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Vardan Ayvazyan Should Create A Party

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  • Vardan Ayvazyan Should Create A Party

    Naira Hayrumyan
    16:45:58 - 20/02/2012

    Member of Parliament Vardan Ayvazyan is the most honest person among
    his Republican colleagues. He does not hide the truth and says what
    he thinks. For example, he likes that businessmen will not be allowed
    to become MPs. Most likely, he won't be allowed too since he decided
    to run for majoritarian.

    Ayvazyan, unlike his colleagues, does not hide that he is worried
    for the interests for his business and that MPs just protect their
    right in the parliament. He does not act against his conscience like
    his colleagues who affirm they worry for the people but adopt laws
    harming the people and helping themselves.

    Vardan Ayvazyan says businessmen MPs are the authors of the 80% of
    draft laws not noticing that the Constitution forbids businessmen
    be elected to the parliament. Sincere he is and described cynical
    by many, he says that the Republican Party decided to eliminate
    businessmen from the party list, but they can be elected through the
    one-mandate districts. "Cant' you hinder it? So you call on rejecting
    the majoritarian system", says Ayvazyan.

    Such sincerity should be evaluated. Businessmen perhaps should create
    their party and legally defend their interests in the parliament. They
    should elect Vardan Ayvazyan as Chairman, who knows how to defend
    business interests. And then it turns out that a small class of
    oligarchs, whose rights, too, of course, need to be protected,
    usurped power through the party, declaring Republican values.
