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U.S. Congressmen Visit Armenia

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  • U.S. Congressmen Visit Armenia

    20.02.2012 11:11

    A 15-member Congressional Delegation from the U.S. House of
    Representatives headed by Chairman David Dreier met with President
    Serzh Sargsyan and Speaker of Parliament Samvel Nikoyan on February
    19. President Sargsyan hosted a dinner for the delegation, which
    included five members of the U.S. House of Representatives, and
    Ambassador John Heffern.

    At the dinner in honor of the Congressmen, President Serzh Sargsyan
    noted that he attaches the utmost importance to the contacts with the
    friends of Armenia in Congress whose support has had its considerable
    impact on the establishment and development of democracy in Armenia
    as well as on the preservation of stability in our region. "Taking
    this opportunity, I would like to express gratitude to you all for
    making possible financial, humanitarian and technical assistance to
    Armenia from day one of our independence.

    This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
    relations between Armenia and the United States, and I am glad that
    we are celebrating this jubilee on the highest level," President
    Serzh Sargsyan said.

    The Congressmen stressed the importance of the development of the
    US-Armenia relations. Your commitment to human rights, democracy and
    the rule of law in Armenia can be an example for many, many others,"
    Congressman David Dreier said.

    At the meeting discussed was a wide range of issues pertinent to
    the development and deepening of the Armenian-American relations
    and stressed was the importance of strengthening bilateral and
    multilateral cooperation.

    Congressman Dreier, Chair of the House Democracy Partnership,
    highlighted the importance of the upcoming parliamentary elections
    to the bilateral relationship and urged the government and all the
    political parties to "do everything in their power to ensure free,
    fair, and credible elections." The delegation expressed interest in
    developing closer ties between the National Assembly and the U.S.

    The Congressmen visited Armenia as representatives of the House
    Democracy Partnership (HDP), which is a bipartisan, 20-member
    commission established by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2005 to
    support the development of independent, democratic legislatures. The
    HDP seeks to build the capacity of its partner legislatures in
    key areas such as legislative oversight, budget analysis, committee
    operations, constituent relations, and library and research services,
    using peer-to-peer exchange programs, training seminars for members
    and staff, and targeted material assistance. This was the second
    visit of the HDP to Armenia.

    The Delegation includes Rep. David Dreier (R-CA); Rep. James Moran
    (D-VA); Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC); Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE); Rep. Kenny
    Marchant (R-TX); Reverend Patrick Conroy, Chaplain of the House of
    Representatives; and staff.
