of Ossetia - a bad geography
    does not appeal to our northern neighbour ...

    Speaking of geography. If one adds up all the maps with the "native
    Ossetian land," we get a blue dream of Russian superpower supporters:
    the Caucasus, completely separated from north to south with "outposts"
    of Russia. North Ossetia-Alania, plus the "South Ossetia", enhanced
    by the Georgian Military Highway, and the middle reaches of the Kura,
    plus "Trialeti Ossetia" ... Plus, as we know from the Russian media,
    the "native Armenian Javakhk" and Native Armenian Armenia with the
    Russian base and direct access to Iran.

    And again, not only Georgia will be cut in half, but the entire
    Caucasus, which, in case of realization of this idea, will not be
    divided in the North and South Caucasus but into the west and east.

    Isolated from each other by massive "Super Ossetia", which will be
    closely tied to Russia by a deadly feud with all the neigh neighbouring
    Caucasian nations. No Caucasian integration, no transit routes, no
    alternative oil and gas pipelines ... Surely, in this picture all those
    who follow periodic revelations of Moscow thinkers on the subject of
    "de-sovereignization of Georgia", "a new conquest of the Caucasus"
    and other washing-of-boots-in-warm-seas, have already seen familiar
    features. That is a development of the process that was initiated
    by the Bolsheviks in annexed Georgia in 1922 through the formation
    of the South Ossetian region in the lands of Kartli, Imereti, Racha
    and Svaneti regions of Georgia.

    Obviously the article is largely based on assumptions. But, sure,
    on legitimate assumptions - given the recent history of Georgia
    and existing situation of today. For it was "little things" like
    this that the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia were started
    from at the time, as well as attempts to foment conflicts in other
    regions. And now we have the "new realities" in the face of Georgia's
    occupied territories that received Russian recognition and we need
    to recognize that correct diagnosis at an early stage is half of
    successful treatment of a disease.

    Formation of the basis for expanding the geography of the conflict is
    just beginning, although its contours have already been marked. And
    this is the least calculated on Ossetians living in Georgia - if only
    because all too apparent absurdity of the identified claims. It should
    be remembered that, despite all the ugly aspects of the conflict
    in "South Ossetia" in the early nineties of the last century, the
    absolute majority of Ossetians remained "ours" and far ahead of all
    other minority groups when it comes to integration. They are actively
    represented at all levels - from ministerial to officers and soldiers
    that were repelling Russia's aggression in the vicinity of "sleeping
    Tskhinvali." Therefore, the worst reaction from the Georgian side
    would be demonstration of any anti-Ossetian sentiment - which is one
    of the goals of this provocation. And the fact that the provocation
    will gradually gain momentum is in no doubt after the Russian Foreign
    Ministry became involved in the Darial project.

    Unfortunately, among the North Ossetian - especially among young
    people - the idea of the new "native Ossetian land" in the heart of
    Georgia may well take roots. All Caucasians have a soft spot for
    all sorts of "upgrades" to their history. And Ossetians were also
    placed here out of competition because of their role assigned to
    them by the current policy in the Caucasus, and Moscow's long-term
    plans. In a world where they seriously talk about Ossetian Lon-Don
    and are ready to move from the shores of Albion in the direction of
    ancient Egypt, with its god Os-Ir-Is, "Trialeti Ossetia" is just a
    light snack at the feast of ideological pseudo-senility. So, these
    ideas will get some "public support" in the North Ossetia-Alania -
    enough so that through hyperbolisation of the subject in the media
    gradually introduce the thesis of the new "disputed territories"
    and create a virtual conflict. In other words - to create a solid
    information background to transfer the conflict to the point where,
    if Russia suddenly gets another opportunity to pull the strings and
    engage in a new "peaceful resolution"...
