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Turkey, Azerbaijan - Sanctions Against Iran

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  • Turkey, Azerbaijan - Sanctions Against Iran

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 18:04:02 - 09/02/2012

    Turkey and Azerbaijan announce that they will not support sanctions
    against Iran unless the UN approves those sanctions.

    It should be noted that the welfare of the Turkish economy is mostly
    related to Iran which has become its lead supplier of oil and gas
    and is therefore the most important and closest market for several
    branches of Turkey's economy. The sanctions against Iran would do
    great harm to Turkey. In addition, the Iranian direction of external
    economic relations cannot be compensated in the visible future.

    Unlike the Arab states which do not implement significant supplies
    of goods (except for oil), Turkey depends on the external market
    because its economics is mostly aimed at the external market of raw
    materials and supply. Hence, sanctions against Iran mean sanctions
    against Turkey.

    At the same time, like Iran, Turkey fears the critical line in their
    relations and will always observe the rules of the game, knowing that
    a confrontation would lead to a regional catastrophe.

    However, the present U.S.-Turkish relations when Turkey has accepted
    most conditions of the United States have marked the place Turkey
    has occupied in forming the anti-Iranian front. The Iranians do not
    cherish illusions regarding the positions and functions which Turkey
    performs in the U.S. strategy in the Near East and expects the worst
    which apparently is something impossible thing, in other words,
    an offensive on Iran.

    However, these are only separate fragments in the Turkish-Iranian
    relations but if the main goal of Turkey is concerned, it is the
    restraint on the expansion of Iran in a long-term perspective.

    Therefore, to say that Turkey does not participate in the sanctions
    is profanation.

    The same goes for Azerbaijan which has become a platform for the
    intelligence activities of the United States and Israel in regard to
    Iran. At the same time, Azerbaijan has become the main destabilizing
    factor for Iran in the north. Iran has conducted deep and systemic
    work for the failure of Azerbaijan as a state and society, and now
    it no longer hides it. Azerbaijan needs strong backing and security
    guarantees because Iran is viewed as enemy N1.

    In this situation, Azerbaijan also understands that the sole real
    guarantor can be only the United States and, of course, is ready to
    do any service.

    It is possible that Turkey and Azerbaijan have agreed the conditions of
    their position and attitude towards Iran which will soon become known
    one way or another. It is necessary to note that this speculative
    position of Turkey and Azerbaijan must be conducted in terms of
    arguments in clarifying the relations between the United States and
    Armenia regarding the anti-Iranian sanctions if it has to be done.
