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Hayastan Fund's French Affiliate Begins Construction Of Vocational S

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  • Hayastan Fund's French Affiliate Begins Construction Of Vocational S

    16.02.2012 12:37

    The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund's French affiliate has launched the
    construction of a vocational school in the city of Shushi. The future
    institution will be named after French-Armenian benefactor Yeznik
    Mozian, whose bequest has provided the necessary funds for the project.

    With a total area of 4,050 square meters, the future school will
    accommodate up to 225 students. It will offer a three-year certificate
    program in various specialties as well as a broad spectrum of general
    academic subjects.

    The two-story campus will feature all required amenities
    including fully appointed classrooms, workshops, labs, and a
    library. The facility will also be equipped with central heating
    and air-conditioning, and comprise storage space for educational
    materials. Currently construction crews are laying the building's

    "On the model and standards of similar French professional institutions
    our architects and consultants have designed this school to practice
    the most effective educational methods. School professors and
    instructors will be selected and trained accordingly", says the
    Mozian familiy reprentative Robert Aydabirian, who is the overall
    project coordinator.

    Graduates of the Yeznik Mozian School -who will be certified
    variously as locksmiths, metalworkers, painters, roofers, carpenters,
    electricians, tilers, plumbers, and other specialists - are expected
    to enter the local job market, helping fill the shortage of trade

    "The school will welcome students from all over Karabakh as well
    as Armenia, being equipped with dormitory facilities and aimed at
    becoming the most advanced school of this kind in the region", points
    out the chairman of the Hayastan Fund French affiliate Bedros Terzian.

    "Today Artsakh is in dire need of highly skilled professionals
    in the construction sector," says Kajik Khachatryan, head of the
    Shushi District Administration. "The Yeznik Mozian School will mean
    a wonderful opportunity for young people who wish to specialize in
    a particular trade and become accomplished specialists."

    "The establishment of the Yeznik Mozian School is an unprecedented
    initiative in the history of our organization," said Ara Vardanyan,
    executive director of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. "We are confident
    that, thanks to the contribution of our French-Armenian benefactor,
    the socio-economic development of Shushi will be further boosted by
    an educational institution poised to produce generations of highly
    qualified professionals."

    The Yeznik Mozian School is being constructed in Shushi's eastern
    neighborhood, which continues to be developed as the city's educational
    quarter. It is already home to several music and liberal-arts schools
    as well as the Agriculture Department of Artsakh State University.

    From: A. Papazian