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Will Iranian War Spill Over Karabakh?

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  • Will Iranian War Spill Over Karabakh?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:49:51 - 24/02/2012

    Candidate for Russian president, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovski
    stated that in the summer, the World War III will start. "As soon as
    they crush Syria, Iran will be stroke. Azerbaijan will take advantage
    and will try to recapture Karabakh. Armenia will perform against this.

    Turkey will support Azerbaijan. Here's how our country can be drawn
    into the war in the summer of 2012", he said.

    Besides, there are already opinions of experts, mainly from Armenia
    and Russia saying that the U.S. "agreed" with Azerbaijan to "give"
    it Karabakh in exchange of support to operations in Iraq.

    Despite of a really big possibility of a blow in the region, it is
    evident that the situation is under control and there are at least
    two factors which evidence that war in Karabakh is not inevitable.

    The first factor is that so far no conflict or war, with the
    participation of the U.S. or controlled by it, spilled over the
    neighbor countries. The feeling is that special mechanisms were used
    to localize the military actions in the separate country - let it be
    Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and any other one. They said that the
    war in Libya (or Iraq) would become a detonator of the World War III,
    that the whole Middle East will be involved, but the war started and
    ended in one country.

    The point is surely not about the fact that the U.S. is right or wrong
    in invading in different countries, but about the mechanism which
    keeps neighbor countries far from the military-political adventures
    in the period of hostilities. The current events in Syria are also
    a proof: despite all the predictions, the conflict has not spilled
    over neighbor countries.

    The only exception has so far been the Russian-Georgian war, when
    the war happened on the territories of two countries, but this is a
    different story with different goals.

    In this connection it seems that even if a conflict between Iran
    and the West or Israel starts, it will hardly spill over neighbor
    countries of the region. Though, experts hope it will be possible to
    avoid the conflict.

    The second factor is the U.S. position on Karabakh. If the belonging
    of certain territories to the Armenian side and the presence of the
    Karabakh military-political unit is a bargaining chip of the U.S. just
    with Azerbaijan, so what is meaning of this auction for the last 20
    years? Why should the U.S. which has done much to preserve the status
    quo in Nagorno-Karabakh should change its attitude towards Azerbaijan,
    for which it has a lot of other levers of influence?

    Nevertheless, the play of muscles continues in the region. The CSTO
    Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha said that in case of escalation of
    conflict in Karabakh, Armenia will receive all the necessary support.

    The third field army of Turkey, the headquarters of which is situated
    in Erzrum, is holding massive maneuvers near the Armenian border in
    the Kars province. The president and the prime minister of Turkey
    are following the exercises.

    The Azerbaijani military forces also started large-scale maneuvers
    along the Nagorno Karabakh border on February 22. In Yerevan, on
    February 21-23, were held Armenian-Georgian joint command-staff
    exercises on the "detection and prevention of the spread of weapons
    of mass destruction".
