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BAKU: French senator to 'crusade' against genocide bill

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  • BAKU: French senator to 'crusade' against genocide bill, Azerbaijan
    Jan 5 2012

    French senator to 'crusade' against genocide bill
    Thu 05 January 2012 11:49 GMT | 13:49 Local Time

    Senator Nathalie Goulet has vowed to wage a crusade against the
    adoption by the French Senate of a law that would criminalize genocide

    The bill, which is expected to be debated in the Senate later this
    month, would make it a crime to deny any genocide recognized by
    France, including denial that the 1915 killings of Armenians in the
    Ottoman Empire were genocide.

    Senator Nathalie Goulet told French website Turquie-News that she
    would start "a crusade against the proposal by Madame Boyer".

    She said that she would raise awareness of the issues amongst all
    political groups in order to "reframe the debate and bring it back to
    the legal arena, away from the counterproductive electioneering into
    which it has fallen".

    In a press release published by Turquie-News on 5 January, Nathalie
    Goulet called on Turkish organizations to trust the Senate and not to
    resort to the lobbying practised by their opponents.

    "Any attempt at pressure or piracy would harm the cause that we are
    defending together. In a democracy, debate is expressed through

    She added: "I understand the anger of the Turkish people and of our
    compatriots of Turkish origin living in France, but the Senate debate
    should be exemplary. Let's leave pressure and electoral blackmail to
    others. Many senators do not know the subject and have not yet decided
    how to vote. Let's allow them to take their position and let's trust
    the Senate."

    She recalled in conclusion that the Senate had voted down a similar text in May.

    Nathalie Goulet is an outspoken opponent of the criminalization of
    genocide denial and of "memory laws".

    Speaking at the end of December, she criticized Patrick Devedjian,
    president of the General Council of Hauts-de-Seine, for describing
    Turkey as a threat.

    "It's simply disgraceful and not worthy of a former minister of the
    Republic to express himself in this way about a country with which we
    have diplomatic relations and which is a major player in international
    diplomacy," Goulet said.

    "Armenia is not a threat!? Really? The country is poor, a victim of
    its policy towards Russia. Yes. But it has been illegally occupying
    Azerbaijani territory for 20 years and is to blame for massacres,
    notably at Khojaly," she continued.

    "Armenia was a victim in 1915, but it has since joined the camp of the
    executioners. Armenia should liberate the occupied territories of
    Karabakh and free itself from the Soviet yoke. The victims of 1915 do
    not justify this aggression!"

    She said that if the denial of genocide were criminalized, the victims
    of Armenian aggression could seek reparations through the French

    "Everything is not black and white in the Caucasus, but if Mme Boyer's
    text is, unfortunately, voted through the Senate and passes through
    the filter of the Constitutional Council, I am not worried, as I know
    that the victims of Armenian aggression in Karabakh and in the
    Azerbaijani territories illegally occupied by Armenia will come and
    find recognition and reparation in the French courts."

