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California Armenian Genocide Law Overturned

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  • California Armenian Genocide Law Overturned

    by Bob Egelko

    San Francisco Chronicle
    Feb 24 2012

    A California law allowing heirs of victims of the Armenian genocide to
    sue in state courts for unpaid insurance benefits is invalid because
    it intrudes into sensitive foreign policy questions that are the
    exclusive domain of the federal government, a federal appeals court
    ruled Thursday.

    In an 11-0 decision that tiptoed around the use of the word "genocide,"
    the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the
    law, passed in 2000, "establishes a particular foreign policy for
    California" that exceeds any state's authority.

    The court ordered dismissal of a class-action suit filed in 2003 by
    several hundred Armenian Americans against a German insurance group
    and two subsidiaries. The ruling effectively kills all suits filed
    under the law, since a lawyer for the plaintiffs, Lee Crawford Boyd,
    said there's little chance that the Supreme Court would agree to
    review an appeal.

    It was the latest in a series of federal rulings that have barred
    California and other states from allowing victims of decades-old
    foreign atrocities, like the Nazi Holocaust and the alleged use of
    slave labor by the Japanese military, to seek redress in their courts.

    As many as 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the Ottoman Empire
    between 1915 and 1923. Most historians consider it a genocide, but
    the Turkish government protests use of the term and has urged U.S.
    administrations to prevent any endorsement by Congress.

    President Obama, in annual speeches condemning the killings, has
    refrained from describing them as a genocide. The Obama administration
    took no position in the case.

    The California law allows descendants of Armenians killed or deported
    during that period, or of anyone who escaped to avoid persecution,
    to sue insurers until 2016, long after the normal legal deadlines
    would have expired.

    A three-judge appeals court panel upheld the law in 2010, saying
    it did not conflict with any explicit federal policy. But after the
    full appeals court granted a rehearing, the 11-judge panel Thursday
    said foreign affairs are an exclusive federal preserve, even if the
    government has no defined policy on the subject.

    California's law was "intended to send a political message on an issue
    of foreign affairs by providing (monetary) relief and a friendly
    forum to a perceived class of foreign victims," Judge Susan Graber
    said in the ruling. She said the law "imposes the politically charged
    label of 'genocide' " - a term about which, she said in a footnote,
    the court expresses no opinion.

    Boyd, the plaintiffs' lawyer, said the ruling was disappointing but
    sent a strong message, along with other cases, that U.S. courts will
    not permit such laws. In a dispute between private parties, with the
    Obama administration voicing no objection, she said, "I think the fears
    (of interfering with foreign policy) are overblown."

    Neil Postman, lawyer for German insurance company Munich Re, said the
    court properly recognized that "the interests of the United States
    as a whole are more important than the particular interests of any
    small group."

    The ruling can be viewed at

    Bob Egelko is a San Francisco Chronicle staff
    writer. [email protected]
