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The Report On Dink Murder Case Is Not Published Fully: Chetin Will A

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  • The Report On Dink Murder Case Is Not Published Fully: Chetin Will A

    19:07 . 21/02

    In Turkey even if they tell a truth, it must surely be not complete.

    Yesterday such a situation was created around the document published
    in the result of the long-term investigation into Dink's murder and
    the trial by the special council under President Abdullah Gul.

    On January 28 in 2011, at the order of President Abduallh Gul, the
    Turkish State Supervisory Council started the investigation into trial
    on Hrant Dink's murder. A part of the report prepared in the result of
    the investigation was presented to the public yesterday. The report
    considered to be confidential is not only partly made public, some
    points and details which are meant for public are not publicised,
    but also it isn't provided to the Dink family and the advocates in
    full text.

    Dink family attorney Fethiye Chetin is categorically against this
    decision. According to her, how confidential the report may be, the
    family and the advocates have full right to get the whole version. The
    latter ones will launch an appeal at corresponding bodies to get
    the report.

    Before that, after the publication of the report, the local media
    continuously speak on several important points of the report. Some
    TV channels even say this report means that the state at last, even
    indirectly accepted its guilt. One of the axial points in the report
    states that the staff of the police and gendarmerie was quite aware
    that Dink's life is in danger and contrary to that, they hadn't
    taken any steps. Thus, Article 17 of the Turkish Constitution and
    Article 2 of the European Convention of human Rights forming part of
    the internal laws were violated. This means it is necessary to start
    investigation immediately on the state bodies involved in Dink's case.

    Abuse of powers, negligence in ones duties and many other similar
    points, which were included in the report of the state supervisory
    council, give hope of probable restart of Dink's trial from the
    very beginning.

    Finally, in the result of these long 5 years a tangible result was
    achieved today. There is a verdict not accepted by the public and at
    the same time, there are serious doubts on impartiality and reliability
    of all the state structures.

    From: Baghdasarian