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BAKU: "Iran's Policy On Azerbaijan Is Not A Policy Of Friendly Neigh

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  • BAKU: "Iran's Policy On Azerbaijan Is Not A Policy Of Friendly Neigh

    Feb 21 2012

    Gudrat Hasanguliyev: "I am against the political coloring of Taksim

    APA's interview with chairman of All Azerbaijan Popular Front Party,
    MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev

    - 20 years have passed since the Khojaly genocide. How do you assess
    the work done on the eve of its commemoration?

    - The government, NGOs and political parties have done a great work
    toward the recognition of the tragedy in the world. I think we should
    acknowledge it. This issue began to attract more attention when Heydar
    Aliyev Foundation started "Justice for Khojaly" campaign led by Leyla
    Aliyeva. This campaign plays an important role in recognition of
    the genocide in the world. Our Diaspora organizations in the world,
    as well as societies in Europe joined this action. UK-based The
    European Azerbaijan Society has done much work and campaigned for
    recognition of the genocide in the world. Milli Mejlis also focused
    attention on this issue and established working groups. It brought
    results. The parliaments of several countries officially recognized
    Khojaly genocide and several countries adopted official documents. I
    hope the work will continue and the number of countries recognizing
    the genocide will increase. I would like to underline the role of
    the press in this field. Azerbaijani press was very active to keep
    the issue on the agenda.

    - What do you think about the action to be held in Istanbul's Taksim
    Square on the day of genocide - February 26?

    - I would like all political circles of Turkey, both government and
    opposition to support this action that it will be a grandiose event
    echoing throughout the world and involving hundreds of thousands of
    people. It will depend on heartily support giving by all political
    parties of Turkey. Azerbaijani state, people and society set great
    hopes on Turkey. Every time, when Azerbaijan says "it will liberate
    territories by all means, including military way", there is a Russian
    general who responds that "if ceasefire is breached in the region,
    Russia will take measures to reach forcible peace". Privately, I
    expect from Turkish officials to say that "if ceasefire is breached
    and Armenia continues its destructive activity, Turkey will not remain
    indifferent to the interference of a third country when Azerbaijan
    has to liberate its territories". Such response of Turkey will force
    Armenians to think seriously about the peace. Taking all of these
    issues into account, I consider the Taksim action very important and
    wish to continue.

    By the way, I do not accept the authorities-opposition approach to
    this action. Regrettably some forces attempt to cast shadow upon this
    action, or take advantage of it for the political purposes. I think
    that we should call on the Azerbaijani authorities, opposition, the
    Azerbaijanis living in Turkey to support this action. We should address
    the political circles of Turkey and say that this is the nationwide
    issue. This is the tragedy of the Turkic people. All efforts should
    be mobilized in order to inform the world about this tragedy. They
    should invite their supporters to Taksim square. We have the right to
    ask this. If thousands of people gather in the squares with the slogan
    "We all are Armenians", hundreds of thousands of people should gather
    in this square. On February 26, Taksim square will be the test of
    our unity.

    -How right is it to politicize it?

    -This is a protest against a humanity crime. It would not be right to
    approach this problem in the context of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations.

    Irrespective of nationality everyone must condemn this act of
    genocide. The action that will be held in Taksim is not a political
    one, it serves the protection of human values.

    -Iran is one of the most discussed issues. The number of Iran's
    threats has increased. This country openly accuses Azerbaijan of
    hiding terrorists. Ordinary citizens face problems on Azerbaijani
    border. We would like to know your opinion.

