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AYF Thanked Great Britain For Saving Armenian Culture From Turk Vand

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  • AYF Thanked Great Britain For Saving Armenian Culture From Turk Vand

    17.02.12, 13:20

    Armenian youth foundation (AYF) launched an initiative to bring the
    relics of the cult of Goddess Anahit back to Armenia. Armenian youth
    foundation starts gathering signatures for the aim. Press service of
    the foundation informs about this.

    The young initiators sent a letter to British Ambassadors in Armenia
    Jonathan Aves and Katherine Leach, which especially says:

    "We have an initiative to bring Armenian cultural and historical
    values back to the Motherland. Many examples of Armenian culture are
    kept and exhibited in various museums in the whole world. Bronze head
    and hands of the cult of goddess Anahit are among those examples. We
    call on Armenia to take back those cultural relics as the art must
    be kept and exhibited in the country where it was created".

    The letter also thanks Great Britain for saving and protecting Armenian
    culture from Turk vandals. "But the historical justice claims to bring
    back the relics of Anahit goddess and keep them in the country where
    they were created. We are sure that Great Britain will respect our
    initiative and will return the relics to us", the letter says.

    Remind that Armenian Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan
    offered to apply to British Ambassadors in Armenia for the issue. He
    considers that it is possible to bring the relics of the cult to

    "It will not be easy, but it demands on British will and Armenian
    consistent attitude", Ashotyan said during the conversation with and added that in this initiative he presents himself not as
    a Minister, but as a citizen and an Armenian.

    "The initiative is civil and Armenian", the Minister noted and said
    that the reaction and promise by the British Ambassador is not a bad
    result. Note that the Ambassador promised that cult of Anahit Goddess
    may be brought and presented in Armenia in the exchanging program.

    "Armenian relics have never been brought from the British museum", A.
    Ashotyan commented.

    The issue is also discussed in the social networks and the opinions are
    different. A group is sure that the cult must remain in British museum
    as Armenian culture must be presented in world most known museums.

    Goddess Anahit is worshiped in Armenia since ancient times. On the
    earliest times she also was military Goddess for Armenians. Anahit
    was a symbol of motherhood.

    34 BC Romanian commander Marcos Antonio robbed the cathedral of Goddess
    and broke the great cult. They divided the parts of the cult and took
    to Rome.

    Note that now the relics of Armenian Goddess Anahit are in British
    Museum, in the 22th exhibition hall. The following note tells about
    the cult in the museum:

    "Head from a bronze cult statue of Anahit, a local goddess shown here
    in the guise of Aphrodite, 200-100 BC

    Found at Satala in NE Asia Minor (Armenia Minor)

    A left hand holding drapery was found with the head, showing that it
    belongs to a full-length figure".
