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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 02/23/2012

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 02/23/2012

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    TOP STORY February
    23, 2012

    Great Lent in the Armenian Church
    The closed altar curtain denotes the start of Lent in the Armenian

    New Lenten Video Series

    Monday, February 20, marked the first day of Great Lent: the season
    when Christians consciously turn away from worldly matters and make the
    effort-through prayer, fasting, study, and introspectionâ=80'to prepare for
    the spiritual drama of Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

    The Scriptural basis for Lent resides in the 40-day period Christ spent
    in the wilderness following his baptism. In the words of St. Matthewâ's
    Gospel (4:1-2): "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the
    wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And he fasted forty days and
    forty nights, and afterward he was hungry."

    During Lent we are called to follow the Holy Spirit to confront our own
    `inner wildernessâ'-the realm of spiritual emptiness engendered by sin,
    laziness, and vanity. Through prayer, fasting, Bible-reading, and
    self-examination, we are given an opportunity to renew our commitment
    to God, and gain the strength to work at being more loving, humble, and
    gentle. [4]Click here to learn more about the Armenian Church
    traditions concerning Great Lent.
    4. 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=17540f10bb-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email

    This year, the Diocese is offering a video series on Great Lent.
    [5]Click here to view the first video, in which the Very Rev. Fr.
    Simeon Odabashian discusses the tradition of fasting in the Armenian
    5. Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=17540f10bb-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email

    Scripture of the Week

    Is 33:2-22
    Rom 12:1-13:10
    Mt 5:17-48

    Prayer of the Week

    By the holy cross let us beseech the Lord, that through it He may
    deliver us from our sins and save us by the grace of His mercy.
    Almighty Lord, our God, save us and have mercy on us. Amen.

    Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    25 February: St. Theodore the Warrior

    26 February: Sunday of the Expulsion


    St. Mary Armenian Church in Vaghuhas village
    A weathered sign points to Vaghuhas, Nagorno-Karabagh, where a church
    was consecrated last Sunday.
    (photo by Marut Vanyan)

    Newly-Built Church Consecrated in Nagorno-Karabagh

    On Sunday, February 19, a new church was consecrated in the village of
    Vaghuhas, in Nagorno-Karabagh's Martakert region. Archbishop Barkev
    Martirossian, Primate of the Artsakh Diocese, consecrated the house of
    worship, which was given the name St. Mary Armenian Church.

    The celebration of the first Divine Liturgy followed the consecration
    service. In his sermon, Archbishop Martirossian encouraged the faithful
    to renew their faith by becoming active in the life of St. Mary Church.
    The blessing of madagh and a cultural program concluded Sunday's

    Construction of St. Mary Church began in 2007 and was sponsored by
    Krikor Hayrapetyan, a native of Vaghuhas who resides in Russia.


    Diocesan Council met at the Diocesan center on February 23, 2012
    The Diocesan Council met on Thursday, February 23, at the Diocesan
    Center in New York.

    Diocesan Council Prepares for Spring Events

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, opened today's Diocesan
    Council meeting with a Bible study focusing on today's Scripture
    reading (Romans 6:3-14). Council members had an opportunity to reflect
    on the passage and to speak about the significance of the Lenten period
    for their spiritual renewal.

    The day's agenda included finalizing plans for a special meeting of
    Diocesan organizations and departments scheduled for Saturday, March
    24. The daylong event will bring together Diocesan leaders to discuss
    the mission of the Eastern Diocese and to strategize about the future
    of the Armenian Church in America.

    The council is making preparations for the 110th Diocesan Assembly,
    which will be hosted by St. Mark Church of Springfield, MA, from May
    3-5. The assembly will continue to focus on the Diocesan theme
    `Vocations-The Call to Serve: Ministry of the Faithful,â' and to explore
    ways to enrich lay ministry initiatives across the Diocese. Also in
    May, council members will attend the ACYOA General Assembly and Sports
    Weekend in Chicago, IL.

    Turning to fundraising efforts, council members reviewed the results of
    the successful 2011 Annual Appeal and discussed the 2012 budget.