    -First of all I must say that the problems created by the Iranian
    side for the ordinary citizens are not new. Simply, they have been
    complicated. I have repeatedly said at the Azerbaijani Parliament
    that the documents of the Azerbaijani citizens traveling to Nakhchivan
    through Iran or in the opposite direction are taken away and held there
    without showing any reasons. Our citizens undergo oppression. As we do
    not have other way, our citizens are obliged to use it. The problem
    has recently become more complicated. Iran's policy on Azerbaijan
    is not the policy of friendly neighborhood. One should speak openly
    about it. Iran's policy with respect to Azerbaijan is against the
    Islamic community and tramples down the Islamic values. If Islam
    suggests that Muslims are brothers, how it can be that your brother's
    lands are occupied and you support the state that has done it. For
    example, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has no embassy in Armenia,
    it has recognized Khojaly genocide. Iranian officials use groundless
    articles as a pretext. According to the article published in The Times,
    Israeli intelligence services carry out some activities against Iran
    in the territory of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan has allowed this. I read
    this article attentively. Even a person, who is not a politician,
    knows that a secret-service agent would not publicize his identity
    or intention. The whole world, including Iran knows that the British
    media publishes articles against Azerbaijan. The boxing scandal,
    the articles against The European Azerbaijan Society and the campaign
    against Eurovision show that the country's media has biased approach
    to Azerbaijan. I am sure that Iranian intelligence services are also
    observing this process. The campaign against Azerbaijan started by
    Iran due to the article published in the British media is nothing
    but pressure. 30 million Azerbaijanis live in Iran. There are people
    among the Persians, who also want normal relations because we have
    historical relations and share the same tradition. I regret that
    the Iranian president's brother expresses opinion on this issue and
    accuses Azerbaijan. The purpose is to pursue hostile policy against
    Azerbaijan. They want to establish theocratic regime under Islamic
    state governing by Iran in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani society rejects
    it and will never receive. Ministry of National Security prevented
    terrorist act. To pursue such policy against Azerbaijan is wrong. Iran
    must change its policy against Azerbaijan, because more than 30
    million Azerbaijanis live in this country and the hostile policy
    against Azerbaijan will cause a protest by 30 million people. It will
    create serious decomposition and national confrontation in Iran.

    That's why Iranian officials must think seriously about this. They
    also must consider that Azerbaijan told powerful countries that it is
    neighbor of Iran and Azerbaijan will never allow using of its lands
    against Iran. Iran must estimate Azerbaijan's position.

    - You put forward a proposal in the parliament to rename our country
    as North Azerbaijan. You make this proposal when the tensions were

    A group of Iranian MPs raised an issue to reconsider Turkmenchay
    agreement. They even said that Azerbaijan was ancient Iranian lands.

    But my proposal wasn't a response to this statement. Thus issue
    was reflected in my election platform during presidential election
    campaign in 2008. Azerbaijan's territory was occupied by Iran and
    Russia when its territory was in the form of khanates. It became
    official with Gulustan and Turkmenchay agreements. Today Western and
    Eastern Azerbaijan provinces were kept as an administrative territory
    in Iran. Iran confessed that this territory is Azerbaijan. If a
    place has a south, it also has a north. It is an undeniable and
    unavoidable reality. Iran officially recognizes the Republic of
    Azerbaijan. The Republic of Azerbaijan forms one third of entire
    Azerbaijan's territory, one third of its population. In this case,
    it will not be right to be named as Azerbaijan only. Every nation
    has a chance to change the name of its country. The recognition of
    our country under the name of North Azerbaijan will be approval by
    UN and the world that our nation was divided. Those who oppose my
    statement couldn't find serious argument. There were narrow-minded
    opinions as well. A scientist, whom I respect, said that the founders
    of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic were not uneducated than the authors
    of this idea...

    That's why it is impossible to change the country's name. You know, the
    unpleasant situation is that he assesses the issues not as historian,
    but as politician. In addition, every period has its political
    realities and according to the political realities, education
    and patriotism are not on the agenda during the decision-making
    processes. Approaching with this logic, were the persons leading
    the country in that period careless that they agreed to give Iravan
    to Armenia as a capital? There are documents. Of course no, but the
    political realities of that period demanded it. But the political
    realities of present period is that today divided nations unite and
    declared that they were divided. We must work in order to inform
    the world that we are divided nation. Some assess it as a political
    conjuncture. It proceeds from the national interests.

    Irrespective of the way of approach, we must include this issue in
    the agenda.

    - Speaking about South Azerbaijan, there was a serious polemics in the
    press about Babek and Shah Ismayil. What is your opinion on this issue?

    - I condemn the attack on Babek. If you investigate the life of any
    historical figure, you can find there something private. But one
    needs to consider that Babek turned into the symbol of unity of our
    people in the South Azerbaijan. Millions people march to fortress of
    Bazz every year. I also condemn such approach against Shah Ismayil
    Khatai who established a state in Azerbaijani lands.

    From: Baghdasarian