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Armenia The Ambidextrous

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  • Armenia The Ambidextrous


    Strategy Page
    Feb 24 2012

    February 24, 2012: The U.S. and Armenia have agreed to hold joint
    military training exercises this April, in Rumania. Armenia has 130
    troops in Afghanistan, and is sending more. Armenia wants to develop
    better relations with the United States. The week long exercises
    will enable both countries to improve the ability of their troops to
    operate together.

    Armenia lives in a rough neighborhood, and needs all the friends it
    can get. Neighbors include Georgia (another American ally), Turkey
    (a NATO member) and Azerbaijan (an ancient enemy). What is odd about
    all this is that Armenia, formerly part of the Soviet Union, is now
    a Russian ally, and hosts a permanent Russian garrison.

    Last month Russia announced that the major military exercise this
    year, "Caucasus-2012", would be held in Southern Russia (including
    the Caucasus), Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Armenia and would simulate
    operations if there were a war against Iran by Israel and the United
    States. Russia is a staunch ally of Iran.

    In the early 1990s, Armenia went to war with Azerbaijan to annex
    an Armenian majority district (Nagorno-Karabakh) that was separated
    from Armenia by a strip of Azerbaijan territory (populated largely
    by Azeris). Although Azerbaijan is larger than Armenia, and has oil,
    the Armenians are better fighters, and the conflict festers, despite
    a 1994 ceasefire.
