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BAKU: Some Kuwaiti Arabs believe 'fairy tales' of local Armenians

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  • BAKU: Some Kuwaiti Arabs believe 'fairy tales' of local Armenians

    News.Az, Azerbaijan
    Jan 5 2012

    Some Kuwaiti Arabs believe 'fairy tales' of local Armenians
    Thu 05 January 2012 07:13 GMT | 9:13 Local Time

    News.Az interviews chief of the Society of Culture and Friendship
    `Azerbaijan-Kuwait' Konul Hajizade.

    How many Azerbaijanis are there in Kuwait today?

    Some 45-50 people.

    How long have you been living in Kuwait?

    Already 10 years.

    The Society of Culture and Friendship `Azerbaijan-Kuwait' marks the
    first anniversary these days.

    Yes, if exactly, our organization was created on 31 December 2011.

    Why did you decide to create the first diaspora organization in
    Kuwait? What prompted this?

    Before creation of this organization, we had actually carried the
    diaspora activity. For many years, we have carried out events related
    to Azerbaijan and marked holidays. We tried to make so that the
    Kuwaitis could learn more about Azerbaijan. And last year the
    Azerbaijani ambassador in Kuwait Tural Rzayev offered my candidacy as
    the chairman of the diaspora organization.

    I did not mind. But I have to note once again that together with my
    husband - Kuwaiti citizen Vadi Ali-we were earlier more than active in
    terms of popularizing of Azerbaijan. We tried to do so that more
    people could learn about our culture, our problems, our lifestyle, our
    cuisine. It is encouraging to note that all Azerbaijanis of Kuwait are
    currently united in the framework of our diaspora organization and are
    a single front in all directions.

    What do the Kuwaitis know about Azerbaijan? How do they treat our
    country and representatives of our diaspora?

    Our embassy opened here in 2004. So until then as soon as they heard
    the word "Azerbaijan", they immediately associated it with the Soviet
    Union. However, since the opening of the Embassy the situation changed
    for better. I won't lie if I say that today 99% of Kuwaitis know a
    country like Azerbaijan.

    As for their attitude, there can be no complaints. Azerbaijan and
    Kuwait are Islamic countries, Eastern countries. We have much in
    common, cuisine, nature and landscape. All this can not but pull us
    together and influence the positive attitude of Kuwaitis to

    Incidentally, I have to note that at the moment a lot of Kuwaitis
    visit Azerbaijan as tourists and for a business trip. And they all say
    only good things about Azerbaijan. That is, the interest in Azerbaijan
    in Kuwait is growing.

    What is the biggest problem of Azerbaijanis in Kuwait?

    You know, Kuwait does not interfere in the internal affairs of other
    states and does not allow citizens of other countries to try to solve
    their problems within the territorial boundaries of this country. That
    is, we cannot go there for a rally, picket some institutions, etc. It
    is just that. But this is not a serious problem, since we can always
    express our protest in writing. In general, Kuwait is a very
    democratic state, which is, undoubtedly, a rejoicing fact.

    How many Armenians are there in Kuwait and are they active enough in
    their propaganda efforts?

    There are more Armenians than Azerbaijanis. Somewhere around two
    thousand people. They have their own diaspora, their church. All the
    time they carry out their deceitful policies associated with the
    so-called "genocide." At every meeting we bring to the attention of
    the Kuwaiti public the whole truth about those events. We tell them
    that these were Armenian dashnaks who terminated Turks and
    Azerbaijanis. Unfortunately, among Kuwaiti Arabs there are the
    pro-Armenian ones who are eager to believe the "fairy tales" of the
    local Armenians and support them.

    However, we do not stop. We always speak about the fact that the
    Armenians are lying, while brazenly misappropriating historical merits
    of other nations, as well as the culinary and musical achievements of
    the Azerbaijanis.

    Hamid Hamidov
