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FIDH And CSI Demand Fair Trial And Independent Investigation In The

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  • FIDH And CSI Demand Fair Trial And Independent Investigation In The


    16:34, February 23, 2012

    Paris - Yerevan, 22 February, 2012. Two years have passed since
    Stepan Hovakimyan was charged on 6 February 2010 with organizing and
    committing theft at the "Moskva" cinema house on 10 January 2010.

    On 6 February 2010, Hovakimyan was charged with violations of Article
    177(3)(1) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia and detained
    after spending 72 hours in police custody. To this day Hovakimyan
    and Kerobyan (also later arrested) remain in detention at Nubarashen
    penitentiary institution. Their trials continue to be unduly delayed
    and no independent and fair investigation has yet been conducted.

    Despite two years to further corroborate the charges in his case, the
    principal evidence against Hovakimyan remains a confession statement
    obtained by police using duress and psychological violence on 6
    February 2010.

    Hovakimyan had already attended Yerevan police station on 11 and
    14 January 2010, where he remained in custody for over 10 hours and
    was allegedly subjected to violent treatment, before being released
    without confessing.

    On 6 February 2010 Stepan Hovakimyan again attended Yerevan police
    department where he was subjected to torture and inhumane and degrading
    treatment. In the course of this treatment Hovakimyan was beaten on the
    head, undressed, had his shoes removed and the soles of his feet beaten
    with a rubber baton until he confessed to theft. He claims to have been
    invited to the Yerevan police department on that occasion without a
    proper summons and before any complaint had been lodged by the victim
    or criminal proceedings instituted. Only after signing the confession
    statement was S. Hovakimyan permitted to inform his relatives of his
    custody, and given access to a lawyer for the first time.

    Having been implicated in conniving in the theft in S. Hovakimyan's
    confession statement, V. Kerobyan was arrested on 12 March 2010. He
    remains detained and charged with theft to date.

    Hovakimyan's complaint concerning torture on 6 February 2010, lodged
    with the Special Investigation Service (SIS), proved unsuccessful. SIS
    decided not to institute criminal proceedings against those
    responsible, relying instead on the police officers' explanations of
    events and declining to investigate the torture allegations further.

    This decision was appealed in the Court of General Jurisdiction
    of the Kentron and Nork-Marash districts, but rejected on 2 August
    2011. A subsequent appeal to the Court of Appeals culminated in the
    first instance judgment being upheld on 26 December 2011 - a ruling
    is currently lodged for appeal before the Court of Cassation. An
    admissibility decision on this latest appeal is currently pending.

    FIDH and the Civil Society Institute call upon the Armenian authorities

    Immediately release S.Hovakimyan and V. Kerobyan on bail; Ensure
    both accused receive a fair trial within a reasonable time, including
    by confirming the inadmissibility of evidence obtained by coercion;
    Conduct an independent, effective and thorough investigation into the
    torture allegations to identify the perpetrators and bring them to
    justice; Fully conform with the provisions of the European Convention
    on Human Rights, as well as the European Convention on the Prevention
    of Torture and the UN Convention against Torture and other Cruel,
    Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. These texts impose a
    clear obligation on Armenia to investigate and prosecute allegations
    of torture and stop the practice of using confessions obtained under
    duress to prosecute suspects.