    Clergy workshop at St. Nersess Armenian Seminary
    Clergy and recent seminary graduates gathered at St. Nersess Armenian
    Seminary earlier this week for a continuing education program focusing
    on parish leadership.

    Clergy Meet for Continuing Education Workshop

    Clergy and recent seminary graduates met at St. Nersess Armenian
    Seminary earlier this week for a continuing education program focusing
    on parish leadership. The program was coordinated by the Very Rev. Fr.
    Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian,
    Diocesan Primate, presided over the 3-day meeting.

    The sessions were designed for the younger clergy of the Diocese,
    including those who have come from Armenia to serve in the Eastern
    Diocese in recent years, as well as recent graduates of St. Nersess
    Seminary. Topics included building a sense of community in the church,
    fostering team-building at the parish level, developing strategic
    plans, and deploying effective communication tools.

    Presentations were made by Archbishop Barsamian, Fr. Odabashian, the
    Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, the Rev. Fr. Untzag Nalbandian, the
    Rev. Fr. Diran Bohajian, Dr. Carnegie Calian, Sandra Shahinian Leitner,
    George Marootian, Dr. Sam Mikaelian, and the staff of the Dioceseâ=80=99s
    Communications Department.

    Participants also had an opportunity to come together for Bible study
    and prayer in the seminary chapel.

    Vartanants Day obsrvance at the Diocesan Center
    Fr. Arakel Vardazarian celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. Vartan
    Cathedral on Sts. Vartanantz Day.

    Feast of Sts. Vartanantz Celebrated in New York

    At New York's Sts. Vartanantz Day observance, young people read
    excerpts from St. Vartan's stirring speech to his soldiers, recited
    poetry, and reflected on the legacy of the 5th-century Treaty of
    Navarsag, which allowed the Armenians to freely practice their
    Christian faith in the Persian Empire.

    The commemoration at St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral on Thursday evening,
    February 16, went forward under the auspices of the Diocese of the
    Armenian Church of America (Eastern), with the participation of the
    Mid-Atlantic Region of the Knights and Daughters of Vartan.

    The evening began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, with
    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian presiding. Celebrating the
    badarak was the Rev. Fr. Arakel Vardazarian, who is serving as an
    intern priest at St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains,

    A program and dinner in the Diocesan Center's Haik and Alice Kavookjian
    Auditorium followed services. Three students of the Diocese's Khrimian
    Lyceum-Chris Artun, Varujan Belekdanian, and Tamar Tokmanâ=80'made a
    presentation about the Battle of Avarayr. The Shnorhali Choir of Holy
    Martyrs Church of Bayside, NY, offered a fine performance of vocal
    selections. Grand Commander of the Knights of Vartan Dr. Dennis
    Papazian offered remarks, and Archbishop Barsamian delivered a message
    to the large crowd.

    Click to [6]read more and to [7]view photos.
    7. 174492&k=jmhxjVt

    Christian Churches Together meeting
    Fr. Aren Jebejian (second from left) during a prayer service at this
    month's "Christian Churches Together" meeting.

    "Christian Churches Together" Meets in Memphis

    The Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian, pastor of St. Gregory the Illuminator
    Church of Chicago, IL, represented Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the
    Diocese's Ecumenical Director, at the annual meeting of the ecumenical
    group "Christian Churches Together" in Memphis, TN, earlier this month.

    The February 14-17 meeting focused on the history of the civil rights
    movement, and included visits to the National Civil Rights Museum, the
    Slave Haven Museum, and the historic Mason Temple where Dr. Martin
    Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I've Been To The Mountaintopâ' address.

    Participants issued a statement at the conclusion of the meeting: â=80=9CIn
    gathering together we experience Christ tearing down the walls that
    otherwise divide usâ=80¦. Our common humanity and our witness to the Christ
    of all peoples summons our churches to act for the wellbeing of all, to
    advocate for equity for the poor, to pursue justice, and to practice
    the love and nonviolence that Jesus teaches.â'

    Fund for Armenian Relief

    FAR Announces 17th Annual Young Professionals Trip

    This year the Fund for Armenian Relief's Young Professionals Trip will
    again include a tour of historic Armenian lands in eastern Turkey.
    Participants will be able to visit incredible historic sites like
    Armenia's magnificent former capital of Ani, the holy island of
    Aghtamar, as well as Kars and Van. The two-week trip, now in its 17th
    year, will also include an extensive and enriching tour around Armenia.

