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Iran, Armenia Share Interests In Regional Issues: 20-Year-Old Histor

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  • Iran, Armenia Share Interests In Regional Issues: 20-Year-Old Histor

    Armen Israyelyan

    In these days the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution is
    celebrated in Iran. The Islamic Revolution began on January 8, 1978
    by a large manifestation of protest of students During the whole year
    the manifestations of protest held by different stata of the society
    were over on February 11, 1979, headed by the founder of the Islamic
    Republic of Iran Emam Khomeinia announcing the destruction of the
    shahs` government and the establishment of the Islamic system.

    The strategy of foreign policy of Iran was changed considerably after
    the Islamic Revolution. According to the newly admitted constitution,
    the execution of general provisions of foreign policy was dedicated
    to the president of the Republic and the Ministry of Foreign affairs,
    directed by the Supreme Leader of Iran and the Supreme commander of
    AF. The principle " No West, no East", as well as the landmark to leave
    in peace with neighbours and to conduct a policy of good neighbouring
    relations were included in the agenda of foreign policy of the country
    in order to exclude the presence of superpowers in the country.

    In September 1991, after the crumbling of the Soviet Union, when the
    independence of the Republic of Armenia was proclaimed. Iran was the
    first country that officially declared the independence of Armenia
    on December 26, of the same year.

    On February 9, 1992, Raffi Hovhannisyan, the Armenian minister of
    foreign affairs and Ali Aqbar Velayati, the minister of foreign
    affairs of Iran sign in Tehran a declaration for establishing
    diplomatic relations.

    On February 28, 1992, Ali Aqbar Velayati, the minister of foreign
    affairs of IRI makes his first official visit to Yerevan. The purpose
    of the visit was to make some consulations about international and
    regional problems and the Iranian deligation announces its readiness
    about the regulation of the antagonism of Nagorno Karabakh to assume
    its negotiating mission, as a result of which on March 16, 1992,
    a document is farmed and published, which refers to the antagonism
    of Karabagh, assumption of negotiating mission of IKI Velayati
    makes an offer where he witnessed that Iran is ready to appear with
    negotiating mission for studying the possible ways of regulation of
    Karabagh antagonism.

    On May 6, 1992, a delegation headed by the president of RA Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan arrives in Tehran on invitation of the IRI president
    Hashemi Rafsanjani. The sides negotiated about the antagonism of
    Nagorno Karabakh among other questions. On May 8, 1992 the RA president
    L. Ter-Petrosyan , the attorney of the president of Azerbaijan
    Yaghub Mamedov, as well as the president of the negotiator country
    Iran H. Rafsanjani, signed a common declaration on the regulatio
    of the opposition of NK. After he high level mutual visits between
    two countries, the sides decide to open embassies in each other `
    s countries. In April 1992, the IRI embassy is opened in Yerevan and
    in December the RA embassy is opened in Tehran. Vahan Bayburdyan is
    appointed the attorney of the affairs of RA in Tehran and mutually
    Bahman Ghasemi is the attorney of the affairs of IRI in Yerevan.

    In 1994, the Armenian- Iranian relations are raised to the level
    of ambassadors and Hamid Reza Niqqar Esfahani is appointed the
    ambassador , who is then replaced by Mohammad Farhad Qoleyni and
    Alireza Haghighia. Actually Ali Saghaian is the IRI ambassador in RA.

    Vahan Bayburdyan, who was formerly the RA attorney becomes the first
    ambassador of the third Republic of Armenia in Iran. During the
    following years the last is replaced by Gegham Gharibjanyan and Karen
    Nazaryan. Actually Grigor Araqelyan is the RA ambassador in Tehran.

    In order to develop the economic - commercial relations between
    Iran and Armenia a bridge is being built on the river Araks after
    the exploitation of which Iran becomes a transit way for Armenia
    to the transmission of loads to the countries of Persian Gulf. The
    transmissions of loads are increased for 3-4 times.

    More than 200 Armenian- Iranian enterprises started working actively
    in Armenia. Thanks to the economic interaction, Iran holds the first
    place in the exterior commerce of Armenia. A branch establishment
    of the Iranian bank " Mellat" is opened in Yerevan. The aerial
    communication between two countries was realized by the Iranian
    companies " Aria Tour", "Caspian" and " Armenian air roads".

    On 1995, corresponding agreements are made about the Iranian-Armenian
    gasmain, the high volt line of transmission line, the building of
    the common hydroelectric power station on the river Araks.

