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Azerbaijani cinemas cancel Russian war movie

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  • Azerbaijani cinemas cancel Russian war movie

    Azerbaijani cinemas cancel Russian war movie
    Februray 18, 2012

    [Summary: In spite of their project being 88% government funded,
    producers say "August. Eight" is not political. Commentators in
    Georgia call it pro-Kremlin and criticize the portrayal of Georgians
    as aggressors.]

    TBILISI, DFWatch - Just days before the premiere, two cinemas in
    Azerbaijan have decided not to show a new Russian movie set during the
    2008 Russia-Georgia war.

    Much of the new movie `August. Eight' was shot in Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia and the backdrop to the story is the war as seen from the
    Russian side of events, but director Dzhanik Fayziev rejects that it
    is a political film.

    21 February is the world premiere of `August. Eight'. Before its
    release in Baku, a campaign was started against it on Facebook driven
    by Georgian-Azerbaijani solidarity regarding breakaway areas. Russia
    does not support Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The Facebook campaign was successful and lead Park Cinema to pull the
    film off its schedule, as well as recalling all advertisement
    material. Now also Azerbaijan Cinema has followed suit.

    `August. Eight' has been criticized as Kremlin propaganda by
    commentators in Georgia; it portrays Georgia as the aggressor and
    filming took place inside both of Georgia's disputed regions. Some
    scenes were filmed on an elaborate set built in Sukhumi.

    Filming took place between March and August 2011. In addition to
    Sukhumi and Tskhinvali, scenes were also filmed at spots around the
    North Caucasus, including the city Tkuarchal, the villages Ursdon and
    Nar, along the Georgian military highway and in the Darial gorge. A
    trailer was released onto the internet.

    Fantasy. 33 out of 120 minutes is a parallel story line which takes
    place in the imagination of a young boy, made by computer generated
    imagery. The script is written by Michael Lerner and based on a fiairy
    tale by Danish writer H.C. Andersen.

    The project was heavily supported by the Russian government. Apart
    from being almost entirely financed by the state film fund - 16.7
    million out of its total production cost of 19 million US dollars -
    actors also received training at a Russian Ministry of Internal
    Affairs base.

    But director Fayziev maintains that it is not political, but part love
    story, part fantasy. Some of the story is based on Danish writer H.C.
    Andersen's fairy tale The Snow Queen. It was developed into a film
    script by the American Michael Alan Lerner, an experienced war
    reporter who in 2004 made a film called `Deadlines' about the
    difficulty of reporting the truth in times of conflict, set in the
    Beirut war in 1983.

    The fantasy parts of `August. Eight' take place inside a little boy's
    mind, made by computer generated imagery which takes up 33 out of the
    film's 120 minutes. The rest is about his mother, played by Svetlana
    Ivanova, who comes after him to Tskhinvali to save him after the war
    breaks out.

    This is the third film made with the 2008 South Ossetia war as a
    backdrop. The Russian-made `War 08.08.08' was released only three
    months after the war and perceived as heavily politicized. `5 Days of
    August' of last year was a Hollywood film with Georgian scriptwriter
    and co-producer. It was not financed by the Georgian government except
    in the early stages, but is widely perceived as telling the story of
    the war from President Mikheil Saakashvili's point of view. It starred
    Andy Garcia and had a budget of 12 million US dollars. `August. Eight'
    cost 19 million dollars to make.