    The trip provides an ideal opportunity for young professionals between
    the ages of 23 and 40 to travel to Armenia as a group, and to go beyond
    a tourist's itinerary to learn firsthand about Armenia's place in the
    world. Participants will visit FAR's projects, engage in dialogue with
    religious and government leaders, and gain an understanding of how
    Armenia's future is being shaped with the support of the diaspora.

    The trip is scheduled for June 17-30. [8]Click here to learn more
    about this year's program.

    St. Nersess Seminary online lectures

    CORRECTION: St. Nersess Seminary Online Course

    Last week's announcement about an online class offered by St. Nersess
    Armenian Seminary misstated the class time. It is held on Wednesdays
    from 7 to 8 p.m.

    The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, dean and professor of liturgical
    studies at St. Nersess Seminary, is teaching the course titled
    "Patristic Commentaries on the Armenian Divine Liturgy." The course
    explores how the fathers of the Armenian Church interpreted the Divine

    The weekly course is accessible via the seminary's Global Classroom.
    [9]Click here for more information.
    9. 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=17540f10bb-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email

    Diocesan Center News

    Diocese Seeking Development Director

    The Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) is currently
    seeking candidates for the position of Director of Development.

    The Development Director will report to the Diocese's Executive
    Director. He or she will be responsible for planning and implementing
    all fundraising strategies for the Eastern Diocese. Responsibilities
    include the areas of donor research, cultivation, and solicitation;
    leadership identification and planning; reporting to donors and the
    public; among other areas.

    Qualified applicants should have a bachelor's degree (advanced degree
    preferred) and a significant record of success in fundraising. Please
    consult the job description and list of qualifications posted on the
    [10]Eastern Diocese's website.

    Send résumé and cover letter via e-mail to
    [11][email protected]. Only those applicants meeting
    the requirements for the position will be interviewed. The review of
    applications will begin immediately.
    11. mailto:[email protected]


    Primate visits Atlanta mission parish
    Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Atlanta, GA, last

    Leadership Workshop Held in Atlanta

    A weekend-long leadership workshop was held at the Armenian Church of
    Atlanta mission parish in Roswell, GA, on February 17-19. Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, presided over the workshop
    sessions, which focused on the structure of the Armenian Church, parish
    administration, fundraising and membership, and Diocesan resources,
    among other topics.

    In addition to the Primate, presentations were made by the Rev. Fr.
    Tateos Abdalian, the Diocese's director of Mission Parishes; Dr. Raffy
    Hovanessian, Diocesan Council member; and Dr. Sam Mikaelian, the
    Diocese's Development coordinator. The Diocese's Music Ministry
    director, Maestro Khoren Mekanejian, led workshops for choir members
    and altar servers.

    The sessions concluded with the formulation of a parish strategic plan
    for the coming months. It calls for the establishment of a school to
    teach the faith and cultural traditions to young parishioners, choir
    development opportunities and meetings with the Diocesan Scared Music
    Council, the creation of a schedule of monthly home visits, and the
    establishment of a Bible study and ACYOA Seniors groups.

    On Sunday, Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy, with
    some 125 parishioners taking part. A Great Barekendan luncheon followed

    [12]Click here to view photos.
    12. 917434&k=bxQGNdV

    Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan
    Fr. Daniel Findikyan will give a series of sermons at St. Sahag Church
    in St. Paul, MN, beginning on Sunday, February 26.

    Fr. Findikyan to Give Three Sermons in St. Paul, MN

    The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, dean of St. Nersess Armenian
    Seminary, will give a series of sermons at St. Sahag Church in St.
    Paul, MN, beginning on Sunday, February 26. The sermons will be
    followed by a question and answer session at the conclusion of the
    Divine Liturgy. For more information, call the church at (651)

    February 26: "The Armenian Way of Worship"
    Prayer and worship in the Armenian Church are quite different from what
    one finds in many Christian denominations. Stylized rituals, opulent
    vestments and furnishings, as well as elaborate hymns and prayers can
    make the experience of worship overwhelming and even burdensome. Why
    all the fuss? What lies beneath layers of lavish liturgy?

