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Armenian Genocide Victims' Survivors Lose Court Fight On Insurance

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  • Armenian Genocide Victims' Survivors Lose Court Fight On Insurance

    By Carol J. Williams

    Los Angeles Times,0,5231502.story
    Feb 24 2012

    The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals says the survivors can't sue German
    insurers because only the U.S. government has that ability. The ruling
    likely ends the effort launched by Southern Californians.

    Survivors of Armenian genocide victims can't sue German insurance
    companies for failing to pay claims because only the federal government
    can bring foreign entities to court, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of
    Appeals ruled Thursday.

    The 11-judge panel dismissed the case brought nearly a decade ago
    by Southern California Armenians, probably putting an end to their
    efforts to compel the German companies to pay survivors' benefits on
    policies sold to victims between 1875 and 1923.

    A 2000 revision to California's Civil Code allowed California courts
    to consider the Armenians' insurance claims beyond the deadline
    for petitioning for payouts by subsidiaries of the German insurance
    company now known as Munich Re.

    "The Constitution gives the federal government the exclusive authority
    to administer foreign affairs," the appeals court said in a unanimous
    ruling. "Under the foreign affairs doctrine, state laws that intrude
    on this exclusively federal power are preempted."

    The lawsuit against Munich Re was brought by Vazken Movsesian, an
    Armenian priest in Glendale, on behalf of Armenians who sought damages
    from the insurer for breach of contract. A federal district judge
    declined to dismiss the case five years ago, a decision overturned
    by a divided three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit in 2009, prompting
    the full 11-judge review.

    Thursday's ruling said that even in matters in which the federal
    government hasn't formulated a policy, the state courts lack the
    authority to address questions that can affect foreign relations. That
    appeared to be a reference to Washington's delicate balancing act on
    Turkey, a republic that succeeded the Ottoman Empire. Turkey denies
    that, in the empire's final years, any genocide occurred.

    The genocide dispute continues to flare almost a century after the
    killings. Two years ago when the House Foreign Affairs Committee
    narrowly passed a resolution to recognize the genocide, Turkey
    recalled its ambassador from Washington in protest. The resolution
    has languished in the Senate, as U.S. politicians seek to keep NATO
    ally Turkey committed to sanctions against Iran.

    A lawyer for the Armenian plaintiffs conceded that the 9th Circuit
    ruling probably spelled the end of the pursuit of compensation for
    the genocide victims' descendants.

    "The court says this is a field preemption, which means anything
    that deals with this group of people is reserved for the federal
    government," said Lee Boyd, who argued the case for the Armenians
    before the 9th Circuit in December.

    Attorneys for the denied claimants will look for some avenue of
    appeal "but it doesn't look very promising," Boyd said, noting the
    unusual unanimity of the court and the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal
    to review similarly unsuccessful efforts to subject foreign entities
    to state law.

    From: Baghdasarian