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Armenian Politicians Claim Credit for France's Genocide Law

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  • Armenian Politicians Claim Credit for France's Genocide Law

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting IWPR, UK
    CRS Issue 629
    February 11, 2012 Saturday

    Armenian Politicians Claim Credit for France's Genocide Law

    Others say French decision was not really influenced by Yerevan.

    By Hasmik Hambardzumyan

    As politicians in Armenia vie to prove they prompted France to pass a
    genocide denial bill, some analysts say the vote probably had more to
    do with French politics than any pressure coming out of Yerevan.

    On January 23, France's Senate approved a bill making it a criminal
    offence to deny that a genocide of Armenians took place in Ottoman
    Turkey in 1915-16. The lower house of parliament passed the bill in

    "This day will be written in gold letters, and not just in the history
    of friendship between the French and Armenian peoples - it will enter
    the global history of human rights and create fresh mechanisms for the
    prevention of crimes against humanity," Armenian foreign minister
    Edward Nalbandyan wrote in a letter to his French counterpart.

    The vote was the outcome of a process lasting over two decades, driven
    along by France's half-a-million-strong Armenian diaspora.

    The law would need to be signed by President Nicolas Sarkozy for it to
    come into force. He is in favour, but the bill has been put on hold
    following a request by some lawmakers to have France's top
    constitutional body review its legality.

    The Senate decision met with hostility from Turkey, which has always
    denied that genocide took place.

    Some 20 other countries have officially recognised the events of
    1915-16 as an Armenian genocide, though far fewer have opted to
    criminalise denial.

    In Armenia, the Senate vote was met with delight, with a spontaneous
    demonstration outside the French embassy.

    Eduard Sharmazanov, spokesman for President Serzh Sargsyan's ruling
    Republic Party, seized the initiative in claiming a diplomatic

    "I can say that the Senate's approval of this bill demonstrates that
    the Armenian authorities headed by President Sargsyan have for all
    these years pursued a flexible, a correct and most importantly a
    pro-Armenian foreign policy," he said.

    Levon Zurabyan of the opposition Armenian National Congress disputed
    the importance of the Yerevan government's role, saying the decision
    was prompted instead by lobbying from the Armenian diaspora, as well
    as by France's desire to take a lead on human rights issues and on
    change in the Middle East.

    "It was these specific factors that played the decisive role," he
    said. "It's therefore immoral for the current Armenian regime to grasp
    at the laurels for this historic decision."

    Most of the Armenians in France are descended from refugees who fled
    the Ottoman Empire. The community is centred on Marseille, which at
    100,000 has the largest Armenian diaspora group in Europe, and
    numerous cultural centres, schools and churches.

    Some French politicians argued against the bill on the grounds that
    Sarkozy was using it to win the Armenian vote in the run-up to the
    April election. Opinion polls show Sarkozy lagging behind socialist
    rival Francois Hollande.

    Giro Manoyan, a leading figure in Armenia's opposition Dashnaktsutyun
    party, said campaigning for the French presidential election had
    undoubtedly been a significant factor in the vote, although by no
    means the only one.

    Richard Giragosian, a leading analyst and director of the Regional
    Studies Centre in Yerevan, said the real driving forces behind the
    decision had a lot to do with French politics, both domestic and

    "In many ways it was about French domestic politics - Sarkozy's
    re-election. It was also a way to damage Turkey's attempt to join the
    European Union. And there is France's desire to enhance its role in
    international politics," he said.

    Giragosian suggested that the French vote might ultimately be good
    rather than bad for Armenian-Turkish relations.

    The two countries do not have formal diplomatic relations and the
    border between them remains closed. Attempts at a rapprochement have
    ground to a halt and there appears to be little impetus to revive it
    at the moment.

    "In the short term, because of Turkish over-reactions on the issue, it
    makes diplomacy difficult," he said. "In the medium term, however, it
    may push Turkey towards restarting the normalisation of ties with
    Armenia, for two reasons. First, because Turkey will start looking
    east, rather than west towards the European Union. Second, Turkey may
    opt to return to diplomatic engagement with Armenia as a way of
    addressing the genocide issue, because it's facing increasing pressure
    over genocide recognition following the [French] vote."

    Hasmik Hambardzumyan is a journalist working for the
    news site. Lusine Avagyan and Seda Muradyan from IWPR also contributed
    material for this article.

    Source: IWPR