    March 4: "The Badarak: From the Upper Room to Minnesota"
    In our Divine Liturgy we do exactly what Jesus commanded of his
    disciples and church at the Last Supper: To receive him in Holy
    Communion, and to remember him. Why did the Armenian badarak develop as
    it did? What are some distinctive features of the Armenian Divine
    Liturgy, and what is their importance for Armenian people of faith

    March 11: "Finding My Way and My Place in the Badarak"
    For anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed by the badarak or who wishes
    to engage in the service in a deeper, more meaningful and satisfying
    way, Fr. Findikyan will offer a practical approach to the badarak. Be
    inspired and grow in Christian faith, hope and love.

    St. David Armenian Church
    Fr. Nareg Berberian with executive members of the parish's Mr. & Mrs.

    Pre-Lenten Social Gathering Held in Boca Raton, FL

    The Mr. & Mrs. Club of St. David Church of Boca Raton, FL, hosted a
    `Yerevan Nightâ' dance on Saturday, February 18. More than 150 people
    attended the social event.

    The event was organized by the following committee members: Marieta
    Agopyan, Vartuhi Malkhasian, Anahit Sarkisyan, Karine Markaryan,
    Arusiak Stambolyan, Dr. Nona Kalfayan, Araksia Manvelyan, Sona
    Khachatrian, Armine Mnatsakanian, Armenui Grigoryan, Ashken Azatyan,
    Liliya Boghossian, Hasmig Davtyan, and Alla Gularyan.

    Committee members donated the food and covered other event-related
    expenses. Mr. and Mrs. Hratch Boghossian sponsored the evening's music
    and entertainment for children. The Very Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian,
    parish pastor, thanked the community for supporting the event and
    encouraged parishioners to continue to be involved in the life of the

    Upcoming Parish Events

    St. David Church | Boca Raton, FL
    St. David Church of Boca Raton, FL, will host an `Armenian Food Festâ'
    on Saturday, February 25 (10 a.m. to 8 p.m.), and Sunday, February 26
    (12 to 6 p.m.).

    Enjoy Armenian dishes, browse vendor booths, and more. For information,
    call the church at (561) 994-2335.

    Armenian Church of Southwest Florida
    The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at the Armenian Church of
    Southwest Florida mission parish on Sunday, February 26, at 1 p.m.
    Services are held at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Bonita Springs, FL.
    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the Diocese's Ecumenical Director, will be
    the celebrant. A Lenten luncheon will follow in the Parish Life Center.

    For more information, contact Parish Council chair Carole Meghreblian
    (239) 348-3804, or via e-mail at [13][email protected].
    13. mailto:[email protected]

    St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ
    St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, will host a "Bridal and All-Occasion
    Showcase" on Thursday, March 1, beginning at 7 p.m. The event will be
    held in the ballroom at St. Leon Church (12-61 Saddle River Road in
    Fair Lawn).

    It will feature a bridal, prom, and sweet 16 fashion show, as well as
    exhibitions with photographers, florists, chefs, and makeup artists.
    The evening will also include a honeymoon giveaway and other gifts.
    Admission is free.
    For more information, call (201) 681-7671.



    Learn to Cook a Lenten Meal

    On Tuesday, March 13, the Diocese will host a food preparation
    demonstration with Sahan Arzruni. Mr. Arzruni, who has an extensive
    knowledge of Armenian cuisine, will guide participants in the
    preparation of a Lenten meal.

    The program is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. in Vartan Hall of the
    Diocesan Center (630 Second Avenue, New York City). It will be followed
    by a rest service at St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral.

    The event is free and open to the public.


    ACYOA Sports Weekend

    ACYOA Assembly/Sports Weekend to be Held in Chicago

    This year's ACYOA General Assembly and Sports Weekend will be hosted by
    the ACYOA Seniors of St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Chicago, IL,
    from May 24-28.

    Participants will stay in Chicago, and enjoy spiritual, social, and
    athletic activities throughout the weekend. Save the date, and look for
    updates in our newsletter and on Facebook.
