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50 Armenian Communities To Get $11mln From World Bank

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  • 50 Armenian Communities To Get $11mln From World Bank


    February 17, 2012 - 14:22 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors
    approved a US$11 million credit, the Third Additional Financing for
    the Social Investment Fund III (ASIF III) Project for Armenia.

    The Additional Financing will further assist the Government of
    Armenia in its efforts to improve the living standards of the poor
    and vulnerable groups by expanding labor-intensive infrastructure
    projects in response to critical needs of the local communities.

    The Project focuses on "infrastructure gaps" through renovation
    and rehabilitation of secondary and special schools, kindergartens,
    gymnasiums and playgrounds, primary health clinics, potable water
    pipelines and sanitation systems, community-cultural and social
    service centers, minor irrigation schemes throughout Armenia. In this
    regard, the situation in Armenia's rural areas, especially in remote
    and isolated communities, and the earthquake zone, is particularly
    severe. The Project targets those populations most affected by the
    economic crisis, and the Additional Financing will help to meet these
    and other needs over the medium-term.

    The Additional Financing will support implementation of about 50
    micro-projects aimed at infrastructure rehabilitation and improvement,
    and will create short-term employment of up to 140,000 days of labor.

    About 20 schools and kindergartens and 5 community centers will
    benefit from improved furniture under the proposed project.

    Total financing of the Additional Financing is US$ 14.6 million,
    of which the Government of Armenia will finance US$2.9 million and
    US$0.7 million will be provided by beneficiary communities. The IDA
    credit in the amount of US11 million carries a maturity of 25 years
    including a grace period of 5 years.

    Since joining the World Bank in 1992 and IDA in 1993, the total IDA
    and IBRD commitments to Armenia amount to US$1, 517 million.
