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ISTANBUL: Who Killed Dink According To DDK? The Deep State, Or...

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  • ISTANBUL: Who Killed Dink According To DDK? The Deep State, Or...


    Hurriyet Daily News
    Feb 24 2012

    One of the most interesting aspects of the State Supervisory Council
    (DDK) report on the murder of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant
    Dink was that it entered the ongoing public debate on the feature of
    the incident.

    There are two main views in the media and public opinion about the
    Dink murder. One of them is based on the opinion that the murder could
    just well be an isolated incident carried out by a group of fanatical
    nationalist youth on their own. In sentencing Yasin Hayal last month,
    an Istanbul court's verdict statement that there was no presence of an
    organization found in the murder strengthens this opinion. However,
    this verdict of the 14th Specially Authorized Court drew reaction
    from a significant segment of the public.

    The second opinion is based on the acceptance that the murder was
    an operation directly organized by the "deep state." There are many
    opinion leaders who attribute absolute precision to this thesis.

    Government spokespeople, on the other hand, say it was them who were
    targeted in this murder.

    This debate emerges in the DDK report.

    'Clumsiness in this murder'

    At the end of the "conclusion," the part of the report which was
    publicized, DDK head Cemal Boyalı and the other four members of the
    board said they found it necessary to "express some points on the
    nature and manner of the incident."

    The DDK said, after this entry, that "at a first glance, it can be
    concluded that the incident is an act as defined at the trial court,"
    referring to the first opinion and the verdict of the Istanbul court
    announced Jan. 17.

    There are three factors supporting this view, according to the DDK:
    The first of these is the "long time slot that passed between the
    moment the first intelligence was received and the time the murder
    was committed." It is true that the date was Feb. 17, 2006, when
    Trabzon police informed Istanbul and Ankara that a murder targeting
    Dink was being planned. The gendarmerie intelligence learned about the
    preparation in July 2006. The murder was committed much later on Jan.
    19, 2007.

    The second factor is that "the perpetrators were demonstrating clumsy
    behavior during the time leading to the murder." When court documents
    are reviewed, it can be seen that Yasin Hayal did not hide it from his
    circle of friends in Pelitli in Trabzon that he was making preparations
    to kill Hrant Dink.

    In the third factor, the DDK points out the difficulties the
    perpetrators went through while obtaining the weapon.

    This is not cited openly but all of this emphasizes the sense that
    "this is an amateur job."

    Turkey's plentiful experience

    Let's move onto the second thesis. After the DDK conveys the first
    opinion, right after that it says "However..." and turns the spotlight
    on the other side of the coin; in other words, the thesis arguing
    that the murder was the product of a structure formed inside the state.

    Within this framework, the DDK emphasizes that "Our country's plentiful
    [beyond measure] experience in incidents similar to the Hrant Dink
    murder, as well as both the responsibility in the inability to
    protect Dink's right to life and mistakes in practice, wrongdoings
    and deficiencies" should also be taken into consideration.

    The board sheds light on what it means by "plentiful experience"
    with this listing:

    "The Malatya Zirve Publishing House and Priest Santoro murders, the
    'Kafes' [Cage] Action Plan, Ergenekon, Revolutionary Headquarters,
    OdaTV, 'Balyoz' [Sledgehammer], the Action Plan to Fight
    Fundamentalism, Å~^emdinli, the Murder at the Council of State and
    cases on unresolved murders..."

    According to the DDK, it is not only the existence of these cases,
    but also the "actions attributed to public employees in these cases
    and, in some cases, the aims, types of actions and methods [used],
    as well as signs related to the connection of some defendants with
    the process and actions leading to Hrant Dink's murder" should be
    taken into account.

    In this context, we may give the example that Ergenekon defendants
    such as Veli Kucuk and Kemal Kerincsiz appear in campaigns led against
    Hrant Dink.

    Well, which one is right?

    After drawing this framework, the report emphasizes "The murder should
    be examined by integrating it with the period starting with making
    Hrant Dink a target by otherizing him and the period he was being
    threatened." It goes on: "It is a must that negligence and the other
    actions of suspected public employees be investigated and [that they
    be] tried directly or within the context of the main murder case."

    To sum up, the DDK gives the message that "At first sight it looks like
    an isolated incident but it is also a high probability that it is an
    illegal structure inside the state. In order to reveal this, the main
    case and the cases of the faulty public employees should be joined."

    We need to wait for the Dink case to be reopened for the truth to
    come to light with all its dimensions.

    Sedat Ergin is a columnist for daily Hurriyet in which this piece
    appeared Feb 23. It was translated into English by the Daily News
