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Sumgait Is An Unpunished Genocide, Says Stepanakert

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  • Sumgait Is An Unpunished Genocide, Says Stepanakert


    Friday, February 24th, 2012

    A memorial for Sumgait victims

    STEPANAKERT-"On February 26-29, 1988, with the actual support of the
    Azerbaijani authorities and the collusion of the Soviet leadership,
    a massacre of Armenians was carried out in the city of Sumgait, the
    Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic, which shocked the international
    community with its savagery and brutality," the Foreign Ministry of
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic said in a statement issued Friday ahead
    of the 24th anniversary of the crime.

    "The Sumgait massacre of Armenians was committed in response to the
    Karabakh people's legitimate expression of will for reunification
    with Armenia and became the embodiment of the Azerbaijani authorities'
    policy of hatred towards Armenians conducted during the entire Soviet
    period. The mass pogroms of Armenians in 'international' Sumgait were
    intended to block a possible solution to the issue, to frighten the
    Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh with the prospects of new bloody actions
    and to make them abandon their national-liberation movement. Dozens
    of people were killed with sadistic cruelty; a considerable part of
    them was burned alive after having been beaten, tortured, and violated.

    Hundreds of people were disabled for life and thousands became

    The massacre of Armenians in Sumgait was thoroughly organized,
    including from the ideological and psychological points of view. At
    the anti-Armenian rallies, which started on February 26 in the central
    square, the municipal leaders openly called upon the participants
    for violence against the Armenians.

    On February 27, the 'rallies' escalated into acts of violence. The
    first 'rally' in front of the building of the Sumgait City Party
    Committee was attended by about 50 people; the next day, the number
    of participants grew to several thousands. In her speech, Second
    Secretary of the City Party Committee Melek Bairamova demanded that
    Armenians leave Azerbaijan; Azerbaijani poet Khydyr Alovlu concluded
    his speech by saying: "Death to Armenians!"

    In addition to the city leadership, representatives of the law
    enforcement agencies were on the tribune, and it wasn't accidental
    that unprecedented facts of inaction and heartlessness of the Interior
    employees were fixed during the pogroms.

    An open atmosphere of mass psychosis and hysteria was formed at the
    'rallies.' Those on the tribunes called upon the participants to be
    true to the credit of the Muslims and to unite in a war against the
    "infidels." The thugs were inflamed by, actually, fascist appeals,
    heated by alcohol, which was distributed freely out of trucks, and
    drugged; convinced of their own impunity, they continued with renewed
    impetus the pogroms of Armenians' apartments, their mass beating
    and killing, which lasted until late at night. The crowd was headed
    by none other than First Secretary of the Sumgait City Committee of
    the Communist Party Jahangir Muslimzade, with the national flag of
    Azerbaijan in his hands. The gangs were headed also by some prominent
    people in Sumgait - the director of secondary school #25, an actress
    of the Arablinsky Theater, and others.

    On February 28, the number of thugs armed with iron bars, axes,
    hammers, and other improvised means considerably increased. The crowd
    clearly knew its tasks. The pogrom-makers, who were divided into
    groups, broke into Armenians' apartments and killed the people in
    their own homes; but more often they took them out in the street or in
    the yard for making a public mock of them. After painful humiliation,
    the victims were covered with petrol and burned alive.

    Only on February 29 military forces were brought into the city of
    Sumgait, but they did not immediately establish control over the city.

    The killings and pogroms of Armenians went on. Only in the evening
    the military units started taking decisive action.

    The central authorities were not interested in establishing the exact
    number of victims in the Sumgait bacchanalia. Officially, 36 Armenian
    and 6 Azerbaijani deceased persons were stated. Meanwhile, British
    researcher Tom de Waal wrote in his book Black Garden. Between Peace
    and War: '...If you pay attention to the serial numbers of medical
    death certificates, you'll find out that at least 115 bodies were
    recorded those days in the morgues... Such a number of natural deaths
    is excluded, at least because no more than 72 deaths were registered
    in the previous two months' (February 1988: Azerbaijan, chapter 2).

    The fact that the Genocide of the Armenian population of Sumgait
    was planned in advance and was not a spontaneous action of a group
    of hooligans, as the Soviet authorities and judicial agencies tried
    to present it, is testified by some irrefutable facts: production
    of cold arms for the pogroms at the industrial enterprises of the
    city; making lists of the Armenians living in the city with the aim
    of their killing; the authorities' inaction; speeches of specially
    trained provokers at the rallies for manipulating the crowd; the
    local militia's assistance to the thugs; disconnecting the phones
    in the Armenians' apartments; cutting off the electricity supply in
    the blocks where the pogroms were going on; accurate coordination
    of the gangs' actions; providing the thugs with reinforcement rods,
    pipe scraps, rocks and bottles with gasoline and alcohol; blocking the
    entrances to the city by armed groups; lack of any assistance to the
    victims by medical workers of the city; removal of the crimes' traces
    (hasty repair of the smashed shops, apartments, and other facilities),
    and hiding the organizers and many executors of the Genocide from
    the justice.

    All this was not an act of hooliganism; it was an action against
    a particular nation, against the Armenians. It was not against the
    Russians or some other nations, it was against the Armenians; they
    were looking for only Armenians.

    On February 29, 1988, a session of the Politburo of the USSR Communist
    Party Central Committee took place in the Kremlin, at which it was
    stated for the first time officially, though classified as 'top
    secret', that the mass pogroms and massacre had been carried out in
    Sumgait on an ethnic basis, that is exclusively against Armenians.

    However, the USSR official structures were quick to taboo the topic of
    'Sumgait', artificially dividing the mass slaughter of Armenians into
    separate crimes. The crimes, which, according to the International
    Convention on Genocide, must be assessed as crimes against humanity,
    were classified as crimes committed out of "hooliganism motives." In
    other words, the committed Genocide was veiled, and its organizers
    were defended at the official level.

    Unfortunately, the February 27-29 pogroms in Sumgait, organized at
    the highest state level, are not given an adequate political and legal
    assessment, and the Moscow trial did not become the Nuremberg trial,
    because the roots of the mass crimes were not identified.

    The policy of silence related to the Genocide in Sumgait, concealment
    of the reasons, which gave rise to it, and leaving its real organizers
    unpunished made possible the ethnic cleansing carried out by the
    Azerbaijani SSR authorities throughout the Republic, which culminated
    in the January 1990 bloody pogroms in the Republic's capital city of
    Baku and led to further large-scale military aggression against the
    people of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

    Meanwhile, the truth about Sumgait, like the materials of the Nuremberg
    trial, is needed to prevent a new 'brown plague,'" concluded the
