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Turkish Officials Ignored Dink Murder Plot -Report

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  • Turkish Officials Ignored Dink Murder Plot -Report

    By Jonathon Burch

    Feb 21 2012

    * Report on journalist death commissioned by president
    * Says officials should be tried for negligence
    * Rights groups had long criticised Turkey over murder (Adds quotes,

    ANKARA, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Turkish state officials failed to protect
    prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, murdered in 2007,
    despite knowing of the plot to kill him, a report commissioned by
    the president has concluded.

    President Abdullah Gul ordered Turkey's State Supervisory Council
    (DDK) to investigate the case after accusations from Dink's
    family, lawyers and rights groups that state officials had been
    complicit in the murder.

    The investigation into the murder of Dink, former editor of the
    bilingual Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos and Turkey's best known
    Armenian voice abroad, was viewed as a test of democracy and human
    rights in European Union candidate Turkey.

    In a 650-page report, the conclusion of which was posted on the
    president's website late on Monday, the DDK said security forces
    failed to act on tip-offs about a plan to murder Dink and called for
    the negligent officials to be investigated and tried.

    Last month, an Istanbul court sentenced a man to life in prison for
    involvement in Dink's murder but acquitted 17 other defendants,
    sparking large protests and criticism from rights groups.

    A juvenile court had already sentenced Dink's assassin, Ogun
    Samast, to 22 years and 10 months in jail last July. He was 17 when
    the killing took place.

    Many Turks believe Dink was the target of arch nationalists because
    of articles he wrote about Armenian identity and references he made
    to a Turkish "genocide" of Christian Armenians in 1915 - an accusation
    Turkey strenuously denies.


    The report said the failure to prevent Dink's murder showed the
    need for reforms to the security system.

    "The first issue to be expressed regarding the failure to protect
    Hrant Dink's right to life is that some structural problems exist
    within the security sector ... regarding the collection and evaluation
    of intelligence and providing public and personal security," the DDK
    said in the report.

    "It is essential first to look at the need for reform on the matter
    and a number of problems in institutional structures and practices,"
    it said.

    Public confidence in the judicial system had been undermined by the
    way the case had been handled, it added.

    "On the one hand, a result to a case that does not satisfy the public
    conscience has emerged and, on the other hand, the credibility of all
    the public institutions has been brought into question," the DDK said
    in the report.

    In 2010, the European Court of Human Rights ordered Turkish authorities
    to pay 100,000 euros ($132,600) to Dink's family in compensation,
    saying authorities had failed to protect Dink even though they knew
    ultra-nationalists were plotting to kill him.

    Seven security officials have already been convicted for failing to
    relay information on the plot that could have prevented the murder.

    In a statement ahead of last month's verdict, Amnesty
    International said authorities had still not investigated the full
    circumstances behind Dink's murder.

    Dink had been repeatedly prosecuted for insulting "Turkishness" under
    the infamous article 301 of the penal code, which was later amended to
    placate EU criticism that Turkey was violating freedom of expression.

    Armenia, backed by many historians and parliaments, says 1.5 million
    Christian Armenians were killed in what is now eastern Turkey during
    World War One in a deliberate policy of genocide ordered by the
    Ottoman government.

    Ankara denies the killings constitute genocide and says many Muslim
    Turks and Kurds were also put to death as Russian troops invaded
    eastern Anatolia, often aided by Armenian militias. (Writing by
    Jonathon Burch; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)

    From: A. Papazian