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ANKARA: Turkey EU Min Says Illogical To Call 1915 Events A Genocide

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  • ANKARA: Turkey EU Min Says Illogical To Call 1915 Events A Genocide

    Anadolu Agency, Turkey
    Feb 11 2012

    Turkey's EU Minister Says It Is Illogical To Call 1915 Events A Genocide

    Saturday, 11 February 2012 16:15 .

    Turkey's European Union (EU) minister and chief negotiator said on
    Saturday that it was illogical to call the 1915 events a genocide.

    Egemen Bagis said the fact that some EU members had to pass a series
    of laws that restrict freedom of speech was illogical, this was
    contrary to the principles of the EU constitution that the members had

    "I said in Zurich, I repeat here, and I will repeat elsewhere, that
    with our information, according to our records and our sources, it
    makes no sense- it-s illogical to call the 1915 events a genocide,"
    Bagis told an interview with the Euronews TV channel.

    Bagis said Turkey challenged Armenia and other countries to open their
    archives, that Turkey created an independent commission in which they
    found Armenian historians, Russian, Turkish, European and American

    "That all these countries open their archives so that we can analyse
    what really happened in 1915. Thereafter we can assess the situation.
    This is an execution without trial. Calling the 1915 events a genocide
    based solely on information we have right now, comes from a lobby that
    nurtures malicious hatred. We refuse to enter into their games," he

    Asked if it could be spread throughout the EU, Bagis said, "this is
    against the principles of the EU. For this to be possible, all 27 EU
    members should take a unanimous decision. It's unlikely that all 27 EU
    countries decide this at the same time."

    On Turkish-EU relations, Bagis said Europe must stop thinking that the
    Turks would emigrate to Europe, because in recent year's every one had
    seen that more Europeans were moving to Turkey than vice versa.

    Bagis said Turkey's position was not driven by economic interests,
    Turkey never saw the EU in that way. "For us, Europe is the most
    extensive project for peace in all of human history. When we look at
    the member countries of the European Union, we find that peoples who
    have waged war for centuries now live in peace within the EU," he

    Bagis said for that peaceful project to become more worldwide Turkey
    should be integrated into it, and due to its geographical location,
    Turkey served as a bridge between countries and could give that
    project an international dimension.

    "Despite the economic difficulties experienced by the EU, we must not
    forget that the EU still has the highest wealth per capita. Therefore
    the EU model is one of the best to apply when thinking of our own
    hopes for the future," he said.

    Asked if Turkey was going to turn towards other horizons, Bagis said
    as always Turkey continued to be a bridge between East and West,
    between Islam and Christianity.

    "In terms of energy resources it also serves as a bridge and manages
    supply and demand. This bridge, which extends from north to south, and
    east to west gets stronger every day. This shouldn't be a source of
    disagreement," the minister said.

    On economic crisis, Bagis said, "as Turkey has also gone through very
    difficult times, we can say that the EU will emerge from this crisis
    even more stable and fortified. Not so long ago, there was a period of
    12-13 years in which Turkey saw interest rates raise by 8000 percent
    in a single night."

    "The first thing that the EU should do is take away the visa that
    applies to Turkish citizens. It's unfair, illogical, and illegitimate.
    Turks should be able to travel freely in EU member countries. This
    would mean more tourists and therefore more money spent. They-ll do
    business. Turkish citizens now have the opportunity to travel without
    visas in 65 countries. We are part of the customs union, 50 percent of
    our foreign trade is with the EU, 60 percent of tourists visiting
    Turkey come from the EU. Despite all this, it is unfortunate that we
    can not we travel freely in EU countries," he said.

    Bagis said, "the world of business has grown significantly. Turkey is
    currently the sixth largest economy in Europe. Figures from the OECD
    predict that by 2050 Turkey will be the second largest economy, and
    until 2020 Turkey will continue to have the strongest economic growth
    in Europe. To build walls and close doors to such potential does not
    make sense. We must stop thinking that the Turks will emigrate to
    Europe, because in recent years we-ve seen that more Europeans are
    moving to Turkey than vice versa."

    Asked about criticism about slowdown in reforms, Bagis said, "the AK
    (Justice & Development) Party is not tired of making reforms. The AK
    party is historically the government which has made --the most
    reforms. Just look what we have done recently."

    On constitutional initiatives, Bagis said they were creating a
    commission with an equal number of representatives that reflected the
    four parties represented in parliament.

    "Right now it is this committee which is responsible for the new
    constitution. NGOs, academics and journalists also support the work of
    the commission. Once all this information is collected the commission
    will prepare a civil constitution which I hope will unite all
    citizens," he said.

    Commenting on developments in Syria, Bagis said, "today at a press
    conference the President of the European Parliament himself said that
    Turkey is the country that made --the most courageous statements on
    this issue. We would also like to see European countries adopt a
    firmer stance."

    "On one night alone 300 people were killed. The entire international
    community must tell them to stop. The international community should
    exert greater pressure on China and Russia who are permanent members
    of the Security Council of the United Nations," the minister said.

    "Tens of thousands of people have already been welcomed into Turkey.
    All our resources have been deployed- Concerning our plans for the
    future, I'm not ready to share that on camera, I'll save it for
    diplomacy behind the scenes," Bagis also said.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress