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NKR: Large-Scale Construction With Non-State Means As Well

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  • NKR: Large-Scale Construction With Non-State Means As Well


    NKR Government Information and
    Public Relations Department

    At the NKR Government Session

    Today a regular session of the NKR Government chaired by Prime Minister
    Ara Haroutyunyan has been held.

    By the first question of the agenda the executive approved the project
    of measurements dedicated to the economic development of NKR that
    will be realized by the state budget means of 2012. From the state
    budget means 50 million AMD is foreseen for this project.

    One of the most important projects asserted by the Government is the
    list of objects within the frameworks of capital construction in 2012.

    Total sum of capital construction and repairing works made up 8
    milliard 985 million 750 thousand AMD. For construction and repairing
    works in the city Stepanakert is foreseen 2 milliard 300 million AMD.

    577 million 848 thousand AMD was allocated for the development and
    running of irrigation and water system. The reconstruction of Artsakh
    state dramatic theatre will start during the current year, construction
    of Stepanakert's sport complex will be continued, new school buildings
    will be built in Astghashen (Askeran region), Tsovategh (Martouni
    region), Azokh ,Ukhtadzor (Hadrout region) and so on.

    At the same time Prime Minister informed that capital construction
    will be fulfilled not only by state means but also by charitable: by
    means of all-armenian fund "Hayastan" will be restored water systems
    and preschool institutions.

    At the session the government approved annual programs to be realized
    in the sphere of agriculture, education and science, culture and youth,
    sport, real estate cadastre, tourism and nature protection.

    These documents will be fully put up in the website of the NKR
    government (

    In connection with the above mentioned programs Prime Minister Ara
    Haroutunyan noted that additional measures will be realized by means
    that are expected from other sources.

    This year it is foreseen to import grain harvester combines, tractors
    and other agricultural equipments at the cost of AMD 3 billion. They
    will be let to private farmers by leasing on favourable terms,-said
    the Prime Minister.

    In a number of interim programs the executive confirms state order of
    purchasing services of social welfare ministry's "Stepanakert nursing
    home" SNO. In 2012 it will amount AMD 105 million. State service will
    be carried out in hospital and at home for 225 persons.

    The executive approved new regulations for the employees of healthcare
    service: the previous one was recognized invalid. It was defined as
    well that normal working time duration for healthcare employees will
    be not more than 39 hours per a week.

    The executive endorsed state order of purchasing TV and radio
    broadcasting services.

    Charter of real estate cadastre's geodesy and land state agency was
    approved as well.

    This year the state will allocate means for realizing control over
    livestock of predators. It is provided to spend AMD 18 million to
    lessen livestock of wolves and jackals that threaten the population
    and agriculture.

    During the session the executive came out with 4 initiatives. First,
    it was approved draft of the NKR "Family code". According to the
    draft only the marriages registered in the registry office are valid.

    Changes were proposed to the NKR law "On state nonprofit
    organization". According to it state organization in the way of
    reorganization may be reorganized to fully state participation
    organization or fund.

    Significant amendments were made in the NKR law "On general
    education". They mainly concern to a teacher, his retraining,
    qualification and conferring a degree.

    The last initiative of the executive refers to the NKR rescue service.

    They were mainly of editorial character-a number of changes and
    certain additions, which concern rights and duties of rescue service's

    These four initiatives will be submitted to the NKR NA's discussion.