    On 25-27 December, 2007, a delegation headed by the second Armenian
    president Robert Kocharyan visited Iran for four days and had meetings
    with the IRI Supreme leader Ali Khamenei, president seyyed Mohammad
    Khatami, minister of foreign affairs Qamal Kharazi and minister of
    defense Ali Shamkhani.

    On September 8-9, 2004, the IRI president seyyed Mohammad Khatami
    makes a return official visit to Armenia. In the frames of the visit
    to Armenia, M. Khatami visited also he monument of the Armenian
    genocide to pay respect to the innocent martyrs that are victims of
    the genocide.

    Generally, the mutual visits executed in the level of presidents
    certified the dynamic development of bilateral relations. On July5 ,
    2006, the president R. Kocharyan made a labour visit to Iran, where
    he meets the newly elected president of IRI Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

    On March 19, 2007, the official ceremony of the opening of the
    gasmain is held in participation of the RA and IRI presidents, and
    by the end of 2008, the building of the second part of the Iran-
    Armenia gasmain is finished.

    In October 2007, the IRI president Mahmud Ahmadinejad arrives
    in Armenia for a two days` visit. During the visit in Yerevan a
    memorandum of mutual understanding between Iran and Armenia is signed,
    the sides appear with a common declaration. The president of Iran is
    granted with a nomination of an honourable doctor of the Yerevan State
    University. On April 13, 2009, the Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan
    `s official visit to Tehran revived the Armenian-Iranian relations.

    During it the president of Armenia had meetings with the IRI Supreme
    leader seyyed Ali Khamenei, president Mahmud Ahmadinejad, president
    of Mejlis Ali Larijani and the Secretary of the Supreme Council of
    National Security S. Jalili.

    The RA president specially mentioned that Iran had proved many times
    that is a confident friend having a pivotal importance for Armenia. In
    Serzh Sargsyan`s words Armenia has always felt the support of Iran
    and in the years of blockade the emergent products were imported to
    Armenia by the territory of Iran.

    The president Serzh Sargsyan`s next labour visit to Iran took place on
    March 27, 2011. During the meeting the presidents of two countries gave
    importance especially to the successfully developing interaction in
    energetics, transport, culture and some other domains , they reverted
    also to the project of the building of the Iran -Armenia railway. In
    the frames of his visit to Tehran Serzh Sargsyan took part also in
    the celebrations organized for the holiday of Novruz.

    In December 2011, the IRI president Mahmud Ahmadinejad makes a return
    visit to Armenia. In the frames of the visit agreements concerning
    the increase of the volumes of commerce circulation, development of
    substructures, economy, energetics, transport, industry and domains
    of investment were signed.

    Afterwards, the presidents of Armenia and Iran appeared with a common
    declaration expressing contentment for high level relations between the
    Republic of Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The relations
    are based on the friendship of many centuries of the nations. The
    presidents reaffirmed their decisiveness to continue developing the
    bilateral friendly mutually profitable relations.

    On February 9, 2012 was the 20th anniversary of the establishment of
    diplomatic relations of Iran and Armenia. The political, economic and
    cultural relations of two countries develop year by year, including
    new programs.

    Now, in the working agenda of the governments of two countries are
    the projects of building of the passageway Iran- Armenian, railroad,
    oil-pipeline, the electric power stations on the river Araks that will
    be built with the help of the loan provided by the Asian development
    bank, about the realization of which corresponding agreements were
    signed and now the preparatory works of the realization of the above
    mentioned projects are done. Iran and Armenia collaborate actively
    also in international organizations , the points of views of two
    countries about the problems of region coincide. During the meetings
    of the presidents of Armenia and Iran the point of view, according
    to which all the countries, including Iran, have the right of using
    nuclear energy peacefully, is underlined.

    Let us mention, that Iran , the first negotiator country involved
    in the regulation of the antagonism of NK, has conducted and
    conducts a balanced policy which is appreciated greatly by the
    Armenian government. It must be mentioned, that the role of the
    Armenian community in Iran, that was given exclusive rights and
    opportunities after the Islamic revolution in Iran, is on the basis
    of the development of the relations of Iran and Armenia. The Armenian
    churches and historical monuments are conserved and restored by the
    direct support of the government of Iran. According to the constitution
    of the country the Armenian community in Iran is represented also in
    the IRI Mejlis by its two representatives.

    Studying the past and present of the political relations of Armenia
    with its direct neighbour and friend Iran , particularly analyzing the
    20 year` s history of diplomatic relations of Armenia and Iran , we can
    state that both countries have the power to continue developing their
    political, economic and cultural relations during the next decades.

    From: Baghdasarian