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War With Iran Could Reverberate Across Globe

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  • War With Iran Could Reverberate Across Globe


    Post Noon
    Feb 20 2012

    The Middle East and the West aren't the only regions that would be
    hit by an Iran-Israel war

    TBILISI: After two apparent assassination attempts against
    Israeli diplomats in the South Caucasus, many fear this fractured
    and strategically important region is being pulled into the rising
    tensions between the West and Iran.

    On Monday, police defused a "magnetic bomb" attached to a car belonging
    to a local driver for the Israeli embassy in Georgia. On the same day,
    a bomb exploded on an Israeli embassy vehicle in New Dehli, injuring
    several, including the Israeli defense attache's wife.

    The attempted bombing in Georgia came less than three weeks after
    the government of neighboring Azerbaijan announced it had arrested
    three men who had been recruited and paid to assassinate the Israeli
    ambassador to Azerbaijan and later attack a Jewish school in the

    Tehran accused Azerbaijan Monday of aiding Israeli intelligence
    forces in assassinating Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, an Iranian nuclear
    scientist who was also killed by a bomb magnetically attached to
    his car in early January. At the time, a top Iranian official told a
    local newspaper that "Iran's reaction will extend beyond the borders
    and beyond the region."

    The official added: "None of those who ordered these attacks should
    feel safe anywhere."

    All three countries that comprise the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan,
    Georgia and Armenia - maintain important relationships with both the
    West and Iran. Conflict between these two sides could destabilize
    the fragile, but strategically crucial peace in the region.

    Azerbaijan: Fears of an Iranian invasion

    Azerbaijan is a major supplier of both natural gas and oil for Europe,
    and several pipeline projects designed to reduce the EU's energy
    dependence on Russia require Georgian territory and Azerbaijani

    The two countries are also key links in the Northern Distribution
    Network, a transit route supplying ISAF forces in Afghanistan. Since
    Pakistan closed its borders to NATO air and ground transit in
    November 2011, this route is now the only means for the alliance to
    get personnel and materials in and out of Afghanistan.

    Since the revelation of the alleged Iranian assassination plot,
    Azerbaijan and Iran have been furiously trading accusations. Tehran
    has often threatened Azerbaijan with invasion should it allow Western
    countries to use its territory in support of an operation against Iran.

    Georgia: Caught in the middle

    Georgian authorities, meanwhile, have been cautious to assess blame
    in the foiled bombing in its capital, Tbilisi, although Israeli Prime
    Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly pointed to Iran in the attacks.

    Shota Utiashvili, head of the Georgian Interior Ministry's analytical
    department publicly noted the similarities between the descriptions
    of the defused bomb and the one used to kill the Iranian scientist,
    and said it was designed to target the car's passengers. Other top
    officials have downplayed the link, however, noting that the bomb
    was found on the driver's personal car, not an embassy vehicle.

    Furthermore, pro-government TV channels have made little mention of
    the incident in domestic news broadcasts.

    Georgia has cultivated close ties with Tehran since its brief 2008 war
    with Russia, signing a visa-free travel agreement with the Islamic
    Republic and opening up greater economic, academic and commercial
    links in various agreements with the country.

    Armenia: Trying to stick close to Iran

    The country perhaps most vulnerable to the shifting circumstances is
    Armenia, which relies on Iran for crucial political support and as a
    route for about one third of its trade. Due to an ongoing territorial
    dispute with Azerbaijan, Armenia's borders with both Azerbaijan and
    Turkey have been closed since the early 1990s. It relies on Iran and
    Russia - through Georgian territory - for its trade and energy supply.

    Analysts in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, worry that a damaged
    or preoccupied Iran could reopen its on-again-off-again war with
    Azerbaijan over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The Russian factor

    Meanwhile, Russia has announced it will hold military exercises
    in the South Caucasus this year that are unprecedented in scale,
    involving not only its units in its own North Caucasus territory,
    but also battalions stationed in Armenia and the Georgian breakaway
    republic of Abkhazia. Over the past year, Russian officials have often
    warned that foreign intervention in either Syria or Iran could lead
    to a "wider conflict" in the region. Viewing the South Caucasus as
    its buffer zone against the Middle East, observers say Moscow is now
    reasserting its presence in the region.

    From: Baghdasarian