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Forgetting Personal Ambitions

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  • Forgetting Personal Ambitions

    Arman Galoyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 14:30:55 - 24/02/2012

    Suren Abrahamyan, member of the Republic Party political board talked
    to about the decision of the party that only the party
    leader Aram Sargsyan will be represented in the ANC party list.

    - Since the Republic Party sees these elections as a way to restore the
    Constitutional order in Armenia and does not attach importance to the
    parliamentary seats it will have. Besides, taking into account that
    there are 18 parties in the Armenian National Congress, and each of
    them has ambitions and wishes, we have taken this decision. This is
    our message to the people that our aim is not to have parliamentary
    seats but to restore the constitutional order.

    - Will you have candidates for the majoritarian representation?

    - We are still thinking about this. We will take a decision in a
    short while.

    - Isn't your decision based on offense?

    - Aram Sargsyan has already answered this question. He said that this
    is our country and we have no right to be offended from someone. I
    will just add to his words that if necessary, we can offend others.

    But there is no such an issue now.

    - Is this a message to the other parties of the Congress? Or is the
    Republic Party leaving Congress little by little?

    - To the contrary, out activities, all the persecutions and our
    devotion have always been visible to everyone. Do you remember our
    participation in the 2003 and 2008 presidential elections when we
    put aside all the ambitions we defended one candidate? We are able
    to leave aside personal ambitions for higher ideals.

    - Are you possible to review your approaches at a certain point?

    - I don't know what can happen for us to change approaches. This is
    a very adequate decision for the current political situation.

    - Republic Party is considered one of the axis parties of the Armenian
    National Congress. How will your decision be accepted by the society?

    Will the Congress be represented wholly?

    - Congress does not have administrative, financial, material resources
    and levers like the Republican and Bargavach Hayastan parties.

    Congress will be presented to the society through its leader and party
    list. I am sure it is a misunderstanding that everyone will go and
    vote for Congress. I am repeating Congress's success will be based
    on its leader and appreciated people by the society. The society will
    study the Congress list with a reading glass and when forming it, the
    Congress should preserve the principle of justice for each candidate.

    This is a very important decision and I think Congress will take such
    a decision. Otherwise, it will be difficult later.

    - You say there is an issue on the perception by the society of the
    Congress list and promote only Aram Sargsyan from the Republic Party.

    Aren't there other perceivable people in your party?

    - For this we leave apart all personal ambitions. Let the leadership
    of the Armenian National Congress be free to form the list. We give
    this right and the assessment issue to them.

    From: A. Papazian