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World Bank Supports Water Supply Improvement For 133,000 Residents I

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  • World Bank Supports Water Supply Improvement For 133,000 Residents I


    FEBRUARY 21, 2012

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 22, ARMENPRESS: The World Bank's Board of Executive
    Directors today approved a US$15 million loan for the Municipal Water
    Project for Armenia. The Project will support improvement of the
    quality and availability of water supply in selected service areas
    of the Armenian Water and Sewerage Company (AWSC).

    The activities proposed under the Project will directly benefit over
    133,000 residents in the cities of Ashtarak (Aragatsotn region), Masis
    (Ararat region) and Echmiadzin (Armavir region) and 15 neighboring
    rural settlements. The investments will increase average daily supply
    of drinking water service from 12 hours to 17 hours, improve water
    quality, decrease water pollution risks and improve customer service.

    About 21,000 residents will also benefit from installation of new
    meters. The Project will generate multiple benefits for the public
    and private sectors by creating a more conducive environment for
    service delivery to users and stimulating economic activities.

    "This Project supports the Government's strategy aiming at promoting
    access to quality potable water across the country, including in
    small and medium-size towns and rural areas. This is an important
    part of the World Bank's Country Partnership Strategy for Armenia,"
    said Asad Alam, World Bank Regional Director for the South Caucasus.

    The proposed Project is a repeater operation, building on the success
    of the Municipal Water and Wastewater Project (MWWP) and its Additional
    Financing, and expanding it to new towns and rural settlements. Over
    the project implementation period of 2004-2011, the MWWP achieved
    good results benefiting 264,000 households: the average daily supply
    of drinking water increased from 6 hours to 15 hours/day, cities with
    minimal daily hours of water supply increased from 68 percent to 94
    percent; revenue collection increased from 47.9 percent to almost 94
    percent; billing on the basis of metered consumption increased from
    40 percent to 81.2 percent, and bacteriological safety compliance
    increased from 93 to 98.2 percent.

    "We are particularly pleased to continue supporting improved access
    to sustainable water supply services in rural Armenia given its
    strong linkages to health and environment," said Jean-Michel Happi,
    World Bank Country Manager for Armenia. "The goals of the proposed
    investments are to drastically improve physical infrastructure in a
    technically sound, cost effective, and reliable manner."

    The project includes three components. The first component (Investments
    in water supply systems) finances the design, construction, and
    supervision of priority reconstruction and rehabilitation works; the
    second component (AWSC investments) will fund water metering program,
    and facility automation; and the third component ((AWSC management
    strengthening) finances the enhanced management contract and technical
    studies, as well as the financial and technical audits.

    "Over the past decade, the Government has succeeded in improving
    access, reliability and quality of drinking water with increased use
    of public-private partnerships (PPP), which have brought about higher
    efficiency and improvements in quality of service to customers,"
    said Ahmed Eiweida, head of the World Bank team designing the project.

    "With the World Bank support, the Government also competitively
    selected an international water operator to manage the AWSC under
    a Management Contract. Significant amount of investments are still
    needed to reduce the high level of commercial and technical losses,
    and to rehabilitate the water and wastewater infrastructure."

    The total financing of the project is USD18 million, of which the
    Government of Armenia will finance USD3 million. The IBRD loan in
    the amount of USD15 million carries a maturity of 25 years including
    a grace period of 10 years.

    Since joining the World Bank in 1992 and IDA in 1993, the total IDA
    and IBRD commitments to Armenia amount to US$1, 612 million.
