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Rosatom prepared to finance 50% of new reactor at Armenian NPP

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  • Rosatom prepared to finance 50% of new reactor at Armenian NPP

    Power Engineering Magazine
    Feb 18 2012

    Rosatom prepared to finance 50% of new reactor at Armenian NPP -

    Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom is prepared to finance 50%
    of the cost of a project to build a new generating unit at the
    Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, Armenian Energy and Natural Resources
    Minister Armen Movsisian said at a press conference on Thursday.

    The Russian proposal was discussed in Yerevan last week during a visit
    to Armenia by Rosatom head Sergei Kiriyenko, Movsisian said.

    At the time, Kiriyenko said Rosatom was prepared to invest 20-25% "and
    more," but that the "main investments will be on the part of Armenia."

    Movsisian also said that Armenia is prepared to consider any other
    lucrative proposal for any other investor to participate in the

    It was reported earlier that CJSC Metsamorenergoatom, a 50-50
    Russian-Armenian joint venture set up to build the new generating
    unit, is holding negotiations with foreign investors to involve them
    in this project.

    Movsisian also said that, according to the law, the government may not
    retain a controlling stake in the company that will operate the
    generating unit.

    "How many percent will belong to who does not play any significant
    role. What's important is that a company registered in Armenia will
    operate the unit," the minister said, adding that the nuclear reactor
    with capacity of 1,060 MW is scheduled to be built in 2019-2020.

    The existing reactor at the Armenian NPP will undergo a stress test in
    2012, the preparations for which were already made last year,
    Movsisian said. If the reactor passes the test, Armenia plans to
    extend its service live for another ten years.

    The Armenian NPP now has one 400 MW generating unit, the intended
    service life of which ends in 2016. However, Armenia has already said
    that the reactor will only be mothballed after a new one is built.
    IAEA experts have also said that the life of the existing reactor can
    be extended.

    Vp of

    Source: Interfax News Agency
