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S. Nikoyan: "Mexico Should Not Become A Measure Of Information War"

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  • S. Nikoyan: "Mexico Should Not Become A Measure Of Information War"

    20.02.12, 18:16

    20th anniversary of Khojalu (Ivanyan) liberation will be marked on
    February 26. Azerbaijani side makes noise on the theme and spreads
    disinformation. As it is know on the end of 2011 two palaces of Mexican
    chief legal body accepted resolutions about "Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict over Nagorno Karabakh" and the second obviously has
    anti-Armenian character. Some days ago speaker of Armenian National
    Assembly Samvel Nikoyan sent a letter to the leaders of two palaces.

    Here is the letter:

    "Respected Mr. Narankho, respected Mr. Morphin. We have learnt
    recently that two Mexican palaces Senate (on November 4, 2011)
    and Deputies Palace (December 5, 2011), accepted resolutions about
    "Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh" and the second
    obviously has anti-Armenian character.

    Armenian side considers it is unacceptable that Mexican lawyers
    who expressed their ability to see the depths of the issues before,
    this time are led only by false information presented by Azerbaijani
    Embassy in Mexico and did not even try to know Armenian attitude just
    to make a image of objectivity. And as a result now documents are
    created which present Armenians as the only responsibility for the
    victims and violations and Azerbaijani side is just an innocent victim.

    Unfortunately the resolution reminds about so called "Khojalu Genocide"
    and there is no word about the mass massacres of Armenians which took
    place on Sumgayit, Kirovabad, Baku and other towns of Azerbaijan,
    which there the first expressions of wild xenophobia in the whole
    Eastern Europe. Speaking about the Azerbaijani refugees the authors
    of the resolution "accidentally" forgot about the hundred thousands
    of Armenian refugees. I would like You to pay attention on the fact
    that Azerbaijan could settle the issue of refugees easily but its
    continues keeping them in terrible conditions and uses it as a measure
    against Armenia.

    We are sure that such country as Mexico is with its high authority in
    the international society, should now let itself become a victim of
    the information war of the conflicting side. Moreover, it should not
    let itself become a measure of the war and repeat the disinformation
    and propaganda expressions.

    In the end I am unable not to note that the document presents just the
    opposite description of the conflict which is presented by the OSCE MG
    co-chairs for many times. At the same time Mexican United States calls
    on peace solution of the issue and announces that supports OSCE MG.

    Respected Mr. President, we continue believing that friendly relations
    between our countries will not suffer because of this resolution and
    will continue developing.

    Accept, please, my best regards."
