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BAKU: US Azerbaijani And Turkish Diaspora Start Campaign Against Ira

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  • BAKU: US Azerbaijani And Turkish Diaspora Start Campaign Against Ira


    Feb 17 2012

    To support Azerbaijan's independence and sovereignty, the Azerbaijani
    and Turkish Diaspora in the US have started an immediate campaign
    against Iran's pressure on Azerbaijan.

    The US Azerbaijani Network, a main organizer called an action, to
    make sure the Congress and US media are more aware about the recent
    events and stand strongly with their regional ally.

    "The past weeks saw a rapid deterioration of relations between
    the international community and Iran, which has adversely affected
    regional allies of the United States, Israel, and the West. Iran
    stepped up aggressive rhetoric and propaganda against Azerbaijan,
    a staunch US and Israel ally", read the letters.

    The authors remind that, Azerbaijan, which is the size of the state
    of Maine, and itself a victim of armed aggression, occupation and
    genocidal policies by Armenian military (such as in Khojaly in
    February 26, 1992), has been trying to be on good terms with its
    powerful southern neighbor, as Iran has a significant population
    of ethnic Azerbaijanis living there (up to 30% of the population),
    who are persecuted and discriminated for their ethnic and linguistic
    "differences" with the ruling Persians. Nevertheless, Azerbaijan
    wants peace and stability on its borders and has centuries of bond
    and friendship with all people of Iran, after all, Azerbaijanis have
    ruled Iran and other adjacent lands for a millennium.

    "However, Iranian government TV and radio's illegal broadcasts continue
    into Azerbaijan, its pseudo-religious and pan-Iranian propaganda does
    not seem to subside, and it continues to make threats and various
    unfriendly gestures towards Azerbaijan, that include killing of
    journalists such as Rafik Tagi in Baku in November 2011 and attempting
    to blow up Israeli embassy in Baku in January 2012", they note.

    According to the Diaspora members, "one should consider the
    reasoning behind Iranian government's thinking, succinctly put by
    Michael Eisenstadt: "Iran tacitly supported Armenia in its war with
    Azerbaijan" - because Iranian government wants to see Azerbaijan weak
    and failed. Armenia and its enterprises, which have been previously
    sanctioned by the U.S. Government for nuclear proliferation and
    weapons trading with Iran, are occupying Karabakh region, which is
    16% of Azerbaijan on the border with Iran, turning Karabakh into an
    uncontrolled area and a black hole for drug trade, weapons trafficking
    and other illegal activities".

    "And when, as we recently learned from media interviews, the chief
    of Azerbaijan's Border Service requested to meet with his Iranian
    counterpart, over the unnecessary killing of an Azerbaijani border
    guard by Iranian border guards in July 2011, the Iranian general
    has not responded, for several months now. It is hard to maintain
    peaceful and healthy relations when officials cannot even meet,
    or when one side's generals make various unhealthy and unheard of
    racist statements about Azerbaijanis' "blood in veins", or about the
    12th century great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi".

    The letters also remind that there are numerous statements in
    official state Iranian media since 1991 breakup of USSR about annexing
    Azerbaijan to Iran, and other attempts to deny Azerbaijan its right
    of existence and its own history - just like it is being done to the
    ethnic Azerbaijanis in Iran itself.

    "As a consequence, it is the moral responsibility of the US Government
    and all branches of government is to show their support to their
    strategic ally in that turbulent region and stand strong with
    Azerbaijan. Such support should range from statements and resolutions
    in support of sovereign and independent Azerbaijan, to supplying it
    with defensive systems such as Patriot air-defense systems to protect
    Azerbaijan's energy infrastructure", say the Diaspora.
