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Armenians Protest Uygur Talk At Democratic Convention

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  • Armenians Protest Uygur Talk At Democratic Convention


    Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

    The protesters turned their backs to Cenk Uygur

    SAN DIEGO-Genocide denier and co-founder of the progressive Internet
    talk radio show, The Young Turks, Cenk Uyger was greeted by a group
    of protesters during his recent appearance at the California State
    Democratic Party convention. The event was the Progressive Caucus'
    scheduled meeting and panel discussion held at the convention in San
    Diego under the auspices of the California Democratic Party.

    Prior to the demonstration, the Armenian National Committee
    of America-Western Region and the Southern California Armenian
    Democrats had lodged complaints with the California Democratic Party
    for providing a platform to known Genocide denier. Caro Avanessian of
    the California Armenian American Democrats also wrote a formal letter
    expressing the concerns of the statewide charter organizations with
    the speaker.

    Torie Osborne, a candidate for CA State Assembly 50th district (Santa
    Monica), removed herself from the panel of speakers due to the efforts
    of Southern California Armenian Democrats (SCAD) and the ANCA-WR. Her
    voluntary removal increased the pressure on the Progressive Caucus
    to cancel Uygur's appearance.

    Issues were raised by Armenian and Greek delegates to the party with
    the name of Uygur's program which referenced the Young Turks - the
    popular name of the Committee of Union and Progress which was the
    political party led by the orchestrators of the Armenian Genocide of
    1915 - 1923. Concerns were also expressed about an article that Mr.

    Uygur wrote while a student at the University of Pennsylvania in
    which he made the following statement:

    "The claims of an Armenian Genocide are not based on historical facts.

    If the history of the period is examined it becomes evident that in
    fact no such genocide took place."

    The chair of the Progressive Caucus reaffirmed her organization's
    support of the Congressional resolutions on the Armenian Genocide
    but refused to cancel the speaking engagement of Cenk Uygur, which
    led to the collective demonstration at the Progressive Caucus meeting.

    Members of Southern CA Armenian Democrats (SCAD), ANCA, CA Armenian
    American Democrats Organization (CAAD), Armenian Council of America
    (ACA) and San Gabriel Valley Armenian Democrats (SGVAD) passed out
    literature on Uygur's record of denial.

    Uygur opened his prepared remarks with comments indicating he had
    no harmful intent when selecting the name of his program - the Young
    Turks. He further stated that he does not hate Armenians. His co-host
    on the program is an Armenian, Ana Kasparian.

    His refusal to directly address his previous comments led to the
    peaceful demonstration by the Armenian-American groups with some
    walking out on the speaker while a large contingent turned their
    backs to the speaker for the duration of his comments.

    Many officials expressed their support for the demonstration, including
    Assemblymembers Chuck Calderon (D-Montebello) and Congresswoman Janice
    Hahn (D-San Pedro).
