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Azerbaijani President-For-Life Lays Responsibility For Khojaly On Ar

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  • Azerbaijani President-For-Life Lays Responsibility For Khojaly On Ar


    Friday, February 24, 21:24

    The responsibility for "genocide in Khojaly" lies on the Armenian
    authorities and "the Karabakh separatists", Azeri President Ilham
    Aliyev says in his statement timed to the 20th anniversary of the
    tragedy in Khojaly.

    The statement of the president-for-life qualifies the tragedy in
    Khojaly as a bloody and tragic page of the "Armenia's policy of
    expansionism". And the political and legal responsibility for that
    grave crime "directly lies on the former and present leadership of
    Armenia, on the separatist regime of Nagorno- Karabakh". "Having
    committed the Khojaly genocide, the enemy hoped to frighten the Azeri
    people, to make them give up the fight for sovereignty and territorial
    integrity, and to seize our lands forcibly. But this tragedy made our
    people even stronger", Aliyev says. He adds that those who committed
    the "Khojaly genocide" will sooner or later appear before the fair
    court and will be punished.

    Maj.-Gen. Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan (Commandos), hero of the Karabakh
    war, who personally led the operation on liberation of Khojaly,
    says that sanguinary battles really took place in Karabakh on 25-26
    Feb 1992, and numerous people of the local population died on both
    sides. The Nagorno-Karabakh defense army organized an operation to
    capture the Khojaly airport and to destroy the local firing points,
    wherefrom the Azeris had been regularly attacking and shelling the
    nearby Nagorno-Karabakh villages since the spring 1991.

    Azeri President Ayaz Mutalibov confirmed later that the
    Nagorno-Karabakh authorities had informed the Azeris of their plans
    to destroy the Khojaly firing points as early as two months before
    the operation. He also confirmed that the Nagorno-Karabakh troops
    opened a corridor for the villagers. But the Azeris did nothing to
    remove their compatriots from the zone.

    As a result of that anti-national policy of the People's Front
    of Azerbaijan, hundreds of peaceful Khojaly residents were killed
    10-11 km away from their village. They were shot down by their own
    soldiers, who took them for Armenians. This fact was later confirmed
    by Mutalibov, who said that it was part of the opposition's attempts
    to remove him from power by blaming him for the tragedy.

    From: Baghdasarian